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Digital Bytes: Pure1® and Hot Wings - Spicing Up Your Pure Data Resiliency

The all new Data Protection Assessment in Pure1 is all about helping you to maximise your data resiliency with Pure Storage from disasters such as accidental data deletion and..
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And in the simulation. Okay. You're right. Oh wow. I'm not having to talk so it's not as bad for me. Welcome back to Digital blades. I'm here with, wait, wait. Oh yeah.
Your digital digital bites now. Alright. So Matt, I hear that you guys are doing a lot of really cool new innovations with pure one but you know, and I wanted you to demo it for me but it wouldn't be fun to just do a regular demo. So what I did is I got five really, really hot hot sauces and there on the wings in front of us. So I'm gonna challenge you to, we're going to
eat these as you do the demo. I want to see if you can maintain your composure and show me some cool stuff. All right on the way. Let's do this. So let's talk about data protection here, right? Like you don't want to get caught with your pants on fire here.
So let's do this. Alright. So let's do the first one. So this first one, this one didn't seem so bad. So I think you're gonna be okay. Cheers. Okay. That's not that bad but it's doable. Alright, Matt. So tell me it's actually pretty hot, tell me what we're doing here.
Okay. So this is the new data protection assessment within Pier One, you know, if you're looking to protect yourself from things like um ransomware or you know, malicious or accidental eradication of your snapshots, right? We've got safe mode and so what we're doing here is we're looking at your organization and how okay it's starting to kick in here,
you know, and you didn't bring any drinks. No. Okay. Alright. Failed, stay focused. So we're looking at at Pierre's leading practices as far as safety goes, making sure we've got regular snapshots. So taking snapshots once a day and maintaining little snapshots for seven days, then they're safe mode,
which is going to prevent manual eradication of those snapshots. And we want to have an eradication delay of at least seven days. So that's what we're measuring our appliances against. And we've got this great honeycomb view at the top here. Okay. And this is going to give us a good map.
We've categorized these by four different categories. So this one appliance, I've already got a filter here for this one array that we're looking at and this array is optimized, able. Okay. So let me show you what that means. So we can see a safe mode is disabled and eradication delay is one day on this array.
So the different categories that we have, there's caution, right? I think you should explain these after you have one more of the next. I think we should go to the next one and then you should explain it to me. Okay. You have the right one, right? Because you don't want to go. Okay.
Yeah, it's kind of like a yellow color. Okay. Alright. Okay. I was in the caution zone now. I'm in the optimism zone here. So caution basically means you don't have any local snapshots. You don't have safe mode enabled. Like there's nothing okay.
Optimism. That means you've got local snapshots like you're headed down the right path here. Okay. You got a local snapshots. Yeah, but there is no safe mode to prevent, to prevent those from being manually eradicated. Alright. Okay, good means you've got local snapshots this like this is only the second wing will go easy, go easy.
You're doing great. Good means you're headed down the right path. You've got local snapshots and you've got safe mode, right? Or replicated, right? We're replicating the snapshots to to another array that is then protected, protected by safe mode. And then advanced means you're all in.
Okay. So advanced, it means I have safe mode enabled. I'm good. You have safe mode enabled and doing local as well, local and you're replicating that to another array. So I'm totally, I got all my data protection, local remote and I'm good. If I from the victim of a ransomware attack, I have a recover point with safe mode.
Exactly. And you know, one thing to call out here to like safe mode is great, but it's your last line of defense, right? So those are the four different categories that we have. Now, what we've done, done with this data protection assessment, like you saw the first one, like I think there's a digital bites
episode that you did on this. So what we did in this new data protection assessment is we want to make it a lot more actionable. So we've created these recommendations. So for example, this is the way that we have. It's saying okay, increase your eradication, delay for this array,
right? Also enabled per object safe, safe mode. We can do safe mode at an array level or at an object level. And then lastly if you want to go the extra mile for more like disaster recovery kind of things, then you can look at replicating these to a different array. So those are the three things that we we can do today with this particular array.
And that's and I can do this on. If I have a whole fleet of pure systems, I can look at my entire fleet and you'll tell me exactly where those vulnerabilities are and I can decide to turn on, you know, however far I want to go out, I'm gonna spare you right now. I'm gonna have the next one and see if I can even pay attention to you. Because that last one,
I'm, I'm faking that like I'm really, that was really hot. I'm not maintaining composure, I'm pretending to maintain composure. So I'm gonna take this one and then I'll let you keep going cause I don't, I think, I think you need to take a break for a second. Don't worry, I will have the next week. So. Oh wow.
