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3 pages, Resumen de la solución

Pure Storage FlashBlade for Electronic Design Automation (EDA)

Test fast and iterate better for an accelerated EDA production workflow with improved chip design quality enabled by Pure Storage.
  • Resumen de la solución
  • Evergreen//Forever
  • FlashBlade//S
  • Pure1
  • Análisis de datos
  • Aplicaciones empresariales
  • Contenedores
  • Continuidad del negocio
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Nube híbrida
  • Ransomware
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Simplify and Accelerate Genomics Pipelines with Pure Storage and Intel
How Pure Storage FlashBlade//S and Intel Xeon processors can accelerate processing, enable scalability, support data security, and reduce costs in a single data platform.
Informe técnico
11 pages
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