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Democratising Storage

The size of your organisation (or workload) shouldn't dictate the value of your data. You need access to advanced data security, performance and management features that keep getting better over time.

So why do legacy storage providers offer high-end, “enterprise” functionality but force everyone else to put up with the watered-down features available on so-called “mid-range” storage systems?

If you’re sick of being treated like this, our Regcast will explain why you wouldn’t be forced to settle for mid-range functionality if you had a software-centric architecture to provide the performance, security and agility you need to drive your business. Storming the barricades with The Reg’s Tim Phillips will be Sam Marraccini and Kevin Rickson of Pure Storage, and Steve McDowell of Moor Insights & Strategy. The revolution starts here:

  • How you suffer from the legacy class distinction in storage.
  • The ways in which a software-centric architecture breaks down those barriers.
  • Starting the revolution in your organisation.

Sam Marraccini

Director, Partner Solutions Marketing, Pure Storage

Kevin Rickson

Director Customer Experience Marketing, Pure Storage
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