Okay. Yeah, that weight. Okay. Let's go draw this out, man. So, okay. So now what we can do is we look at the array itself, right? And again, I get some more information about the array. But if I don't want this to be part of the
assessment, I can just go ahead and exclude this array from that assessment. I don't want to see all these red cells. Okay. Now you might want to exclude it if it's just one that you, you know, maybe has less critical data on it and having all these features doesn't matter to you. Exactly. Exactly. Um And then, you know, we've got our different recommendations here to enable safe mode and
change your eradication delay. And then down here we can see like a overall view of our different snapshots, right? So in this case, 100% of our snapshots beat guidance. Now what that means is again, we're doing one snapshot per day and we're maintaining those snapshots for at least seven days. Uh It's really hot, right? Alright.
I'm gonna have the next I don't even know I would I would actually advise you against it. But if you, I mean it is part of the deal. But yeah, it is, this is digital, just a reminder that Matt did not bring any liquid at all. So that's that was good. Alright. So and then from a replication standpoint, we have zero replication here.
Okay. But you know what's really cool though is the per object safe mode is you know, we can apply this to various say it's a flash array, different groups, right? So I can actually go into this one here and I can see all of the different volumes that are on this array. So we've got this one here. Digital bites.
That sounds like you know, data, we want to protect these are all these great episodes. I don't want to lose this footage. We're not putting ourselves in pain just to lose this footage. So, so in this case, this one is in a cautionary state, right? For this volume. So there's no local snapshots we're not retaining because we don't have any and safe
mode is not enabled. So what do you say? Let's let's try to get this in a good state. Sure. Right. So first though, before we enable safe mode, let's make sure we have enough space. We're gonna enable this snapshot policy. Let's make sure we have enough space.
So I'm gonna click on this little pin here for the appliance because what this is going to do is now when I go into capacity planning, check this out that array is still filtered, right? I don't have to go and filter it out for that array again. Okay. Now what I can do is within capacity plan, right? We can look at upgrading hardware,
adding new workloads to the res, but we can also simulate various snapshot policies. Click that shield there. I can see we better default policy here, right? Take a snapshot every hour, keep those snapshots for a day and then retain four snapshots per day for one week, right? That matches our leading practices and in this
simulation. Okay. You're right. Oh, wow. I'm not having to talk. So it's not as bad for me. I think we're gonna cut that part out. So now I can look at the simulation and with the safe boat with the snapshot,
I think um I'm gonna actually I know this part. So basically what Matt is gonna show and this is really cool is it's gonna show you before you took the action where your capacity was at and then after you enable the feature, which is really cool because it's, it's gonna basically spell out for you completely what to expect when it comes to capacity consumption. Because as you know,
whenever you do any kind of like data protection, you're, you're making either a copy in a remote location or you're taking a snapshot, which is a lightweight snapshot, but it does still take up space as you know, changes are made to the production volume. So exactly. So for this array, So for this array, there's not a whole lot on it,
right? So if we enable this snapshot policy, we're gonna be at like 30% utilization. Okay. So that looks good. So let's go ahead and we're just gonna close this out. Let's jump into purity now. Okay. So I'm gonna go into purity and I'm gonna go to protection. So we're gonna create a new protection group.
So I go into protection groups. Let's create a new group. What do you say? Digital bites and this and now you're going to apply those policies to this group, right? Okay. There's digital bites right now. Let's add the volume to it. So we're gonna add digital rights to this and so there we go,
right. Let's go ahead and enable. I think what's so nice about this is, you know, the pier one team did such a good job creating tools for you to go and, and analyze what taking different actions will result in as far as capacity that's so important because you know, you, you may decide that Well, it may expose other things like maybe you don't have enough
capacity to enable some features or maybe you have plenty or maybe you just decide you don't wanna do it all together. But the fact that you can model it beforehand is actually really important. Yeah. In fact, that's one of our recommendations to is if you don't have 75% of free capacity, we're gonna make the recommendation that you free up some capacity before you enable safe.
And it will tell, it will tell me that it will tell you that as a recommendation. So let's go ahead and ratchet this down and let's change that eradication delay. So it is, by the way, while Matt's doing that, I gotta give him credit because I'm not having to talk as much. My lips are completely on fire. My mouth does not, I can't feel my tongue. I'm maintaining composure somehow.
I don't know how because normally I'd be like Matt is. So um so yeah, so I commend you because you're having to talk into the demo and I'm really not saying a lot. So I wanna make this interesting. What do you want to just how far you to be incomplete? Because we can just go straight to the last one.
I think that's really not a good idea, but okay, we'll get through this part and then we're gonna have another wing. Okay. Okay. So we have an eradication delay. You have to complete the demo. Okay. We are, if you feel confident you can complete it. Okay. Not at all. So our leading practice when it comes to eradication delay is seven days.
