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59:17 Webinar

The Goldilocks Solution: Making the Cloud Fit Your Business

Host Andrew Miller has invited Jack Hogan to join the Coffee Break for the 2nd time. We’ll discuss what we’ve both been seeing over the last year in talking with customers about their cloud journey.
This webinar first aired on 11 May 2022
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Hello and welcome to this month's coffee break with Pure Storage. My name is Andrew Miller. I'm really excited to be joined with the returning guest Jack Hogan. Uh We did, we did something last month. We also did the coffee break just about a year ago. Jack. So super cool to have you back in case you're
joining us for the first time because it's always a little bit of a mix while this is sponsored by pure storage. What a surprise. The goal is that we're gonna explore topics that you find interesting or even try and make them interesting, you know, a little bit more than your average webinar where it feels almost more podcast than webinar. If you will in the second half,
while we're gonna be exploring industry topics, we will wander in how pure helps in this space. Like I said, we want to keep it relatively relaxed. This is a series. So, you know, we've even got you, you know that because we've got an official form of logo. Thanks to our marketing graphics team. Thank you,
Emily, who's on. And actually, if you, if you like this, this style and this approach we've got now 16 months going back. Actually, I wanna say or so, uh the last one just added on, on a whole bunch of different topics. You can see them there. This will be in the follow up email because we've tried to take more of a solutions focused
approach. This actually, in my not so humble opinion, has aged a little bit better than, than other content that I've, that I've participated in over the years as well. A little bit of housekeeping. I recognize some, some folks are probably here just for the coffee card and that's totally
cool. I get it right. So in that case, if you're looking for that, you'll see it comes from Emily at pure storage after you attend, right? We've actually had such success. We've had to change it to after attendance versus ahead of time kind of thing. Uh There are some exclusions folks we appreciate, but,
you know, we can't send you card gift cards as well as make sure to stay through the end when there will be a drawing for an ember mug. I actually have mine downstairs. I forgot to get it on my desk, you know, shame on me. And last but not least next month, we'll have Jason Walker joining Principal Field Solutions architect. What's restore, got to do with the real world
value of rapid recovery with pure, we're actually gonna walk through a bunch of data protection history. And if you, if you know, Jason, actually, it's like that sounds boring. Actually, it's kind of interesting. You step in the time machine and I'll even talk about, we even talk about this, Jack. Like, I like Overland libraries with like
mechanical alarms, moving stuff around. I bet you've had some of that in your history. Absolutely. Tape the automated tape libraries. Those were, those were an interesting way to, to actually recover data in a very linear fashion. Boy, how things have changed as someone out of college and looking through the window on those for the first time,
it was like, wow, that's cool stuff, you know, but we've come a lot further than that as an industry and we're gonna explore RPO and RT O and backups and his all that good stuff. But with the focus in on rapid recovery and as you might expect, uh this is actually gonna be sponsored by cos I'm your host, Andrew Miller, not gonna introduce myself every single time.
But in this area, when we're talking about cloud approaches, there's even a little bit of a personal story here. Part of my coming to pure was because I've got a data center background, can't run away from that, can't hide. It helps me justify my paycheck. But at the same time, I wanted to have my career continue moving forward following where
some of the industry is going, which is very much around cloud. And yes, that's a word that has. So many different meanings and so many different options at the time, pure was just introducing cloud blocks store. Um Equitex metal didn't even exist at the time. We've done a lot more in cloud space in there. So there's stuff where I geek out on flash and architecture, but also a lot of things that are
forward looking. You. We were actually talking Jack about a little bit of similar kind of background and motivation for you two in coming in here. Yeah, absolutely. Uh So, you know, in my, in my background, I, I came from a cloud company, I, I came to pure uh as being a 20 year CTO uh running a SAS and consumer cloud company. And now my job is to actually focus on pure uh
cloud and edge strategies, work with our key strategic partnerships. Um and really deliver the outcomes I was looking to achieve uh when I was a customer uh which I happened to be for 4.5 years. Um I uh you know, was uh the first uh fa 4 20 customer on the west Coast. I was in Iridium beta which will tie into your uh conversations next month.
Um And uh of course, have lots of other interests outside of this, but I really am a cloud nerd and a data won. Uh So I think we're in uh in good company here. I mean, I've even seen you do a, a pretty mean demo which is uh almost that puts you firmly in the recovering engineer category as a CTO and a VP, you know, kind of thing, which is cool, which is awesome. I keep my hands off the keyboard sometimes.
So as I mentioned, uh you, as I mentioned, if you were listening in, you know, you joined me just about a year ago, I was in, hm I don't think we have a date on this 10, well, I believe it was in June memory serves, you know, this is actually overlapping the acceler at the time. So you got the fun background. But before we started off,
we wanted to make sure to poll folks because we may even adjust a little bit on the fly because this is, you know, planned out. We wanted to ask folks if you had joined us either a year ago or even you joined the tech talk last month and just get a little bit of a feel from you because we've got um just being real. We've got near 1000 folks on today, right? So it's a good number of folks.
