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You Don't Need to be a Kubernetes Expert to Protect your Apps with Portworx Backup-as-a-Service

Learn how Portworx BaaS can drive faster application deployments, simplify day-to-day operations, and provide tight integrations for cloud apps.
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Mm. Hello, everyone. Welcome to pure accelerate breakfast 22. I'm I'm a product manager in the port Works BU which is the cloud native business unit. NPR. I'm gonna talk about what works back up as a service offering which is meant for communities applications and how you don't really need to
be an expert in communities to start protecting your applications with portraits back up as a service offering before we get into what the offering really is and the value that it provides. Let's look at what's happening. Uh, with communities among organisations enterprise organisations around the world. 56% of organisations are already using communities in production today,
uh, for all kinds of applications from their tier one tier two to even the mission critical applications. 35% of organisations are planning to use containers in the near future. So that's a large percentage of organisations deploying communities that already have deployed communities for the production workloads.
But 82% of these organisations are concerned that the current data protection solution that they use for the traditional solutions won't meet the requirements and challenges of their future business workloads. So that is a big number A very large number of organisations that do not think that their current data protection solution, uh will meet their future requirements. And among these,
67% of organisations are still struggling to find the right data protection solution for the cloud native applications. They're still evaluating what's the right fit for the new age coordinated applications that they are deploying? There's another trend that's also shipping, uh, taking clip in organisations around the world. And that's the as a service trend.
Customers are increasingly practising, uh, integrated backups and the solutions that are available as a service. In fact, back up as a service is the second most brother protest as a service solution among all the other saz trends that organisations are moving to it And the reason for that obviously is there just simplicity, Uh, that back up as a service solution provides now it comes now when it comes to protecting
communities, uh, applications and kilometre applications there are three. The main challenges that customers typically uh, struggle with the first one is the difficulty of protecting the application, uh, in communities and not just the data, So a mission focus of revolutions um requires manual intervention to back up the data separately as well as the community's resources separately.
And they don't understand the communities that they don't understand the application Centre city that communities provide, um, and scaling this protection, uh, solutions is time consuming. If you're using a traditional mission focused on mission based on data focused data protection solution because they don't really scale as quickly, they're not meant to be very agile.
Um, while the Cuban it is, while the clown in the world is extremely agile, where applications can be deployed and redeployed anywhere on any cloud really quickly. Uh, the third big challenge that customers work with is the daily management that is required for data protection solutions that I mission focused again. So you need to manage them, deploy them, upgrade them,
take care of the supportive comments for them, scale them and all of this just for the backup software and take care of its availability. All of those challenges that were considered normal in the traditional deployment world become extremely challenging. The cloud native communities world where the application can be rapidly deployed can scale really rapidly, can be deployed on any cloud and has the flexibility to move between clouds
and compromised data centres really seamlessly. So the challenges of a high touch software backup software that the customer manages on their own become exaggerated in this new world. And that's where part looks back at the service comes in, so it really makes Daisy ran data operations simpler than ever, even with the networks back absolution still a customer depart solution.
But what networks are back at the service provides is a control plane where customers can rapidly scale up the data protection for all of the cloud. Native applications really speed up the implementation of the application itself because you can deploy an application and protecting into protection only when the protection Uh, part of it is also configured and up and running,
and that becomes much, much simpler products back up as a service. So what, uh, looks back up at the service office is fast, easy secure backups at the Cuban at the application level, so entire application is protected. Is migrated is recovered. It's not just the data or just the community's resources.
It's a combination of all of them, uh, that that gets protected. It's really easy to scale the protection for applications. Once you add the humanities cluster into, uh, Botox back up as a service, you can basically protecting application or the name space in a few seconds. In fact, late in the session, I'll show your demo on how quickly that can be executed.
