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Pure Storage + T-Mobile

Accelerating Application Development with Portworx
at T-Mobile

When T-Mobile revolutionized its application development environment with Kubernetes and needed persistent storage for stateful applications, Portworx by Pure Storage was the clear winner.

5 분


The first and largest nationwide 5G network provider, T-Mobile embraced Kubernetes to increase the bandwidth of its many application teams developing both internal and customer-facing apps. Using Portworx by Pure Storage for stateful data storage, T-Mobile now has a scalable development environment with several hundred clusters, tens of thousands of nodes, and a track record of performance and availability. Portworx makes it simple for developers to operate independently, with self-service access to persistent storage for containers and virtual machines.

Accelerating Application Development with Portworx at T-Mobile

Accelerating Application Development with Portworx at T-Mobile
5 분


T-Mobile needed an intuitive way to safely store stateful data and perform routine maintenance without impacting developers, who wanted the benefits of containerization for all applications without dependence on the platform team. T-Mobile wanted to support both containers and virtual machines regardless of platform, and the solution had to be reliable, scalable, and high performance to gain developers confidence and increase their velocity.

“T-Mobile has partnered with Portworx by Pure Storage since the beginning of our Kubernetes journey. The majority of our applications now run within Kubernetes, and the efficiency we're getting compared to the architecture before is pretty amazing.”

Ameer Dixit

Platform Architect, T-Mobile


With Portworx, developers operate independently and seldom interact with the platform team for access to underlying storage. Portworx gained their trust, providing a highly reliable data platform even during maintenance and upkeep and allowing T-Mobile to reduce replicas without slowing their busy storage workloads. Portworx runs in virtualized environments and on bare metal, with developers simply picking their storage classes for containers or VMs. This simplicity enables thousands of T-Mobile developers to use Portworx every day with very little documentation.

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