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58:01 Webinars

How Evergreen Storage Simplifies Hybrid and Multicloud Solutions

Learn how Pure's Cloud Block Store is Evergreen and provides enterprise-grade storage features for your hybrid and multicloud application requirements.
This webinar first aired on 14 de Outubro de 2020
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  • Webinars
  • Evergreen//Forever
  • Nuvem híbrida
  • Cloud Block Store
  • Vários tipos de nuvem
  • Tech Talks

David Stamen

Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

Cody Hosterman

Director of Product Management - Cloud, Pure Storage

Hybrid and multicloud solutions require simple, efficient, enterprise-grade storage that works seamlessly on-premises and in the cloud. Moreover, cloud storage needs to be Evergreen, enabling new features, improvements, and capabilities to help customers with improved cloud storage without the hassle of decision tree charts and complex trade-offs between performance, cost and availability. Learn how Pure's Cloud Block Store is Evergreen and provides enterprise-grade storage features for your hybrid and multicloud application requirements.

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