So this is, this is actually pretty amazing Jack I'm seeing because we can, this is fun actually, we can see it live a little bit almost like a slot machine we see, you know, kind of going up. Um We're about split. I think it looks like for last year versus a year ago. Yeah, it looks like uh it looks like we are,
you know, very close to split, which is good to hear because I think we're gonna give people some good updates on, on how we're seeing cus uh customers actually use the solution. It's also good to see that we had some other uh folks from uh last month's tech talk on this. So, um I think this will be a slightly different take uh in terms of what we're gonna dive into on some new uh stories and some new uh new,
new areas where we're seeing uh a lot of the value of what we're doing in this bare metal space and this goldilocks solution. So I think that uh you know, we're, we, this should be a, a good conversation. Hopefully, the questions start coming in because we've got people that are familiar with the topic, those that are not familiar. Um Obviously,
we wanna, we wanna make sure that we make everyone feel welcome. So I think this is uh this is great. Actually, I saw a comment from Michael there who said bold of you to assume. I remember June 2021. We actually were going to do a third option there on that poll of,
you know, I can neither confirm nor deny just in case you weren't drinking coffee a year ago or a month ago. You know, there's no judgment if you're sitting at home on a webinar, you know, in the afternoon kind of thing. But ok, so diving in as always a relatively simple agenda and a little bit of a catch phrase there. Cloud. It's a journey I think for all of us,
we're gonna explore kind of how much of a journey and the time frames there, we're gonna start off with some real life stories. Actually, even some new ones since last month because there was a good number of folks who attended last month, which is really cool. Um But it's, you know, it don't, looks like it's maybe, maybe a third,
then we're gonna move into perception versus reality, what we're seeing about cloud adoption rates and this will be public cloud, private cloud hybrid, all that kind of stuff. Is it a technology question? Is it a human question? Why? Yes, it's both and then even sometimes executives believe it or not executives are
humans too and they can be susceptible to FOMO fear. It's like outright kind of thing. I wasn't trying to just insult you Jack as a previous CTO. So I, I fully consider you human, but you know, so I consider you human too. And then last but not least we'll dive into what we an update,
a continuing update on equinox metal that often we see as kind of a goldilocks solution. You know, the classic story of the three bears, not too hot, not too cold, but just right. We do have folks here to help with Q and A uh Rob Quast Emily Thornhill, Linda Moffett. This ranges from marketing questions, to peer questions, to logistics stuff, to deep technical stuff have folks that can help.
We'll do our best to incorporate some Q and A as we go along the way. At the same time, we always try to finish by about the 45 minutes after the hour mark so that you can have some time back. But we'll hang around for kind of a more relaxed Q and A session at the end too. If there's stuff that doesn't answer live or even we'll pull it back up. Hopefully, that feels fair.
It's roughly the same format as always. But one more pole you forward, dive into the first section. Emily, if you don't mind. So this is where uh this one will actually feel similar for those who attended last month. But this is when we look at this and this is now we're doing this partly because of the
conversations that you and I have Jack have on a regular basis about um are people actually planning to move out of on prem or Colo? Are you migrating? And, and where are you migrating to? Uh And then even how much of that have you completed that? That's almost the one that I'm most curious to see uh how we get the results back.
Yeah, it's interesting seeing these numbers come in, right. It's, you know, and it's interesting and I think some of the things we'll share is uh even recent analyst, uh uh numbers that are matching some of what we're seeing kind of in the early read in the polls as they're being answered.
Um You know, it's, it's certainly that the fact that moving to the cloud and I think a lot of people's minds means moving to public cloud. But I think what we're seeing here is a good representation of the fact that customers are looking for new choices. They're looking for the same flexibility but new choices. And I think that uh those that, that are in that, in that mindset,
I think, you know, we're seeing an equal balance of where they're migrating. Uh you know, lots of and say, well, we'll share the results here in a bit. But I think that what uh you know, what's interesting here is it's almost an equal balance of uh of how they're solving the cloud journey. Um You know, the move to a providers, the move to public cloud or not migrating at all the
public cloud, but solving things uh in their own way. And I think there's a lot of reasons behind that. Um But uh yeah, we're gonna share the results here so everyone can see um what's, what's great to see here. I think too, Andrew is that where are people, where are people in this journey? Like the first question,
plans to move out of your own pro Cola? It's about half and half that's a straight up split and just being real, we've got 465 responses. That feels like a pretty solid sample set as far as people are responding, um, migrating to public cloud service providers or primer. That's even not quite a third, a third, a third. But there's not a,
I mean, my public cloud is the highest one, but only by a little bit. Hopefully everyone can see the results and then there is an outsize here of what if, if you're going and what have you completed? So, you know, that's 38% not and then 30% literally just getting started. Um Only 2% 100% in the cloud. And that's fascinating.
Me or even 4% that are 75% in the cloud feels like this. Get almost to be honest, gives us a little bit of momentum for the stories. Um So starting off a little bit with just some, some real life stories here. I, I know we, I, I wanna make sure to kind of pull the, the three bears all the way through this just to say it's a fun thing to think about on a,
on a Wednesday afternoon. So, you know, not too hot, not too cold, et cetera. I know that you've had some, some cio level conversations and I almost wanted to start there if you don't mind, Jack. Yeah. Well, you know, II I do and, and they match really closely to a lot of the numbers that we saw.
So I don't think it's just an executive level conversation that this comes out at. But, you know, I work with, you know, all ranges of cio s, you know, those that run major coffee brands, major banks, those that are in mid market companies. And I always love to talk uh start the, the questions around. Hey, you, you, do you have a cloud strategy?
