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47:15 Webinar

Accelerating Innovation with Pure Storage and Veeam

This session will dive into Veeam’s announcements and how Pure Storage and Veeam embrace innovation and advance data availability.
This webinar first aired on 19 May 2022
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Delighted that you could join us for the next sort of 30 to 45 minutes. I'm going to take you on a whistle stop tour of sort of our heritage with theme on pure storage solutions. We've got some poles for you to answer and participate in. So would super like your feedback on. Has Emily said feel free to put questions and
comments in the in the chat will do our best to answer everything we can, eh? So we'll give it a we'll give it Give it a go here. So, I mean, I think you know, just kind of a bit of a history lesson. I've been in the data protection space for for way too many years now on. You know, I haven't been on both sides of the
both sides of the fends in, you know, in technical selling teams on then in a sort of product management. You know what I think about historically think about the data protection space, you know, certainly in my early years, when I was selling solutions, everything was geared around the concept of back up.
So I would go and see customers and large organisations and really the only concern. And maybe my memory's getting 40 is a a zai get older. But their only concern was really about backing up in a in A You know, I have a back up overnight, probably on D. I have to get my backups done in that amount of time. Honestly, you know, there were very few
conversations about the store and it feels like to me over the last sort of five or six years, especially over the last three years, that that focuses changed, you know, substantially. And I think you know, I think now, you know, I think pure has been part of this, But not not the only part of this, I think with, you know,
the you know, the sort of growth of data, the massive reliance now that modern business, whatever, whatever business you're in relies on tea and the availability of data. I think all of us take our personal lives at home in to work. And we all have an expectation of having on our data, whether it's photos or Netflix or Apple TV.
We all have a very clear expectation that I should have this and it should be available all of the time. I think that that that sort of perception and that expectation is quickly morphed itself from home in to work. And I think we've really been banging the drum a pure for some time, about let's let's focus on the outcome of doing back up,
which is restored. And then, of course, I guess, rather sadly, in a way. And I'm sure we'll feel about this when we look back. You know, in 10 years when we look back over the last 20 and I t we've had, you know, the rise, the accelerated feels like it's accelerated.
You know, when I arrived at Pure you know, 3.5 years ago, we were talking. We were starting to talk about using flash for data protection. You know, it was all about recovery speed on just getting getting applications and data back to the back to the business in the, you know, in, you know, in a time that kept the business running.
I think you know what we're seeing now that talk track hasn't really gone away, But I think what substantiated ITM or is this horrible growth in effectively ransomware cyber crime? So I think, really, the conversation has gone, you know, has gone kind of full circle, certainly in my sort of career, from back up to restore to quim applications up and running on.
Now that's even Mawr imperative because it's not only sort of technical failure, you know that regarding against, but it's actually malicious and the various kind of attacks. And I'm sure all of you spend a lot of time worrying about on building architectures and strategies around protecting yourselves against against a potential ransom. Where episode and I think I think this
slide, you know, I could I could carve out a full time job just looking at news feeds and media reports of ransomware attacks on weevil seen on a massive scale. You know the effects of those attacks that are successful. I think generally, when I speak to organisations now, I think sadly again there's an acceptance of its its know if it's just when it happens.
So none of us, you know, any level are immune. So you really have to sort of refocus the conversation a little bit on. That's what certainly we've been doing with in really in conjunction with been but you really have to start changing the conversation that says, Well, what's the best practise? What do I do?
How can I kind of solve? You know, how can I plan for this? And this is just a snippet from from Gardner, I guess someone who's spent data protection most of his career in data protection. It's kind of it's kind of exciting if I can use that word that, you know, there was definitely a period, you know, where data protection was just seen as
this thing I have to do on day. It's almost like a tax. And, you know, I'm gonna you know, I need to do it for the lowest cost possible on again. What I've really seen in talking to organisations over the last three or four years, what I've really seen is a renewed vigour in data protection because I think most most professionals have realised that in the event of a ransom,
where a successful ransomware attack, what do I do to remedy that and typically on? I've got some data that talks about that in a moment. Typically, I go back. This is where I can really leverage back up my data protection strategy On more importantly, you know that the restore part of that this is just a snippet from Gardner who again, you know, respected.
