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Channeling Change: How to Drive Growth in a World of Evolving IT

Digital transformation means different things to different businesses. For some, it can mean moving certain workloads to the cloud. For others, it can mean leaving their corporate data centers completely. And there are many ways to reach these destinations.

Despite the ambiguity, one thing is clear: The world isn’t waiting on us. It is changing and we need to change with it.

In this innovator panel, we will bring thought leaders together from across industries to discuss embracing digital transformation in an ever-changing IT landscape. You’ll discover:

  • What digital transformation really means — and what it really takes
  • How the role of IT has changed for organizations in the past 5 years and the impact those changes have on CIOs and IT leaders
  • How to align your transformation approach to your business goals (incremental improvements vs. dramatic transformation)

Jack Hogan

VP Technology Strategy, Pure Storage

Josh Prewitt

General Manager - OpenStack, Rackspace

Dan Houdek

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Rackspace
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