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Relatório de analistas, 17 pages

The Conclusive Benefits of Workload Storage Consolidation

Massive enterprise data growth is driving the demand to create efficiencies within enterprise storage. Leaders that are able to implement consolidation strategies are finding success, resulting in improved operator productivity, data sharing, and significant cost savings as they move to fewer, more capable platforms.

In this report, IDC outlines the challenges, benefits and, most importantly, steps to building a strong workload consolidation strategy. Ensuring the infrastructure used for dense consolidation continues to provide the application performance, availability, and scalability capabilities required.

Read the report for guidance on how to: 

  • Set consolidation objectives for your organization
  • Categorize workloads and commonalities to discover efficiencies
  • Choose a platform for dense storage workload consolidation

“With data growing at roughly 40% a year and IT budgets only growing at 10% to 12% per year, CIOs should absolutely be pursuing intelligent workload consolidation strategies.”

Eric Burgener
Research Vice President, Infrastructure Systems
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