And unless one of the biggest one of the best on this really just talks about, you know, using back up to protect on Recover from a ransom where you know a ransomware event on Let's let's really look at some real world Rhea World numbers and some data on just to prepare you for a pole which is coming up in a couple of slides. So we commissioned SG, the enterprise storage group.
We have long been an analyst partner of choice for pure on. You know, we asked them earlier on this year to really go and talk to organisations about their sort of ransom, where preparedness, their attitude of being prepared, what kind of strategies that organisations in the real world are adopting. And I just wanted to share, you know, just a couple of couple of highlights.
There was lots of interesting data for us, but I think there's a couple of pieces here that really just sort of validates, you know, and notion of, of using backup for data protection And so this first one here is You know, we asked, you know, I think the study was 600 organisations on. You can see here quite clearly that you know, when it comes to recovery from a ransomware
attack back up. Data protection is the go to tool of choice. There are a lot of different if you dig into the data on the right hand side, there's a lot of variants of that. But largely it's all about going to a back up system on doing some kind of recovery. And then if you kind of move to the next phase and again,
this is, you know, we don't stand still in this in this business, you know, every time we come up with a solution or strategy to recover and protect against a ransomware attack, we then have to go again. Because way are, you know, we're we're playing the game of cat and mouse with some really smart people on its No, it should be no surprise that Okay, great. I'm going to start using backup and my backup
systems on Guess what next week. The Attackers now are not only targeting your primary storage, but now really going after anything that looks like a copy of or a backup system on. We know, you know, we know that Attackers will spend around 200 days of dwell time in your networks, looking not only for primary but looking for
copies. You know, you can look at what the backup vendors are doing in their products, you know, and beam, especially of starting to build technology into their product to safely manage credentials, but also start to do some kind of scanning of backups so you can see the back ups because that's what gets you out of the mess on now becoming a legitimate target.
And you can see, you know, 43% of the people we weigh. The SG interviewed here were incredibly concerned that my backups now are going to be a target for a Natasha. So I get in summary. Our view of the world is largely this. You know, there's two things that you need, right?
You need to be able t o have a valid, you know, a valid set of backups to recover from kind of need that. But also it doesn't. It doesn't dilute the ability to be able to recover really quickly because there's no point if you is great. If you've got valid backup, that's part of the That's part of the That's part of the solution.
But if you can't bring them back quickly enough, it's largely useless. And you know the case study that its again a little bit long in the tooth. But I think it's still a really good example. Go read it. There's plenty of open source information about it, but Merced Shipping, you know, I think it was 2017 2018.
You know, they're They're CTO, you know, went to bed whatever time he went. He goes to bed. But at 10,000 virtual machines in production wakes up the next morning and they've effectively Aled been encrypted and he's got a nice big request for a ransom. So luckily for mercy, they had, you know, this was the sort of the start of it all.
They had a really good set of back up. They were very meticulous about their backups. Kind of a problem. No. Took them in excess of 30 days to recover on. It still cost them over $200 million on boar 50% of the port of L A to a standstill. So don't don't think that just because you've got a valid set of back ups that you can get back in business really,
really quickly, the to sort of have to go together. I think I think I think we look like we all aligned quite nicely, you know, on the on on the problem. You know, I'm gonna use my backup product because that's that's what I'm doing day in, day out on. That's what I'm going to use to get myself out
of the potential ransom where situation, you know. But that last, like, kind of holds. I need good copies of my backup data. Why on earth would I want to even think about bringing back infected copies on? Obviously, there's no point bringing data back if it's going to take me 35 days to recover because there's every chance I could be out of business, I think I think we're set on that.
