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Rise of STaaS

If you want proof that digital transformation strategies are in full swing, look no further than the current data explosion. Businesses across every industry are doubling down on their data strategies and have realized the importance of their storage systems being agile, simple, and flexible.

However, many executives are unhappy with their data storage systems. A recent survey of 430 business leaders by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services (HBR-AS) finds that 57% say their current storage system makes it difficult to share data across their organization.

On July 21, in a live, interactive HBR-AS webinar, Alex Clemente will share the results from this recent pulse survey about the growth of data storage as a service (STaaS) as an alternative to traditional data-storage systems.

He will then lead a discussion with Prakash Darji, general manager of Digital Technology Services Group at Pure Storage, on how organizations can use STaaS to optimize their performance. Darji and Clemente will share their perspectives on the HBR-AS survey results and discuss:

Struggles surrounding traditional data storage

  • The growth of data storage and the need for flexible, agile storage systems
  • Economic and security benefits of STaaS
  • Tips for realizing the strategic potential of STaaS
  • The outlook for storage as a service, and the next wave of STaaS innovations

For insights on how to improve your organization's data storage systems—as well as your organization's use of data and your overall business performance—join Prakash Darji and Alex Clemente on July 21 for this HBR-AS webinar on The Rise of Data Storage as a Service.

Alex Clemente

Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, Harvard University

Prakash Darji

General Manager, Digital Technology Services Group, Pure Storage
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