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Relatório de analistas, 16 pages

The True Economic Impact of Storage-as-a-Service

How do you master your data and not let it master you?

Today data storage represents nearly 2% of bank earnings. And that percentage is ballooning by a compound annual growth rate of 20%. In this paper, Rubin Worldwide demonstrates how data storage masters are those that have adopted new paradigms to enable economic agility.

Download this original research to learn:

  • What are data sprawl and data intensity?
  • How does the increased use of unstructured data affect storage requirements?
  • How can you leverage new agile consumption models to address business volatility?
  • Can your organization take advantage of a cloud operating model—regardless of where your data resides?

Moore’s Law is dead. Data economics has reached a breaking point. Simply put, companies need to take a more deliberate approach to optimize data storage and related costs.

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  • Relatório de analistas
  • Evergreen//One
  • Serviços financeiros
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