So just a quick kind of over oversight and then overarching slide here and then we'll kind of start double clicking into the technology. So really, you know, now we we believe a pure And I think you know, I could introduce you to a bunch of organisations that would agree that we're now entering a period in store courage where leveraging flat ology
for data protection on again five or six years ago. You'd probably laugh me out of out of the meeting if I suggested that because because of cost. But I think now, with some changes to flash and its wider spread adoption on also back to that point, I raised earlier about that expectation that expectation factor on we've seen it a tonne of pure because obviously with all of our
heritage is built on on flash storage. You know, we've seen you know, we had tremendous success with that first, you know, Flash Ray X product Onder. You know, customers organisations love the pure experience but wanted to have flash capabilities in other. You know what?
You might call it here too, you know, Tier two applications of which backup is one. So I think you know, doing a great job and showing you no flexibility, performance and scale on dope. Your experience in a in a tier one environment, your production stuff, you know, it's got has has really excited. Ah, bunch of organisations on they parlay been the reason why we've engineered and build
solutions around tier two of which data protection is part of that. So these air, typically the things that we can deliver with flash storage In general, you can read all of those. I think the interesting one apart from the fast pieces is this whole concept of what can we do to protect your back ups? You know, you know, once this, once they've been completed,
what can we do to kind of protect your back up? So you've got those valid backups to recover from in the event of an attack on that is an area. We were, you know, very, very well with Eamonn on, but we'll get into that in a moment. So let's kind of sort of dig in a little bit now so you can see here. I think this slide really summarizes quite nicely how we build
with how we built at pure product set around beams around. Being software on this really gives you a pretty good snapshot of the solutions that we've delivered together on, You know, they crossed the entire portfolio of pure product. So let's sort of break it down, and we're going to a bit more detail in each one of those I
know it's only kind of 33 elements, but if it does kind of because all the names of kind of the very, very similar with the word flat flashing them, it can get a little bit confusing to try and go slowly. So you can kind of understand that the Delta here. So if we saw a start on the left hand side, moving to right so pure started life with that
Flasher a range on. I'll talk a little bit more about flash array in a moment, but Flash Array is our sort of primary block storage. I'll start an office block storage device, Flasher a X, which is the current, and Excel. Which of the current shipping models designed for low latent see high performance, the tier one storage of choice.
And so we build some time ago now actually will come onto this in more detail, probably near the end of the session on We've got a couple of poles around it as well, but we build very, very closely on what I mean by that is, you know, co engineering on. I'll say more about that later with the we build what we call that. What we call the US version one,
which was a standard that Wien wanted to build on, really was designed for storage vendors, of which pure is one storage vendors to plug into theme and specifically around snapshots. So this is really leverage in storage native storage snapshots to do you know, to do back up. And really, if you think about it, you know, snapshots of terrific, especially in V m environment.
You know, you can reduce the VM stun problem, Andre, you can from the Wien console. Once you've got the AP, I plugged in is just download. Once you've got that plugged in, you can then you know, orchestrate flash a race now sharks, but from a Wien backup job. And that's kind of cool, because if you're a storage or a backup person,
what you want is a single pane of glass. Bit of a cliche, but it's kind of true. You need a single pane of glass that can orchestrate snapshots so you know, effectively where all the copies of your data are located on, Do you know, flash raised, brilliant at snapshots, being this really good orchestration
and back up management. So we brought the two together and I'll say a lot more that plugging is we go on. So then, if I'm actually going to jump to the right hand side of the side here So talking about flash blade on again, I'm going to more detail with Flash played. But Flash Blade was at sort of first solution for Wien.
Flash Blade, as the name suggests, was second product. That pure storage build and flash blade is based on blade technology, Fast file and object. Andan has a super capability to scale. So as you as you want to increase your storage requirements, increases your backing up mawr on,
you need to allow you need to drive more performance Flash Blake and scale with you every blade that you put in to flash blade. As additional compute additional networking and storage on you can really start to scale of a enterprise back of environment. Our first solution. We call that rapid restore with flash blade. That solution is shipping. Today you've got a tonne of customers using it.