Do you have a cloud journey? Where are you on that? And usually the question is yes, we're, we're, we're doing uh modernization plans. We're moving to cloud del delivery models, we're moving to public cloud. And I say that's fantastic because I think that's the future of how technology is expected to be delivered. It matches a lot of what we see um from the
analysts reviews that uh that this is the mode that most companies wanna move, move into that kind of mode two or mode three. And I then asked the question of, well, how is it going? And where are you on that journey? And I usually say, what percentage of the way do you think that you're there?
And the quest the the responses vary but similar to the poll results we just saw, I usually get now we're 50% of the way there or we're 60% of the way there and, and even the most advanced ones, we're, we're 70% of the way there very few were getting that 2% we saw in the poll. And then I asked the question of, well, how are you addressing the remaining 50 or 40 or 30%?
And the answer to the question is almost always, I've got no idea. I've got no idea how we're gonna get there. The challenges we have to get the remaining pieces of this. Um, you know, really rest in whether it's legacy technology or people in staffing problems or cost overruns of what they've already done.
So there's a lot of reasons why. Um that, that, that those numbers vary but the problems are really consistent. Um That, that it's really hard to get all the way there. But I know that uh and you, you talked to others, you talked to other, uh you know, sea level, but also operations level folks too.
What, you know, what are you seeing there? I, I'm even gonna start here. This is a, this is, this is a, a bonus item when I actually got out of college. Uh I wanted to do, I wanted to do an it operations shop and we had a, we had a small mainframe, small physically that saw a huge amount of business logic. When I started, it was seven year uh plan to be offered after seven years,
seven years later, when I left, it was still planned to be off it after seven years. And that wasn't because some of the people who worked on those systems. It wasn't, me actually had done a huge amount of work at the time. It was just so much work and so much business logic and all this other stuff. I, I'm, I'm not here to beat on mainframe or to claim mainframe solutions out of anything but
some of that sense of like you dig into these things inside the data center and they're, they're more complex than you expect, you know, they kind of peel the onion and we, we laugh and we cry and that. But the story, the other story I was thinking of is I was actually on a call a couple months, a couple about a year or two ago. Now with a large uh with a,
with a large customer, it's a, it's a name and even a brand that if I mentioned to recognize. So I'm just heavily anonymized this here, you know, kind of thing. And so we'd actually been pulled in by the it operations team for a certain technology that we could talk about that would help. In this case this time, it was actually cloud block store.
And the, the, the team had actually told us, you know, that, hey, we're not very far into our cloud migration and this would really help. You should talk about this to a VP or a CIO and uh and we get on and I walk through this and it feels good in the end the VP says, you know, hey, this is great, but we're actually like 70 80% through our cloud migration.
So, you know, if, if you come to us with us a year or two ago, great. But, you know, nice presentation, you know, pat on the head, but we don't need this anymore. And I'm sitting there thinking your team just told me it's like 2030% there. This is extremely awkward. I like, do I say something or not? Or is anybody else gonna say anything?
You know, um And we've actually touched base some of that customer continuing to engage positively, you know, I don't wanna be disrespectful or, you know, et cetera, but they're actually continuing to work on this. There's been some better organizational communication. A couple of years later, they're now saying they're on a 3 to 5 year journey,
right? So even there can be levels of disconnection of what's been moved. I mean, I'm I was sometimes guilty of the sin of helping customers implement VM Ware so they could say check the box of Yep, I got a private cloud. I got my VM Ware. Mm not the same thing but maybe it got the the board and executive kind of thing as well.
There, there was one more story there, Jack about just even sometimes the speed of cloud migration. I mean, this is a real life story even tied into recent geopolitical geopolitical events too. Yeah, and this is like, this is uh it's pretty, a pretty interesting story when you really step back and say, why are companies moving to a cloud model or digital transformation models?
And it's really because the company companies want to get to uh more flexibility in a, in a faster time to an outcome. Um And we'll talk about that in a little bit, but in this particular case, we uh we had a, a customer who happened to have a physical data center in the middle of war torn Ukraine. Um This is their entire company operations, multiple hosts,
hundreds of terabytes of data. And they realized with the geopolitical situation going on with Russia and there they, they were at extreme risk, their entire business could be uh lost should that data center be uh be hit with something that took it out. And so uh they contacted um our, our close friends at Equinox Metal who then contacted us
and said, let's move them out as quickly as possible to a data center um outside of the region. Um an Equinox metal facility uh where pure provides the storage and we turned them up um in a matter of a of a of a day turned up their infrastructure, we got all of the uh underlying uh capabilities to essentially take the physical on premises environment, move that into now a bare metal
environment where they didn't need to touch any of the infrastructure, set up all of the core applications. And within a full two week period, their entire operations had been moved out of a war torn area and ultimately achieved a much more faster uh time to turn up than any other model that would have been out there. Because converting their applications to a public cloud was not a path.
And they had a lot of things that required full better metal access, physical access to the arrays and uh and underlying compute. And so it really demonstrates that the flexibility that companies are looking for and sometimes is a requirement that that time to turn up is really a critical aspect of what companies are looking for in their cloud journeys.
And in some cases, it's forced by um really uh extreme circumstances. I, I've had times and I think you've had times maybe from a board level or, you know, if you're listening in from your boss or your boss's boss and there's timelines and deadlines and you're like, is, is this real, this is a scenario where this is like a very real externally driven thing.
