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E-book, 11 pages

Redefining the Modern Workspace with VDI

Redefining the Modern Workspace with VDI

The office space has been undeniably redefined. Today’s employees are just as likely to be working from a home office or a coffee shop, as they are from an office cubicle. With a continuingly remote, and mobile workforce, organizations must take an active role in ensuring employees can stay connected, productive, and safe.

In this ebook, you’ll discover:

  • Guidance to stay connected, productive, and safe
  • Advice on how to simplify the move to a modern workspace
  • Insights into how Pure Storage customers have already taken advantage of these benefits
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  • E-book
  • 가상 데스크탑 인프라(VDI)
  • 가상 데스크탑 인프라(VDI)
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