And it really simplifies the day to day management of your backup diploma or backup stuff because it's offered as a service. Simply control plane with the UI that you log into and start using right off in a few minutes without having to do any management of the software deployment itself. The backup software deployment itself so you don't need to worry about the upgrade, the availability, the up time,
the scalability. All of that is handled by Port Works, given that this is Accosted Control plane for end customers. So let's look at some of the key tenants that photos back up as a service brings, uh, in the one that zero release itself. Photos by a couple of services. Now G a G eight on 16th of May, uh, and what it already brings in the one that General
Washington is a cloud host. It's asking too plain that is easy to consume. Easy to deploy, easy to scale. It also brings in auto discovery for a WCBS clusters. So if you're running your communities applications on A W S on the case clusters, uh, it just takes a couple of clicks to add any case, cluster into products like opposite service, discovered the applications and names
places and start protecting. Uh, in a few minutes, you'll go from not having their data protection, uh, configured for their applications to having it fully protected. Uh, just a few clicks. It also brings in multi tenancy support at two levels. So you can manage your network service offerings at an organisation level,
uh, and have multiple instances of protests back up the service stunning across the organisation to cater to the isolation requirements or multi tenancy comments we have within the organisation, Um, and as well between a single instance of, uh, products back as a service, you can have different roles and have a short term or that will show you how, how easily that is accomplished, it can connect to clusters
anywhere in the cloud. There is, uh, to discuss the future available for a W yes, but you can connect really to any cluster running anywhere. And we also brought in enhanced our back support to two different level, Um, and two different hierarchies of roles, uh, and that can meet different requirements for different organisations, depending on how the teams is structured,
what permissions required for a specific set of users. It also offers custom roll secretion of customs, which is custom permissions for organisations that really need to find dune at the way the the teams and the and and their organisation admin structure is created. So how do you How do you get started on products back at the service?
It's really simple. Go to central that Botox dot com. Uh, choose your Botox product. If you go to Botox backup file, you'll see a leader. But emphasis. When you click on that, you can get started. UH, is a free trial washing a sandbox washing that you can use with no payment or credit card or anything else?
That's what required. It's free to use for anybody who registers unsettled at dot com. And then there is, of course, a enterprise wash in that comes with a whole host of and the best class, uh, teachers and support that you that you can get by talking to a cell phone. Says person, let me quickly show you a demo on how easy that,
uh, flow is. So I am on central products dot com. Um, you can sign in with your email and password if you're registered with that. We're also integrated with already. See, so you can sign in it already. See, um, I haven't already see that integrated with Google. So I'm gonna sign in with Google.
Um, just simply click. I'll end up on the landing page of, uh, central products dot com. I already have a service running. If you don't, you end up on the catalogue page, which will show you all the offerings from products. So this protects enterprise. These products back up, and there's politics, Status services.
Uh, put us back up as two variants. Now the compromised version. If you want to have a whole state deployment of protests, backup on in your environment that you want to fully managed, and then there's a satisfaction is just the trucks back up as a service Russian that we're talking about here. So you can sass, we'll be able to choose the planet. Uh, there's the sandbox trial washing,
which is the free trial version that you can use up to 30 days, uh, allows you to create two backup instances, uh, and gets you a part two a seamless. Agreed to fix my accent. Uh, enterprise washing. And then there is the enterprise washing, which is the full featured enterprise solution that you can deploy and run at scale for hundreds of Cuban dis clusters on the go.
Uh, what I'll do is create, uh, start to create a sandbox. Trial instance we all have to do is limit. So I'm gonna have a frequently your name, and I'm just gonna name it. So I click on the licence agreement and then click on submit so you'll see that the new instances of picks back up as a service is already priced like this may take a few minutes. I already have an existing instance of,
uh, picks back up as a service that's running as well. So these are two multi tenant instances, um, that are running on my, uh, control plane for back as a service, and you can see the simplicity with which I was able to just create and launch a new instance. So that's that's how simple it is to get started.
Uh, once you get started, you can also set up your organisation account. You can manage who from your organisation has the right role and permissions to create new services to create new instances and what their privileges are. You can set up an external already see for an organisation to integrate them, and you can then create multiple black business service, uh,
services on demand. So let's look at how that could scale. So I have another instance here that, uh, running and that gives for which in organisation has created a temporary organisation of which I am an admin. So if you go look at my profile here, um, so there's an organisation called the X product management and I am the advent for it. So this gives me additional privileges.
I can go set up an already see which is really simple process to do. There's an already see actually already created, which is how I locked in, uh, as I said earlier in the demo, I can also manage uses. Um, so It's really simple to invite users. I can search the existing users that have created. So I have another user Fred here, who started
as a manager while I am the admin for the entire organisation. So full privileges to other users set up already see create new such instances. I can, of course, go to invite users. Look at all the other users, have invited or add a new email address and and invite them over to, um, this suck. And so it's It's really simple to add
additional users in your organisation who have formations, um, to create and manage new services as well. And then once you've added your organisation level users and you've created your instances, what do I want to do is actually manage each of these multi tenant instances like I mentioned, uh, each instance is its own Um, deployment of backup has its own clusters and applications it
manages has its own cloud settings, so it's entirely isolated from each other. So if you have three business units in your company that need isolation between them or if you're a service provider, that needs to have, uh instance, catered to a different and customer. That's entirely possible. Um, and that's entirely possible in a simple few clicks on the UI.