Uh Could something explosive hit my environment, you know, kind of literally literally explosive. Um I'm not trying to make light but like, I mean, when, when we were talking about that story, like this is this different level of it deadlines and do not make money and miss profitability. And this like this is just a totally different level of,
of impact it. Yeah, it, it is. And I think that on that, on that front, you know, the, the perception of what the cloud is to, to many people is, oh, it's just a place that something automatically runs. But we always forget that it's really infrastructure in somebody else's data center.
Right. And it's, uh it's, it's been, you know, propagated to say, oh, you can turn it on instantaneously. But I think that there's some, some stats in this that are really interesting, right? I think that uh when, when we look at what the true adoption of public cloud is, so public cloud being the main hyper scalar,
right? That's, that's uh you know, something that if you ask the average person on the street and I do this oftentimes as well, how far do you know how much of the world's enterprise workloads we think run in the public cloud and they usually get it heavily wrong. 30 40 50% is what we usually see where in reality. Andy Jazzy himself when he was CEO about a year
ago, uh of uh aws came out and publicly said that only 5% of the world's enterprise workloads currently run in a public cloud. 5%. It sounds good. It was like there's so much more opportunity for us, you know, kind of thing, let's say we look at it as the opportunity for sure. But I think the perception that's out there of what, you know,
you know, and I think it, it's probably should harken back to some of the poll questions that we asked earlier. People should feel comfortable that they're not behind the curve and there are better and options and we'll talk about some of those, I think as we get to the solution itself, I do see a couple of folks asking about the poll in case you joined us late. We did a poll earlier.
We were asking about percentages and we would share some of that later too as we can get in. Maybe the Q and A at the end. Uh What, what's interesting there is, there was actually a follow up. Uh So Andy Jazzy Aws CEO until I don't know, a year ago or so, whatever. Um Jeff Bezos left to do whatever insanely rich
people do with rockets and other crazy things. Right? So Jassi is now the ce CEO of Amazon overall. Adams Lipsky is the CEO of Aws and he expanded on it recently to say 15% of all it spending and we can start to have some interesting discussions about it spending versus enterprise spend, ok? But either way it's the,
the dial is moving, but it's still a relatively small number. Now. He continued to say, look, this is not a, he doesn't see it as a problem just like that. Mandy Jas, it's an opportunity but that perception versus reality and, and this is where even if you want, if we even go a little further,
we can unpack a lot of stuff of how potentially the iphone and Android and all the applications that run that are essentially cloud front and so much of the business to consumer stuff that lives in the cloud and it never started on prem or frankly, if you're a startup, you know, there's a great con comment from um I think it was from Wiki Bos, the analyst that you're crazy not to start in the cloud,
but you're crazy to stay there forever from an economies of scale cost. There's that concept in here sometimes too, but either way, a huge amount of it spend not in the public cloud yet that there's a, well as we dig down into that though, this is not just a technology conversation, it's not just a technology reasons, but it's actually as much of a human reason.
So I think the first Ven diagram that I ever saw and really understood Jack was the classic people process technology Ven diagram and in the middle, like you could just put, I don't, I don't put, put, put like a dragon in the middle or like in the middle of all those combined. Its like that's the hard part, you know, kind of thing. So actually I think I'll,
I'll pass it back to you for a second. So there's, there's kind of tech reasons but, but also people reasons here. Yeah, that I think that, that, that that people reason usually comes in the skills gaps that exist, right, that, you know, operating in a fully de ops cloud native fashion where the dream of achieving the ability to instantaneously turn on or turn off services
and stand up new capabilities. Those are, those are unique talents that are vastly different than most companies are equipped with. When they start their cloud journey, they're really challenged by uh really traditional it operators who, while very, very good at operating and building resiliency into businesses and operating
enterprise type capabilities, those uh those skills don't directly translate. And so I think that there's a uh a challenge of that. Um I think some of that's also that you're competing with the public clouds themselves. Uh You know, and as we look at what uh Amazon's paying there, uh they're, they're starting, um they're starting DeVos engineers for their own
workloads. They've raised that uh recent geek wire article up to $350,000 starting salary. Now, I used to hire a lot of uh it staff and 350 would have broken probably all of my budgets. Um And so I think that one of the reasons why we're seeing the people problem being so real is they're hard to find and they're very
expensive and you're really competing with the very likes of uh of, of Amazon and others to get those uh to get those. But I mean, there are other people reasons that kind of create this, this dystopia between, uh, you know, what's reality and what's, what's perception. Um, and you, you, you've got a couple of days
here, there's even a career coaching note there here. So, whatever you're doing, continue doing it, we're not telling you to change jobs, et cetera. Hopefully you're a pure customer, et cetera. But, but this is almost a little bit of a career coaching note too. Sometimes I'll talk about this and actually I have a,
I have a friend I was having lunch with yesterday. He's looking a little bit of a, a directional change career wise and he actually still has ac issp cybersecurity is and will continue to be hot. Cloud skills are and will continue to be hot. But, and if you're looking at this from a hiring manager, standpoint, it's hard and I've been there,
I'm frankly an individual contributor now, but I've hired and built tech marketing teams and se teams and you realize what their relative pay sets are. And sometimes it's just challenging to find people as well though sometimes we almost get to a board of directors level or a or a CIO level too. And this is where the idea of FOMO is kind of fun and interesting to play with because
sometimes I remember this is even again out of college, like I, I looked at the CIO or the board of directors for the university that I was at, I mean, these seem like these people way up on a pedestal and they did amazing things that I couldn't understand et cetera. But they're people too. Right. And they can be susceptible to, oh, they hear
their peers doing these things or they read stuff in magazines and articles and may, or may not understand all the way down the stack. So sometimes there's this real sense of fear of missing out FOMO at a board or a CIO level. And when you even look at the um the average lifespan of a cio, it's somewhere in the 3 to 4 years uh similar I for a CFO.