Then, probably early on in 2021 we introduced a new solution with been based around our flash or a sea platform on again. Flash Racy was the second is a different. I guess it's a different eight, a different type of flash. It's It's to Elsie Flash. So it's I wouldn't hesitate to use the words
cheaper and deeper, but it has a better economic footprint because it's not designed for low latent. See. It's more designed for, you know, storing bigger data volumes. A better economics buying point, if you like. But again that pudding beautifully into in to intervene. And in fact, a lot of the work we did last year
in conjunction with Dean was all around flash racy on that provides, you know, multiple terabytes in our recovery speed it provides, and it also through purity, which is our operating system that effectively sits on our on our products through the purity operating system. You get massive economies of scale in terms of de doop,
because purity one of its default features is it dee doop storage. So whether you're using a flash array X or a flash or a C, they look and feel the same. And they both be due to very high, you know, to very high extent. And again I will talk a little bit more about that. So we effectively have three solutions just to
summarise. All supported, conceded bean ready badges just there. But we have three solutions. So we have primary snapshot integration on flash or air if you need, you know, sustained on scaleable, multiple terabytes and our recovery, then flash blade is the place you need to go to if you're happy with fast recovery.
So that's probably nine terabytes an hour. Sustained recovery. Then you know, flash or a C is also is a good choice and you can use them, you know, in combination and then just just to finally finish off sort of footprint. We've done a lot of work with Cisco three the three entities together on we have C VDs with with Cisco Veum and obviously with pure on,
you can see you know, you can see we've got a flash or a C option with Cisco is a C v d. We also have a flash blade option on. This is something we continually update. Aziz, There's new as new things arrive and obviously with being 12 coming later on this year was super excited to go update that cvb on again will else. But I'll speak a little bit near the tail end
of what our plans are for V 12 on. Do you have to put this up? But just this just gives you a sense of pure reserve. A za company. I mean, you can Redl the stuff there just from sort of David's perspective. The thing I'm most proud about a pure is really and net promoter score it incredibly. What's the word
exciting? Or I have an immense amount of pride when I meet. Organisations met some customers a couple of weeks ago in Virginia. Metz Um pure pure storage customers on. It's absolutely delightful to listen to, you know, their deployment storeys on how pure does what it does and what it says it does with no first.
And so I'm particularly proud of our net promoter score and I can tell you internally, it's something we work very hard on all levels of the company. On my role of pure really is to design and execute on our data protection road maps on Do you know we do integration, testing on validation and produce, you know, best practise guides and all the other things that we need to do on we you know,
it's very clear as part of our company culture, that what we produce must be simple and easy and valid and honest for our customers to use that we're incredibly proud of that. That net promoter school So just just a few words of just a few words on Flash Array. It touched on this already, but a quick refresher, really. Two flavours of flash array. Right now there's there's Flash Array,
X and X l, which is really optimised for performance. Then we've got flash array see, which is really sort of capacity optimised. You know, you can look at this through a sort of tier one peer to lens. We have a lot of organisations running VMS on flash a racy maybe not the mission critical ones, but maybe VMS that our applications that are tertiary,
maybe developers, etcetera but flash racy is a brilliant fit for the certainly because of the form factor, But the performance and also the ability to deed you being back ups. That's a flash array line and really the secret. I mean, there's lots of you could go and do another couple of hours learning about flash array. Certainly in the context of een, if there's some magic there,
it's really it's really around. Our snapshot in on part of that is that we've exposed that, too, You know, third party vendors like the movie and control on Orchestrate a snapshot. The other part of that, really is the snapshot themselves were effectively just managing pointers and meta data. So you get all these lovely capabilities,
high performance, kind of low, very low footprint, literally because we're just managing pointers on meta data. And it's really the crux of you know what we've built around flash array, equally applicable to see and to and to X. So let's just talk about let's just talk about flash Blade. So flash blade, we call it unified fast file and object on.
As I said previously, it's really designed to scare out. So you add blades with additional performance, you know, network computing and storage for those what once you start getting into larger environment or you need massive restore performance, flash blade is the right technology because it will scale on Damore data. You can throw at it the faster it goes on.
