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Informe de analistas, 12 pages

The Rise of Data Storage as a Service

The Rise of Data Storage as a Service

Organizations rely on data to drive decision-making and require an agile data storage solution that makes it easy to manage, consolidate, and distribute data from multiple sources. Traditional data storage models are no longer sufficient. Storage as a service (STaaS) is an intriguing alternative.

Read the research report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services to learn why IT executives believe STaaS is the way forward. Insights include:

  • Why agility and flexibility are critical to how organizations use and analyze data
  • Operational benefits of STaaS over traditional storage models
  • Where executives see STaaS excelling

“Sometimes, you’re willing to pay a little bit more for a service because it provides more value—better availability, better scalability, more flexibility.”

Kevin O’Donnell, CFO
DC Blox
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