So that even influences like unless I have good projects on my resume and I'm gonna go here because these are hard and challenging jobs like I'm not saying otherwise. So sometimes that the FOMO there almost overrides reality when it is hard and complex stuff, you know, let's toss in the quote of anything suff any technology sufficiently complex is indistinguishable from magic. So at a certain level,
it's like, oh, it's just magic down the stack and I have people that do magic for me. Well, there's actually a lot of hard, hard things in that we uh I, I think I'm pretty sure that Dilbert is still evergreen, you know, so we can even go here a little bit. Right. I need to know why moving her after the cloud didn't automatically solve all our problems. I'm not gonna try,
try and do a pointy haired boss impression. You don't want me doing that. Um Didn't let me rearchitect to be cloud native. That's the right answer. Actually, this is actually a very technically accurate, you know, cartoon um just put it in containers. You can't solve a problem just by saying techie things. Mm mm.
However, a lot of pieces here I, I think Jack, we're, we're about to jump into um what pure has done with this info because obviously that was some of what we talked about a year ago and we've done more since then. We've got another poll though. Anything you want to toss in before we go to the last poll? No, I think we've actually laid out the the
problem statements, right? I think that one of the reasons why we're doing this with, uh you know, and we'll get into the solution is because all of this, this challenge and the confusion that and the, and the issues that the operators have when they're presenting solutions to the board, to the CIO S and, and so I think that what we're really trying to do is get very real here.
I think that the realities um are, are setting in to many companies as they go on this cloud journey, we'll talk about how we'll solve on those. But let's jump into that poll if we could. So last poll for those of you who missed, this is a short one, there's just one question. So, you know,
hopefully it won't go by too fast. Uh What percent of global it spend is currently in the public cloud and we're actually gonna do a little bit of a logistical change here. Uh Some of what we're gonna walk through. Jack's got some amazing uh cool animations actually, he doesn't drive. So, you know, we're just being upfront about,
you make powerpoint work but you do it smoothly. OK. Looking at the poll, we've got almost 400 answers right now. It is. Um And, and this is where it's a little bit of an open book test. Anybody who goes back to college, you had professors that were crazy like that, you know.
So we actually just talked about these numbers. I think Jack, we did, we gave the answer away. What's, what's interesting is we're still seeing a lot of people who, hey, listen, maybe, maybe they're uh they, they were sipping their coffee. They didn't hear what we were talking about just a couple of minutes ago is, is what I'm seeing in these results.
And uh let's say we're, we're getting closer to probably being able to share is that still a lot of the, a lot of the perception, reality things we talked about here um persist even when we really kind of get down to the deep level of this, you know, we've got what? Well over, you know, well, over 50% now or it's like a slightly over 50% of people thinking that it's more than 15%.
So 30 50 75%. And in reality, the public cloud is still only running what, 5 to 15% depending on how you want to measure it, it spend or, or sorry, enterprise workloads uh at 5% or it spend being 15%. So it's, it's quite interesting that, uh, you know, that we,
we have this gap but there are other ways to solve the cloud. And I think that's where we want to get into this. None of this is cloud good cloud bad on prem good on prem bad. It's like we're trying to accomplish business objectives around agility and flexibility and, and the real meaning behind what cloud is for, you know,
at the business level of organizations. No section number four though is, you know, we said the goldilocks solution that was in the title we wanted to do here as, as we always do is explore some of how pure helps in this space because when we were seeing needs here and especially that sometimes it's hard to just pick up everything and, and do a lift and shift scenario going to go into so a little bit of
pure mode and some of what we built as well as if you were joined us a year ago or even a month ago, an update of what we've done since then. So I think, I think we're gonna kind of dial in a little bit on some of the cloud journey challenges there. Right. There are cloud journey challenges, right? And I think that it came out in, in the,
the first half, what we talked about, it's a lot of it in is, you know, how do you get to 100% to get that digital transformation, that cloud aspect out of your business? And when we say cloud here, we're not talking about just public cloud. It's really a cloud operating model, but they can really be classified in three different categories.