You know, in terms of you know, you can fully populated flash ladies about six petabytes usable on if it's fully populated. Your your read speed is subject to your own network. Infrastructure can be 270 terabytes, and our customers don't achieve that because they've got bar next elsewhere. Our job is to make sure Flash Blade is never the bottleneck.
The other important part of Flash Blade is it's brought. It brought three sort of this. I know it's Ball three, I'd say into the 21st century. You know, history is a great protocol, obviously pioneered by the hyper scale er's, you know, scales at all the other good stuff. But it's generally had a perception of being
sort of cheap indeed, while Flash Blade has really started to change that perception and, you know, we're very proud of our history implementation, certainly not on effects for Wien, which I'll talk about near the end, but we're very proud of what we've done with history offers, you know it offers performance and scale and simplicity and we're starting to see some of the data protection benders building around the concept
of S three. Been a fast protocol, know, a kind of cloud, long term storage, slow protocol. So more on that. As we as we get a bit later on. What we see with Flash Blade really is Let me let me build this hour. But what we see with Flash played really is is it's part of a consolidation, you know, opportunity.
So you know, you you generally have data silos everywhere with lots of different applications running on lots of different storage systems. We all know that's chronically and efficient on. We all know that. You know, one of the drivers in the world of infrastructure is to have administrators managing. You know, Maura, Maura, terabytes per person on a lot of success with Flash Blade has been
around, has been around looking for consolidation opportunities on Brick. Being able to have your back up product, maybe your analytics product and, you know, maybe a data warehouse or, you know, a C I c. B environment. Using a flash blade has really been the success you have been the success storey for, But flash Place.
It's really about consolidation on backup is always a good thing to consolidate with other with other solutions. I think it's just been hard to find the right solution for a backup product. So I'm just going to spend just conscious of time and spend a few words talking about safe mode. I've talked a lot about flash products on how
fast they perform, but obviously in when When we started this today, you know, part if you remember that sort of side. I haven't said and you need two things. One thing is a fast recovery technology. The second thing is you need to have valid backups because you don't want to be recovering
Backups Air ineffective. So really, this this sort of Segways nicely in to into really into our inn to inn to our safe mode. Discussion on bond safe mode is a you know, safe mode is a capability we now have across all of our product range started life as a feature on Flash Blade. We had tremendous success. Once we'd expose that capability to
organisations to protect their backups on, we quickly build that on flash array on both well, both on Excellency. But really the simplest way to think about safe mode is this Operating two modes. It's either a snapshot of technology. If you're using block, NFS or SMB, we do have a variant of safe mode. We're using S three if you're using s theory, I'm not really going to touch on that today
because that's something that's coming soon for certainly for Wien. But just think of safe mode is it's a regular snapshot. So I take take a storage snap shop. The difference is, this safe mode really doesn't change the snapshot of what it does do, is it Build some security protocols around that snapshot.
So let's say you know, I'm an attacker, you know? I see a bunch of snapshots sitting on a box somewhere. I'm about to start my attack on the primary on What I want to do is remove your ability to recover from a storage snap shop. Now, a lot of ransomware attacks don't have any data right now, but we know a lot of ransom attacks occur because of poor credential
hygiene. You know, you know all sorts of mysterious ways, you know that the credentials air had if you effectively get access to a you know, if you get admin access to a storage subsystem, you can go and start deleting snapshots. You can turn off, you know, retention periods of snapshots, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. So what's safe mode really does is it removes
the ability of the administrator to delete snapshots. Now, when we delete snapshots with pure, we do it in two stages. We don't delete at one stage, and it effectively sit in a sort of temporary, you know, almost think about is the waist. But waste bin on your desktop. It sits in, it, sits in a it's it's a Anuradha cation mode,
so it's still there on then eventually, over time it gets purged, depending on time in it gets purse out of that radical out of that eradication mode if you like. So what safe mode does is it prevents the administrator of the system from really emptying out the snapshot once the instruction to delete has been given, and it also prevents the administrator making any changes to the
eradication timer. So if I'm an attacker, why would try and do is I would try and don't delete some snapshots or what I might do is try and fiddle with the eradication timer so that it's basically zero. By turning safe mode on, we prevent both of those things. What it means for the organisation that's using it is what it means is.
