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Graphcore and Pure Storage

Graphcore helps innovators create new breakthroughs in machine intelligence with their Intelligence Processing Unit hardware and Poplar® software. The IPU is the first processor designed specifically for artificial intelligence compute. When Graphcore compute is paired with Pure Storage FlashBlade®, a distributed file and object storage solution, customers have a complete AI-optimized infrastructure that delivers maximum performance, simplicity, and value for building and scaling AI capabilities.

Technology Alliance Partner
Areas of Focus
Advanced Analytics
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Deep Learning
Machine Intelligence
Machine Learning
  • Global
  • Technology Alliance Partner
  • Analytics & AI
  • Intelligence & Information Management
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Sede da Pure Storage

Av. Juscelino Kubitschek, 2041

Torre B, 5º andar - Vila Olímpia

São Paulo, SP

04543-011 Brasil

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