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Pure and Zenuity

Citizen Potawatomi Nation Protects Growing Data

Citizen Potawatomi Nation uses Pure Storage® to support the growing data demands to provide services to tribe members and preserve Potawatomi culture.

Pictured: Grand Entry – Tribal members enter the powwow arena at the annual Citizen Potawatomi Nation Family Reunion Festival Powwow.


Citizen Potawatomi Nation uses its IT infrastructure to support a wide range of services for tribe members, including commercial, cultural, government, and healthcare. Pure Storage FlashArray™ provides high performance to support all services. FlashBlade® provides scalability to handle more critical workloads, such as file storage and museum assets.


  • Government


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Activate Real-Time Analytics



With Pure Storage, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation gains high performance and scalability in a smaller footprint. The scalability helps the tribe increase data volumes to store digital assets critical to preserving its Native American culture.

Business Transformation

  • Preserves Potawatomi culture and language
  • Maintains control and expands data at its own pace
  • Delivers responsive services to tribe members

IT Transformation

  • Achieves 100% uptime with reliable storage performance
  • Eliminates forklift refreshes with non-disruptive Evergreen Storage™ upgrades
  • Reduces footprint and is simple to manage

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