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SafeMode 101

How ready are you for a ransomware attack? Find out how SafeMode ensures the security of your data and mitigates the risks of social engineering and inside actors.
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Unfortunately, data loss and reduced worker productivity is an imminent threat that it organizations should be prepared for an astonishing. 71% of organizations have reported suffering a significant outage that has impacted their ability to do business. And with a third of those events occurring within the last two years and to no one's surprise ransomware and security related
attacks are a leading cause of these outages. Traditional storage snapshots and data protection software are not enough to protect the integrity of your data and can leave you exposed pure storage safe mode, takes a proactive stance to ensure the security of your data and can turn significant outages into manageable incidents
at a high level. There are four stages of a ransomware attack. First, the Attackers will find a way into your systems and your environment. This could be through application security vulnerabilities, weak user passwords, email phishing attacks, or it could even be a disgruntled employee. Second, they will be looking to identify sensitive data that is of importance to you and
to your business. And this could be a lot of different things depending on your field or the industry you work in customer personal information, credit card data, intellectual property, et cetera, whatever it may be, just know, it'll be something that is of importance to you. After that data has been identified, they will then encrypt it thus blocking your ability to
access it. Third, they will remove any ability you might have to recover that encrypted data. Again, this could be the deletion of system backup snapshots, et cetera. Anything that would allow you to sidestep their attack and finally, you'll get the actual notification of the ransom itself as they hold your data hostage
until you pay them pure storage. Safe mode helps protect you in the case of a ransom smart attack by ensuring your ability to quickly and cleanly recover the encrypted data. Thus stopping you from having to pay the ransom. But how do we do that? You might ask by building on top of our industry leading snapshots that are immutable and indelible. Thus taking them one step further,
meaning that after they've been created, they can't be modified or deleted in pure storage terms. When an object or snapshot is destroyed, that object is placed into the eradication bucket. So while it has been destroyed, it isn't really gone. The eradication bucket is configured with a timer of 14 days by default.
And that's, that determines how long a destroyed object will remain in the eradication bucket. Only after that timer expires can objects in the eradication bucket actually be eradicated or truly deleted from the system. This will stop an attacker from being able to hold your data for ransom as it cripples their ability to from stopping you from recovering your data.
But don't take my word for it. Explore pure 360 for interactive demonstrations to see how you will be better protected with pure storage.
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