So let's go look at the instance that had created um, just alerting the demo, Um, that was pure storage engine to which is now active. This was in the closing stages just a few minutes ago and have the earlier instance that had created with just marriage in one. So I go click on the instance I'll be taken to a new tap, and this new tab is dedicated to that instance of picks back up.
So that service that's running there and what we'll see here is I have to cluster that are already added, will come to how you can add classes in just a few clicks. But if you go to the users here, you'll see that it's a different set of uses and different set of rules. And these users and roles are specific to this specific backup as a service instance. But this is these users do not get right to the
organisation level hierarchy, and and the roles and permissions tell you invite users and mods users with in this instance, so with in this instance, as well since I created it, uh, I'll automatically be assigned role of, uh uh, There are rules that you can create and manage. There are three big and roles have had mean the abuser.
The environment has privileges for everything inside this, uh, this particular instance, uh, they can create cloud accounts, create backups, reveals, add back applications, uh, and basically manage their instant entirely. The app, I mean, have permissions to use existing cloud accounts and existing back applications to create statutes and rules for their specific applications.
And then we enable full self service for the abuser or the APP developers to actually execute backups and restores on their own. So they don't really need to reach out to the backup team or the in flight team to, uh, take backups and restore our restore their applications. They can do that, do that entirely on their own in a self service model. They, of course,
cannot modify or create cloud accounts or modify or change back applications of policies are schedules. They can use what has been created and shared to them by the inside man and they're black. And additionally, you can also create a custom roll that has a set of permissions that you choose so you can add a new a new role. Uh, you can have a description for it,
and then you can choose. What permissions? Um, they'll discuss them. Roll will have. So if you have, if you really want to fine tune the rules rules for the people in the team. For the person on the team, you can do that as well. So that's about managing roles within a single instance of the expected as a service.
Um, but once you've created an instance and you want to get started on protecting your application process, how do you do that? So that's really simple as well. So you've been launched into an instance. Uh, for instance, this is typically the the landing page. You'll see. You'll see a dashboard with the number of protected apps.
They protected data and the schedule backups, and this is a new instance, so there's not much that I have set up here. There's just one protected application and have predicted about four GB of data. Now, if you want to add a new cluster, uh, you can just go click and hard cluster If you have a pre configured cloud account that will show up here, you could also add a new cloud account.
So you could that could be from any of the public cloud providers are, uh, Cuban. It is clustered as well. So I have a few, uh, very promising cloud account. So I'm gonna choose one of them, and it recognises that this is incredibly as account. It asked me for the region. Um, so I just specify the region that I want to
discover clusters in I click on Miss Kaur clusters. So what it's doing is discovering the clusters associated this cloud account in the region that has specified it to discovering. So you will see that here. So we've discovered, uh, clusters associated with depression Cloud account in the region US West to, uh, there are about 30 clusters that I've discovered I can choose.
I can search for them, so I'm gonna search for one that I've already had it. You can see that it shows a tick mark, and it shows added, and it's great out because I've already added discussed, uh, of course, if I remove the search, I'll be able to see all of this clusters again so I can simply click any one of them and click and add. I'm not doing that.
Just because I have one that's added as well to adding, is just a few clicks, um, to get started on protecting their applications. Once you add a cluster that will show up on your dashboard page, this is the cluster that we saw in the discord cluster list. Once this, classes added, I can click on and usually cluster,
Um, I it list oil. The, uh this is the name spaces for me. Uh, I can then click on that and click on Back Up, and I'm ready to get started. So just a few clicks from actually creating investments to hiding in a cluster, backing up an application in just a few minutes. And that's that's the simplicity that back up as a service provides.
So, uh, surely the floor to adding a new cluster now when we want to start protecting their applications here is where, uh, value prop of backup service and Botox backup in general comes into picture. So let's look at how that is done. So what would happen, typically is I would have set up iCloud accounts. If not, you can do that with a few simple plates.
Um, I have three conflict accounts here, but all you need really is just going to add click on which cloud country adding, and that will ask you for a few details on credentials for the cloud account. And then you could click Add if you are ones that have already provisioned. Um, you could use that. Are you Can you add a new back application? And that's again really simple Tuesday of the
cloud account you have, uh, i'll ask you for if this is an S three account, for example, it will ask you for the part for the bucket, the region and the end point, and you can add up like application. I've already added to, um for simplicity for the demo purpose, but it really is just a few clicks, uh, to do that.
So once you've done that, I can go to a cluster. Uh, I can choose any application. Uh, and I can select the resources within that application or name space that I want to protect. So in this case, um, this particular, uh, as is a minuscule application. So it's got a deployment. It's got a persistent, uh, volume claimer BBC, which is the data part.