If you want to delete a snapshot on doll, you want to change the eradication timer. You have to go through a two step authentication process with pure support with actual life person. Ondas An identity challenge There's a system of in numbers and authorised users, so we're just inserting a person into the into the chain.
If you like to stop any nefarious deletions and changes and it's really a simple is that it's literally just another security protocol that just slows down, puts another obstacle in front of that attack. So that's that's that's safe mode. So let's just quickly timing. I think we're good, So let's just again quickly just delve in a little bit more now into the
sort of repository side of the team on how we sort of play nicely with Flash Array works with flash, racy and flashlight. I think this slide it's a bit of an eye chart, but I think it sums up quite nicely. You know how we build solutions together. It's a bit of a recap. So again, with flash Array X on the primary side, you have the U.
S. A. P. I integration into pure storage snapshots that's been around for some time now. I'm going to speak to that a little bit more on. Then you've got the two options for your repositories you've got You've got flash, a racy form or economics storage efficiency on. Then you've got flash blade, the consolidation, high performance recovery. But all of those entities,
you know, exit the primary see and flash later. The secondary all have safe mode capabilities on. You can turn that on immediately, and you're pretty much starting to protect things. They get created and again, I'll speak to Mawr more turn in a moment. So if I just look, I just if I just look at flash a racy,
this is really just having your scale out. Repository on a flash, a racy you can see. We can get that sort of 8.7 terabytes in our recovery. That's a lab number. So again, I want to be honest and transparent. That's what we've tested in the lab. We've been able to push it a little bit mawr. But obviously you know your performance in your
environment. Barry's You know what will vary somewhat on Go again with the purity de Jube. You get high levels off of the duplication, and it's largely into the 3 to 1 range. But again, I just want to be honest and transparent about this. Mileage varies, as you all know based on your based on your data sets.
We do have a very good and fairly accurate sizing exercise you can do with your team and pure account teams. So if this is a road you want to go down, weaken, get fairly scientific about how that looks on then, as I said just just a moment ago, we have a safe mode storey, all old paper for flash racy, so we will protect those been repositories
with our safe mode technology. So you'll do. A set of back ups will take a snapshot of the repository that will be managed by safe mode. And if if your repository gets attacked, then wonderful weaken, go and recover, you know we could go and recover from The snapshot on recovery is really straightforward, both for Flash Blade on D Flash Array,
See, and we can do a live demo conduct today. But we could we can show you. We did do a live demo of Eamonn this week on You know it's something we can easily demonstrate for you if you're interested. Then again looking at Flash Blade and again it's It's a similar message, as in, you have the repositories on Flash Blade, but they will scale out on Daz as you
as your volume to get larger and you want to increase performance, you can add additional repositories again. We've got a very detailed white paper that takes you through repository design on how you lay it out. What extension need etcetera, etcetera on how to push flash blade. You know, clash played recovery performance, and you should be with an optimum design you
can start to see we've seen numbers in our solutions lab, you know, 18, 19 terabytes and ours sustain. Restore thing to understand here is there's no D duplication compression we get the flash blade isn't a D duplication storage platform, so it's a balance of your looking between flash blade and flash a racy. It's a healthy balance of cost if storage, efficiency and performance.
And, of course, all the other additional theme options that you may or may not be using our available. So instant recovery. The data labs the shore back up on D on the secure restore, all available on a work wonderfully and in fact, certainly on flash blade. You know, we've seen some quite interesting resorts.
Certainly we've been data labs just because of flash blades kind of performance profile, But everything you hopefully know in love with the team you know is available, you know, without solutions. And of course, where we are starting to see is, you know, almost this concept of better together.