Um Every single it operator cio company has got to deal with the fact that they've got past present and future challenges that they've got to really balance out how they solve these problems. Now, what do we mean by past challenges? Past challenges are gonna be the likes of those legacy applications. Um you know, those legacy database that require, you know,
really heavy iron, you know, big compute behind them, you know, can't move off of uh uh of physical attached storage or can't move off of uh even VM Ware and VM Ware V MS that, that uh don't necessarily translate to a public cloud operating model um because of uh constraints around uh you know, storage or access to data. Those are past challenges that every company
has to really kind of drag them down that, that legacy tech debt. We oftentimes call it but they're very real because these are oftentimes that anchor that holds companies back from their cloud journey. Now, of course, that's balanced against the present challenges that um high volume data driven applications like massive amounts of data growing. Um needing things like data warehouses and
needing things like um A I to process A against streaming data, you know, more and more information being captured. The more companies move to digital transformation, the more they realize their data is an asset is a value they want to maintain it, but they also need to process it. So the scale and scope of these problems is
really exacerbated, dealing just with present challenges. And of course, we talk about that Bilber joke earlier, you know that cloud native approach is where everybody really is looking to get to that ability to use that services oriented architecture. It's, you know, containerized um cloud native applications and who knows what's coming as that next,
right. We've heard things in the past like stateless computing and serverless computing. These are all things that need to be taken into consideration when you ultimately are on this journey to the cloud. But what's the reality? Well, the reality is that most companies have to design, build and manage everything on their own and that leaves them with these really big
challenges. The big challenges are the public clouds I think have been proven originally, they were promised to be, oh, you can save all this money because you and turn things off and on. But the challenge is that most companies are very bad at that governance. And oftentimes the applications weren't really meant to run in a public cloud so they don't
get refactored. Uh One of the things I I like to say is that I I and mantra of it is that if it works broken, why fix it? Well, when you move it, try to move it to a public cloud that breaks down because most of those uh uh processes or systems or applications, um you end up with massive cost challenges because that technology uh that legacy technology doesn't translate.
And we talked about the skills gap, right? We talked about how you need to get there. You've got to work with the staffing or the augmented staffing or the service providers that you're you're working with and that really creates a problem. And of course, the underlying of all this is the data that you're working with. If you don't have the right data platform, most cloud transformation chan uh uh transformations
fail and they fail sometimes because they didn't meet the time horizon, they fail because of cost, they fail because they ultimately didn't achieve the business outcome. But this is really the challenges we see. This actually reminds me of a story a couple of years ago, I was uh actually at the, with the, with the executive, you know,
dinner thing and talking with the customer where they had, had a, a CIO who said we're gonna move everything to the cloud. They did that for the next year. It was all they did for the next year. And then they had cost challenges overruns from projections from stability questions. It wasn't inherently bad, just like stuff that they had to figure out.
New CFO came in and said you're gonna move everything back. It's like, hm, that's so like my, the pains, my operational soul to think about. But I've also been thinking, I don't think I have enough acronyms in my life, Jack and, and I don't want uh so I'm looking for a new acronym. I don't want any of the, like the cheap acronyms you get off the street.
Do you have any like, you know, solid gold analyst validated new acronym that you can give me today? Yes, B maz or Bare Metal is a service. So what is Bare Metal as a service? It's actually something that is a new category that sits really between an on premises or an infrastructure service, which you would usually a attribute to public cloud hyper scalar.
This bare metal is a service is being tracked by a lot of the top analysts, you know, firms like uh like Gardner and uh and ESG research and 4 51 and I DC. This is a category that they're seeing coming on the horizon and where pure has been ahead of the curve uh we actually introduced our partnerships in this bare metal space. Um, a year ago, what we're seeing now is those uh those analysts starting to realize that and
we touched on this in the poll, the very first poll about where companies are moving, I guess it was the second poll where, where companies are moving, they live in the public cloud or they're gonna, you know, move within the data center. We're actually starting to see um that, that the, the research that the analysts are coming back are saying that that most companies
want to hang on to the data center to address a lot of the legacy challenges, but they want to have a different type of data center experience. So that's what we're doing here with our bare meals and service solutions um that are all powered by pure uh really providing that high performance on demand hybrid data platform. So solving that big challenge, but delivering the same cloud experience that high uh the
ability to deliver things in a very fast and and rapid deployment way, but without the risks of having to refactor uh or the risks of having major cost overruns, it's the same infrastructure types that you're used to dealing with. And, and now you're really seeing that the uh ability to have a new type of data center of bare metal as a service data center um is really uh a key to what we can deliver now.
Um And so yes, Andrew, I did deliver you yet another, another um, uh acronym that we can all, uh, bake into our, our uh acronym Soup 20 bucks is in the mail. Good job. Yeah, but let's, let's really kind of dive into it. Like what is, what is this, uh, what is bare metal a service? How does it allow you to get that elastic
scalability? Turn things up? Well, let's, first of all, start with what do you need to build and put together to deliver a full outcome in it. And when I mean, full outcome, um business has a new uh operating model, they have a new acquisition, they've made, they have something new that they're doing.
Um They ultimately need to look at the entire stack. So when we look at the entire stack, we have to really break it down and realize that at the base of the stack, you've got hardware, then there's software and then there's the end users. And so what bare metal as the service is, is really the physical hardware stack. So that physical ability to deliver. And this is where it differentiates from I A or
infrastructure to service. Single tented physical servers, physical network, physical storage, and you retain all the control that root level administrative access, that ability to fully control just like you do in a data center that you might run on, on premises or collocation. This is different than just that. It's actually fully hosted managed and allows you that ability to instantaneously deliver
that cloud like ease and speed and then you get to deliver that solution on top of that. And so that's where really uh bare metal is, why the uh why the industry is starting to really take uh take uh notice of it and uh you know, give you all of this benefit. What, what I find interesting there is that sometimes I'll get questions when I'm, when I'm talking about this too about, you know, so hey,
I I maybe someone who knows a lot about pure. Obviously, that's why the stories part highlighted there a little bit to call it out, you know, where, where are we sitting in that stack, be upfront about it? But what about maybe safe mode or like our, some of our ransomware protections or replication capabilities? A lot of times when you're in as a service
offerings, some of the capabilities of the underlying infrastructure components are not fully available, they're abstracted away or it's a subset, et cetera. So my answer is all the native capabilities that pure has thanks to how bare metal service is architected and who we partnered with around this stuff too. All those native capabilities are fully exposed
in the same way with the same abilities as you would have as if you just had it in your regular, you know, colo data center. This is what it is though. What are, what are we solving for though. Well, one of the major things that we're solving for, not just the familiarity of the infrastructure. And I think,
you know, we've, we've covered, I think how, you know, today's operators of an on premises data center can now get that same level of control, that same level of native purity aspects that we can deliver to them. There's also this aspect of time and time and businesses, money. Right. And, and in a large degree, it's actually value.
