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39:21 Vídeo

Simplify Hybrid and Multi Cloud Data Mobility with Pure Replication Options

In this session, we cover various replication options that enable ease of data mobility between your on-premises FlashArray systems and the public cloud with Pure Cloud Block Store.
  • Nuvem híbrida
  • Cloud Block Store
  • FlashArray//XL
  • Vídeo
  • Pure//Accelerate
  • FlashArray//X
  • FlashArray//C

Hybrid cloud is a great approach for reducing costs and lowering risk while enhancing agility and scalability. To be successful in your hybrid cloud journey, you need to ensure that your data has frictionless mobility to move as per your evolving business needs.

In this session, we cover various replication options that enable ease of data mobility between your on-premises FlashArray systems and the public cloud with Pure Cloud Block Store. We will showcase asynchronous replication, active-active synchronous replication, and continuous replication to meet all of your RPO and RTO requirements.

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