Okay. And the reason being like, hey, you know, if you get hit with ransomware or, you know, it takes a couple of days for you to figure out that, that those snapshots been eradicated, that you lost that, that data, right? Somebody did something that volume. This is gonna obviously by a little bit more time, if it's gonna happen on a Friday night,
right? You're gonna need those weekend days. Um, if you're on vacation, right? So seven days is our leading practice, but if you can go 14 days, you can go longer, it's gonna be a matter of finding that balance between um you know, just managing your storage, right? That's really cool because we haven't exposed those features to customers yet.
Like you, you could, you were kind of stuck with the seven days and you could, even though there was probably ways we could do it with two nobles. This was, this is now a customer um to like a thing that can support right now. That's really awesome actually. So let's set this eradication delay to 14 days. So Let's go back to your one.
So now within Pier one, Okay, we've got safe mode is enabled on this array, right? But we've got this 1% here. What that means is 1% of your objects. So we're looking at objects, we can also do this by capacity, but I just happen to have 100 volumes on this array. So for of those volumes, 1% of them are potentially protected by safe.
But the safe mode recover ability here is 0%. What that means is, that's really the number of, you know, basically the snapshots that are actually being protected from manual eradication by safe mode. That's the number we want to focus in on, right. This is more of your potential. This is what you've got eradication delay, 14 days are awesome.
They're snapshots me guidance all good. So with that, we jump back into our volume and again, I can see safe mode is enabled for this volume, but there's still some work to do. We're still in that cautionary state and speaking of cautionary things, you really want to go for it. So keep in mind, I'm sorry about this. I'm the one that put the sauces on and they,
and some of them just came pouring out. That wasn't by design. I was trying to put a little dab and it came. So I'm sorry. And mine are like that too. So it's not like it's just you in this together. Exactly. Right. So this is the second to the last hottest one and they've been very hot so far. So let's do it.
Those are amazing wings though. The wings are good. Um I think so this could be one of those weird sleepers because that initial didn't, that wasn't so bad, but I have a feeling this one's gonna creep, it's gonna creep. So this should be interesting. Alright. Alright. So that's our volume.
Right. So now let's go back to purity because we forgot one thing. Oh boy. Okay. The snapshots. Yeah that that it's a creeper. Alright. So let's enable snapshots because again we've got safe mode here but we're not protecting anything, right?
Okay. So let's enable the snapshot schedule, right? And we can do the fault here but this could be just for their discretion. I mean this is gonna be different for for customers that want to have maybe extended. I mean, there's a whole bunch of and all the more reason to use that,
that planner, more granular, less granular or whatever they wanted. Exactly. So okay now I think we're good. All right and so with that you want to go, are you close to being finished? I hope he's close to being finished because are you closed? Okay, because, because I wouldn't do this unless he was closed.
I mean, I don't like I don't have a lot to do. You know there's a way to much of the hot sauce on here. Alright. Well, yeah, yeah that one, that one's not creeping. Alright. That I uh I wish you luck you look completing your mission. Oh, okay. So Now we've got safe mode enabled 1% safe food recovery ability,
1%. What do you think the odds are that we've completed our mission? Now, at this point, I don't even really know what's going on. So just just please finish. I was compelled in the beginning when I could focus with this too. So there we go. Digital bites were now protected for manual
eradication by safe mode with this footage. As long as we get it on that array, we don't ever have to do this again. You know, what's awesome is that you would have done it so much faster without the wings. So, like this process and it was still pretty fast, even though, you know, we had to torture ourselves along with.
That's actually really cool. I feel like I feel like between the the idea that I can model it beforehand, the fact that I'm your encompassing all of the data protection elements that I have between local replication, remote replication and then safe mode. Like this is really cool. This is really cool and I can't say anything else because now my mouth and and everything is
on fire now, surprisingly, I don't have hiccups or anything like that because normally I would be but that is hot. Oh, you did good. You did a good job, I'm pretty impressed with. So is this available now? This is available now within pure one? So go check it out. And by the way, all these volumes that we're
looking at this will work with buckets with file systems with directories. It's not just volumes. So you're telling me I can use this on flash array, flash blade and then the whole family of flash array models to Yeah, that's awesome. So yeah, go check out the new data protection assessment And pure one. Don't do what we did.
This was a one and done kind of thing. I would, I don't know if you touched we can. You did? Great man. That was awesome. Thanks for having me. Yeah. No, thanks for coming back on digital, but I don't know if you'll have me back after this, but no,
probably not. Alright man. Well, not if you come with wings like this, you did a good job and the pure one team are definitely showing continuous innovation and this is stuff you know, all of our customers can use. Absolutely. Yeah, so hey everybody thanks so much for checking out this very painful episode of digital bites.
I'm gonna go rinse my mouth out with I don't know a fire extinguisher I think milk is recommended great choice but don't drink it. You don't have to drink it. You just have to swish it. That's what I learned. So if you drink it then you have even more stomach pain. So good call. Alright.
Alright, we'll see you next time. Yeah.
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