So again, you know, if I'm, there's nothing to stop us on again. We've got organisations doing this. There's nothing to stop us having a really simple architecture. Er where you have you size a flash flayed for what you would call the rapid restored here. So you know what I want to You know, I need to get this.
I need to have a recovery tear that could driver 18 19 terabytes an hour, but I don't want to keep it on their long term. So I can size a flash blade and again plays really nicely in a consolidation situation where I'm bringing multiple applications together onto a single storage platform. Plays really well plays really well there. But I will have a rapid restore tous in on flash laid on,
then maybe for 30 days. So if I do have to recover, I'm probably recovering. It's unlikely I'm recovering from day 37. I'm probably going to be recovering data that's no more than 30 days old, So I will size a rapid restore tear on a flash blade, and then I will let the duplicate those backups from Flash Blade to a Flasher racy. But again,
I'm getting safe mode protection. So I've got various points in the system where I can roll back to a snapshot of the repository if I need to sew, certainly seeing some organisations go down this route. Okay, so one of the change going to change gears and start just talking a little bit about, you know, been specifically about been 12, but we've got a couple of poles coming up,
so I kind of get ready. So this is I just wanted to circle back to the to the integration that we build with flash array with Flasher a X and pure on. You can see here this is all about snapshot management. So pure is really good at taking snapshots. Theme is really good. Orchestrating we put them way put them together.
I think it's the most. Downloaded is a free a p I. You could just go to the Wien website and download the AP is the most downloaded storage plugging, I think being have. I don't have the current numbers, but it was well over 4000 downloads last year on Really what? What What this really does is it just simplifies and I'll be interested to see what
responses we get to the old question which is coming up short leg. But what this really does is just simplifies the whole snapshot process. But if you think about if I wanted to use a snapshot from back up by to do it manually, I'd have to do some work on pure. I have to start doing some work on being able get kind of get confusing and complicated on the really takes a lot of that away on.
Really? Just, you know, in the plumbing, if you like, just makes the process really simple and you can see from the slide here. Doing snapshots of V M backup is particularly good. Um, but being able to integrate them with the backup product, it's super good, so we can take the snap shop from Wien backup job.
We can just leave the snapshot on the flash array just on Bean will know about it, so I have to go to recover. I could just go to the Bean Aiken, go through the recovery process on beam on. I can recover from a snapshot. I can also back up from the snapshot. That's a great idea, because what you don't want to be doing is backing up directly from
running VMS because it will affect performance so I can take a snapshot. Then I come back up from the snapshot into avian repository. So now I've got a snapshot copy on my primary and I've got a I've got a backup of the snapshot sitting in my Veen repository, and that that gives me some options, gives me some safety starts to kind of aligns to been sort of 123 rule if you like.
So again, pretty excited about this has been around for two or three years. It'll be it's I'm just going to talk now specifically about some of the enhancements that we are working on right now with being in respect of version 12. Obviously version for was announced. A team on this week way don't have a release date. That's not that's up to been.
We've got our own opinions, which I'm not going to share here, but, you know, way. No, it's coming, you know, soon is probably the best thing. So really the sort of two. There's two sort of banner features right now that we are co And I just want to say, you know, I know a lot of understanding front of you and talk about co engineering a
partnership. But what I can really tell you, you know, in all honesty and transparency, is both of these capabilities that I'm going to talk about now are true. Join co engineering projects. So the first one is taking that U S a. P V. One that I talked about, and obviously we've got some customers using it on the call,
which is great and some of the thinking about it. So we will be releasing in partnership with the mouth on next. Rev if you like of the U S A. P I, um lovely. You can see from the slide So today's a Today's a pie will take snapshots. You know, backup from snapshot, etcetera.
The next generation of this a p I on part of this is actually down to what organisations who used a P i V one wanted Woz. We want to be able to extend this now and we want to be able to leverage cures replication. So this is this is thistle literally what with what we've built right now we did a demo again v mon this week It's not complete.