And so what's the time to value of bare metals and service? So when you look at deploying any new outcome or any new um uh it stack uh for your business, you have to measure things that the, the faster you can get them deployed almost always, you will see that they have a higher value to the business, you can react faster and you can turn things up or down.
And so when you look at this inverted curve here, you realize that um if you take the traditional approach where you go by all the individual components of a of a stack, and you lay them horizontally here on the time horizon, you know, have, have uh a lot of time, a lot of time to determine what data center you're gonna put it in. How long are you gonna uh are you gonna
actually commit to that data center? Then how are you gonna connect to it? The physical network circuitry? Then you've got the individual vendors and the aspects that you have to go procure and buy and then you get to that thing that is really the putting it all together so that it stands up and you can turn it on and then you get to start deploying things. Well, what we have done here is in partnerships
uh with our Bare metal partners. Equinox being a great example, Equinox Metal being the digital services that Equinox is delivering. It's a wholly new capability from a a very long standing, very high high value um uh large scale data center provider on a global basis is we've done the down stack automation. And so I want to stop for a second and realize automation doesn't mean just like writing
answerable, you know, playbooks or, or building terraform uh you know, modules. It's really about the full procurement cycle, the predetermining and prepositioning of infrastructure. And when you do that and you have the ability to then instantaneously turn on that infrastructure.
You've now moved the time to value right up to the same level that a public cloud is delivering. So right where that application layer, the os layer enters and so that time to value is really what we're solving for. I think this is where I'm supposed to say if you heard the story, you're listening, you remember the story that Jack, you were telling me earlier about Ukraine
and you're like, how in the world is that possible because that was frankly a little bit of a teaser that hopefully they just think like I'm gonna stay on to hear how they did that. This is how it happens, right? We're solving a lot of previously disparate problems in a cloud journey, everything from supply chain stuff to automation, et cetera. And, and, and I love that story and we were
able to add it in somewhat publicly because it illustrates so so well in a very real world situation. Yeah, absolutely does. And, and so what, what does this ultimately then kind of tie back? Not only are we solving things quickly, not only are we, you know, allowing the skills to actually translate and really kind of evolve nicely.
What we really now are delivering is a reimagined cloud journey, that cloud journey that allows you to take your on premises applications, your high volume data driven applications, your cloud native environments. These uh these metal environments can allow you to stand on top of that Kubernetes or container workloads all into a single platform that ability to have um pure storage being the
underlying data platform um and really uh extend across your past present and future challenges providing highly secure. So these are dedicated air gapped environments for you that you take full control of. There's no one else that has the ability to access that uh that hardware, even the providers themselves. Um Everything is still automated and fully able to be turned up,
you don't need to write additional scripting. Um This is instantaneously through either API S or through uh through, to just be able to turn that on highly interconnected. One of the key things about working with a provider like and Equinox is the ability to both stretch into your current data center, whether that be in your corporate office or
your enterprise campus or your colo location provider or in the public cloud. The interconnects that uh a provider like uh Equinox provides is that ability to instantaneously connect into all those environments. And then of course, it's really hybrid by nature. Um You get all the physical controls, you get all that security.
Um And so all that's integrated uh with a single bill uh right to uh the ability to have um partners like Equinox be that provider of the full solution. And so what's it look like when we kind of pull everything back? This is the ability to deliver a wholly new environment that stretches into public clouds into your data center today.
And so there's a lot on this slide. I don't know if we're gonna get into all of it, but uh Andrew, you know, this is really that, that architecture that you can start to imagine. Now your your reimagined journey, it it can be and I love that kind of pull out the lens, comment. So pure has a lot of capabilities from a cloud standpoint. We've dialed in on equinox metal metal
capabilities and equinox metal. Uh What, what I love there is that it solves a lot of the man II I can't either afford to or have the time to ref factor I need to pick stuff up and run it into a familiar environment. There's, there's a lot more than that. So a couple of things that I wanted to call out here first is sometimes there will be discussions about ingress and egress and we have to totally rearchitect based around
ingress and egress costs, maybe not ingress costs because that's free even though there's, you know, speed egress we pay for. So one neat example there and this may depending on who you are, this might be worth attending this session just by itself what Equinox and Azure have done with Azure Express route direct. So you see direct connect on there and express
route, express routes, the Azure high speed interconnect between, you know Azure resources and then in uh co located physically closed data centers like Equinox has express route direct turns it from a traditional egress standpoint to a circuit basis as far as the billing and cost. That starts to allow a very different discussion about how you leverage cloud
resources maybe compute in the cloud. That's what we do with pier one. Actually that we use a lot of cloud compute resources with stuff in in various data centers. Actually, that's flashlight going back to your already embezzle there as well. But sometimes we pull the lens back out to the various pieces of what you're trying to solve. Um You know, there's on Prem from a peer standpoint, you can even see on Prem or Cola on
the left hand side, you know, like in many ways pure it's cloud, like you never have to migrate data as well as you know, if you want to manage fleets at scale, you're getting tens or hundreds of pure systems. We're doing things there with what we call fusion management at scale learning legacy applications without refactoring metal or you want to have pure capabilities for applications
in the public cloud. That's cloud blocks store. Literally running our flash ray software in the cloud was really hard engineering if you want full on next generation application development. Well, that's usually a port a Kubernetes conversation. It's micro services that drives containers that drives kubernetes. OK?
