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Considerations for Kafka at Scale: Containerization, Security and Resiliency

Real time event streaming based on Apache Kafka is enabling digital transformation in virtually all industries globally. The transition from taking action in "batch mode", to on a real-time basis, can save millions in early fraud detection, or make millions by improving customer experience. 

Significant challenges exist to making the move to real-time. First and foremost is consideration of regulatory compliance in a particular industry and geography. In parallel, architecture teams must decide on a deployment model that best meets the needs of the organization. 

Confluent and Pure Storage offer an integrated real time event streaming solution that supports global scale and the most stringent regulatory requirements. In this online talk, we'll break the problem down into the following 3 areas:

  • Deployment Topologies, with specific emphasis on containerization
  • Security
  • Resiliency

Subject Matter Experts from Confluent and Pure Storage will detail our solutions for each area, and close with example customers that have met these challenges head-on.


Muzaffar Ali

Principal Data Architect, Pure Storage

Marc Selwan

Product Manager, Confluent
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