This is We've been working on this probably for five months in partnership with mean, um, I don't really like to make big deals out of stuff, but we are the primary on right now. The only storage vendor that will be releasing a p i V to the other vendors will follow, but we pure will pure is effectively the exclusive development partner with pure on It's been a massive engineering
exercise, working, working very closely with the on building the enhanced integration and effectively what we'll be able to do in the first release. And there will be subsequent released. We couldn't like every other sort of product management engineering organisation. We couldn't get everything we wanted into the you know, into that into the first release. But released Number one will really focus on
replication. So not only will you be able to take a snapshot through the eight what we provided inversion one. But if you want to replicate that snapshot to another flash array in a different data centre, we will support that and it will be managed all under Vincennes control. So in the same way, we just orchestrate the the
taking of a snapshot on the back up of the snapshot today, in a P two, we will orchestrated replication of that snapshot to a flash array. We will also orchestrate it. So if you want to go to an NFS target, you can do that on also, I think, more importantly, using our cloud snap, which is effectively a replication to all we
have in flash array that allowed you to replicate from a flash array to a cloud target. So today we support AWS and and as your but you we have to do a cloud snap of a snap of a orchestrated flash array snapshot all under the control of the team. Convene will have ultimate knowledge of where ALS copies reside.
So we're very excited about this. We did a demo. We did a demo of Eamonn. There'll be more to come, but it's It's exactly where we want to see the developed. We've got lots of other exciting ideas planned for this on. We expect version AP. I've to to be available as soon as version 12
is released. And then finally, I kind of referred to this a little bit. So the other the other development, we're co working with me. Mon on. We are not the only bend air. There's a bunch of other s three vendors, but without flash blade,
we are actually working on Theobald ity for being to use s3 directly. So today with the team been does have s3 capabilities today, but no, in the not as the primary target you been divides its backup landing zones, if you like into performance and archives if you like on S3 today for the middle is along the archive side. So you have to back up to block NFS or SNB
first today and then been manages that back up if it tears it to an S three layer Now, you know, Flash Blade is the ability has already said to do s three directly on. So again, we're testing this. We're doing some co engineer with the actually at Best Storey as the primary target on the reason we like this on. We've seen this with other vendors is you can get some great performance and that's partly
because of the way estuaries architected on flash Blade. But also, from a management perspective, it's really, really straightforward, you know, having to deal with file shares, your effectively dealing with three bucket. So we expect again. It's largely not dependent on us, I guess. But we're fairly confident that when V 12
releases, we will have a We will have A s three solution for customers wanting to use flashlight. So just kind of bringing it all together. You know, I talked a lot about ransomware protection. I've talked a lot about using safe mode to protect repositories and snapshots. And you can see hopefully, with this slide, it sort of brings it all together.
You know, you condone with effectively designed an architecture er of solution with the team that allows you to have safe mode literally, anywhere you want to have it. So the moment I take a snapshot on a flash array eggs with the U. S. A. P I. That VM snapshot is protected by safe mode. And then as I start using
repositories just doing normal wien back up todo cae on Dora Flash blade I those repositories, I can protect those repositories with safe most gives. You are not saying it's a silver bullet, but it gives you a lot more of a secure platform and infrastructure and solution. And it also gives you that high performance recovery when you need to go and recover after
around somewhere. Event
  • Purity
  • Tech Talks
  • FlashBlade
  • Veeam
  • Enterprise Data Protection
  • FlashArray//X
  • Business Continuity

David Huskisson

Director, Data Protection Solutions • Portfolio Solutions, Pure Storage

Veeam’s global user and partner conference is shaping up to be an exciting event! During the past year, Pure engineers have worked closely with Veeam to support these technology enhancements to benefit our joint customers. This session will dive into Veeam’s announcements and how Pure Storage and Veeam embrace innovation and advance data availability.

In this session, we will discuss how to:

  • Understand the key announcements from VeeamON 
  • Learn how these announcements will drive innovation for Pure customers
  • Dive into orchestrating Pure snapshots with Veeam 
  • Understand how you can secure Veeam backups with SafeMode 

We look forward to having you join Pure Storage for this exciting webinar!

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