So here I am backing up both the, uh resource as well as the associated data. So it's really simple to just, um they select water sources I have and click apply to start backing it up. Or I could alternatively go and select Set a rule for selecting all of the resources are in individual resources. Among the applications that I really want to back up.
So here, by default, it's electrolysis is I could even click select all and let's say just only the deployment and BBC or any other combination that are just the secrets of the role binding. And when I click on, uh, particular application will show me that I'm only backing up these four resources. I'm gonna click back up here so you could do it, uh, in a central,
uh, level in the ui to sort of, uh, pre select the resources you wanna back up for all of your application name spaces. Or you could do it at an unusual application and name space level as well. So a lot of flexibility in how that is set up and how that is executed. Um, let's do an actual backup of a application here. So I'm going to the other, uh, clusters that
I've added. Um, I'm going to this. Mine is clearly a first application that I have. Um I have a lot of resources here. I'll show you the ones that I have, but we will try to back up all of the resources at once. Um, so you can see I have a PVC. I have a state Will said, um, so I'm gonna click and apply. So go go and give them back up.
I can enter a name for this back up, so I'm gonna call it, uh, 11. Uh, i'll choose a backup location. So in this case, uh, as you can see, there are two different back applications, and there's a lock next to, uh, the second back application. This indicates that this is a ransomware protect.
I'm back application. So this is an object like to enable back application, So I'm gonna choose this one. I can either choose to back up right away, or I can do it on a schedule. Uh, I'll just choose one time manual backup. If I want to execute pre and post exact rules, I could do that same as well. I'm not gonna do that yet just for simplicity. And I go quick and create.
So it really is that simple to back up an entire application. We're just a few clicks on back up the service. Uh, you can see I have a previous backup that have already taken with one volume and three resources. And there's a new backup that's also getting executed, Uh, the one that we just started as well.
So that's really how simple it is to start protecting your applications. And there's a lot of flexibility in what resources fit in that application. You wanna backup? Uh, and what rules you want to say? What schedules you want to create all of that? We're just a few easy clicks on backup service. You I.
So how do you licence back? Opposite service service brings in a new simple licencing model that's consumption based and is dependent on the protected capacity, the capacity that backup this service is protecting. So if you have 100 gigabytes of application data, you will pay a dollar per GDP per month, based on the application data that is getting protected by backup.
As a service, you do not have to pay for any other metrics. So we do not charge you for the backend capacity or the number of applications or the number of notes in a cluster. Um, none of that will have a impact on the actual backup licencing. It's really simple. It's really just one metric, um, the amount of application data that's getting protected,
Uh, and you'll have. You'll have to pay a dollar per GDP per month on a consumption basis for that. So one simple metric that scales with the value that you get out of out of back up as a service. So the more applications you protect, the more data that you are protecting the back of a service. That's, uh, that's when you are, uh, licencing. Gas will scale linear.
Leave it. You don't have to worry about any other metric. It's very simple as well for you to calculate and calculate your unpredicted cars based on the applications that you currently have in your communities cluster, as well as the additional communities clusters that are planning to deploy every time you are plan to deploy a new communities, cluster out a new set of applications.
It's really simple as well. At that point, to calculate what your licencing costs for backup will be so put up as a service is d A. There are additional benefits for applications in selected to discover that I showed on earlier. Um, Baca works really well with Amazon Nick Applications. Uh, of course, connects to cluster signing
everywhere. But if you have eks and put rocks back up together, it's a really strong solution, Uh, with a bunch of additional benefits over and above other communities clusters. I hope that was useful, uh, overview of backup service and a useful demo on what the key capabilities are and how easy it is to start using it already.
If you have more questions, do reach out to us. I'm available at, and she'll present that your storage dot com. You can also reach out to my product marketing manager Janet at G. W. I at your storage dot com. We're more than happy to give you a deep dive. Give access, uh, back up as a service to let it right out for yourself.
In fact, you can go to Central that protects dot com and start a free trial of backup as a service right now. So it's really simple to start trying it out already for your applications. And if you have more questions and more details were always there to provide them, thank you.
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  • Pure//Accelerate

Be one of the first to experience the speed and simplicity you can achieve using Portworx Backup-as-a-Service, an as-a-service offering for Kubernetes workloads. Learn how Portworx BaaS can drive faster application deployments, simplify day-to-day operations, and provide tight integrations for cloud apps. It can also automate onboarding and deployment workflows to help you quickly protect your applications running anywhere, whether on cloud or on-prem.

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