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Meditech and Pure Storage

The next digital transformation of healthcare is underway, and MEDITECH is leading the charge with Expanse, the only full-scale Electronic Health Records (EHR) designed specifically for the post-meaningful use era. 

As a leading EHR vendor for more than 45 years, MEDITECH offers cutting-edge solutions helping organizations view healthcare through a new lens and navigate this virtual landscape with unparalleled vision and clarity.

Pure Storage partners with MEDITECH to provide its hospital and other EHR customers with a data platform that is innovative, efficient, and secure, protecting against ransomware and malware attacks. With backup-as-a-service, hospitals can back up their MEDITECH data to both on-premises storage and the cloud—and restore data from either location.

Technology Alliance Partner
Areas of Focus
Backup and Recovery
Digital Transformation
Disaster Recovery
Electronic Health Records
Healthcare Services
  • Technology Alliance Partner
  • Healthcare
  • Intelligence & Information Management
  • 글로벌

“Our investment in Pure Storage allows us to retain full control of our infrastructure, without running up operating expenses. We’ve had nothing but 100% uptime ever since.”

Vice President and CIO, Halifax Health
Mike Marques


Manage and Protect Your MEDITECH Environment

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30F 아셈타워,

517 영동대로,

강남구, 서울


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