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Informe de analistas, 3 pages

Discover Unified Fast File and Object (UFFO) Storage

Unified Fast File and Object (UFFO) Storage

Unstructured data volumes continue to grow at an unprecedented rate, with organizations relying on this data for regulatory, analytic, and decision-making purposes.  Organizations need a more efficient way to manage this data without adding more data storage complexity.

Read Pure Unified Fast File and Object Storage from Enterprise Strategy Group to learn how a new category of storage, unified fast file and object (UFFO), can help. In this report, you’ll discover:

  • The importance of unstructured data to achieve digital transformation
  • The top five common challenges to support unstructured data
  • How UFFO provides a single platform optimized for modern applications and delivers simplicity and multi-dimensional performance

“Traditional, siloed storage environments cannot deliver the capabilities modern businesses demand. Pure Storage unified fast file and object solutions could represent the core of a strategy to achieve ‘data-value maximization.”

Scott Sinclair, Sr. Analyst; and Monya Keane, Sr. Research Analyst
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