We've done a, we're doing a lot there at port works, whether it's on Prem or cloud, that's actually a software only offering from pure. You can be a pure customer without actually buying any hardware, believe it or not even going to databases or service. And then I saw one question there about everything that peer does you can do from a
financial Opex consumption driven basis standpoint, it doesn't have to be Capex. So uh sometimes I can park on this slide for a solid. I don't know, half an hour an hour, we just talk about all this stuff out there because it's in my head. But I, I wanted to give at least the, the speed read version of some of the stuff that you're seeing there.
Yeah. And I think that Andrew there is a lot here and I think we're getting some questions on, you know, can we, can we, uh, make these slides available? Can we learn more about this? How is it consumed? And, and what I'll say is a great place to start, right? You want more information?
Um We're trying to make it real simple for you. Uh www dot pure storage dot com slash fair metal, great place to start set up conversations, look deeper into the solutions. You can scan the QR code here. Um But we've got uh tons of solutions that we've actually um put on top of this, the ability to deploy things like VM Ware and the ability to deploy things like um I can, yeah, Kubernetes and,
and leveraging things like uh Google Ant. Um We have lots of solutions here. Um We also have great experts that can take you through ultimately how to, to even test drive or try some of the stuff out. And so um I'd recommend everyone start here and we've got a great event coming up. If we kind of look at what uh what's coming up, we'll be going into an even deeper dive into
some of those solutions covering some of our uh native capabilities, some of what we're we're solving here, which is some of the time of value and skills gap challenges. I mean, we're getting really deep on this topic um as equine uh will be uh with us in, in presence. Um So you can attend either virtually or register and uh look to attend.
This is uh coming up on June 8th and ultimately, we'll be um we'll be in Los Angeles and then we're taking it Global after that. Uh So lots of great ways to learn more. I'll be out there on June 8th. I've got a couple different sessions looking forward to, I think, to seeing you Jack. I, I didn't even ask that but I'm assuming I will, I'll be there, I'll be there.
We are running a minute or two behind just up front with everybody. We usually try and be at about the 45 minute mark if nothing else just to give you a bio break. So we're gonna wrap up with a drawing in just a minute here, Jack. Thanks so much for joining me as always. I really appreciate the time,
the preparation. We, well, we like you bag. Yes, we prepare for these, but we try to keep it relaxed, you know, kind of thing. So I, I think we did that next month. I will be joined by Jason Walker. What's your story got to do with it? Maybe you can break out into your uh best impersonation of that.
Maybe I should, I don't know what's love got to do with it. Maybe not for the moment. You've been waiting for the ember drawing for an ember mug value $130. It's the kind you can control with your phone. The Draff winner there is Nick J from Des Moines, Iowa. Thank you so much. I actually see uh someone else saying the
drawing winner there um in the chat, you know, good for you, but Emily will be uh will be in touch there as well. Uh This is where now we are formally at the end of the time. So thank you so much for joining us and in case we need to pause for the recording, I'm gonna pause here for just a split second and then because hey,
we enjoy it. We appreciate the questions. I want to spend a little bit of time. This is where I won't take off my hat because I need a haircut and my hair is messy. But, you know, we kind, we kind of, we kind of, we kind of loosen up a little bit and wanna make sure to go through some questions and answers. I think there were some great ones that Rob was
already answering and I almost wanna just go ahead and bring some of those back up, Jack. I think I'm gonna turn the music back on here just a little bit. We'll keep it low. It's meant to be a, it's meant to be a relaxed feel and, uh, we go, hopefully that's not too loud for anybody.
Just tell us in the chat if it is. I, I think let's, let's take a look at some of the questions that, that have already been answered, but I do want to talk about them a little bit more. I think that, uh, you know, we, we've got uh out there who, who asked a question of uh speaking of it spending with pure storage.
Do you have a or option? Of course, we do, we pioneered this space with pure as a service. Uh We have the ability to allow you to purchase. Of course, traditionally, um of course, the uh cloud like solutions or cloud solutions like a bare metal service are typically gonna be consumed in a, in an Opex model. Uh You know, because they are really consumed
on a, on a per time per unit of measure basis. So uh how many compute cycles or how many servers do you need on a per hour basis? Or how much storage do you need on a, on a per monthly basis? Um And so those are all uh native within the, the environmental solutions. Of course, pure has the ability to deliver lots of different ways to procure our technology.
The other piece I want to highlight there is pure as a service. So this is where any pure physical hardware, you can purchase on an Opex basis consumption driven. Uh Equinox metal incorporates some of that cloud blocks or incorporate some. But if you actually want a deeper dive on that last May actually was the month before you were on last time,
Jack. Um Paul Ferraro, who was the VP for that business similar to you. He actually came, Jack, he actually came from a customer background here about as a service offerings for a really long time and then he came to pure to do, you know, similar stuff. So exploring the service economy and pure storage, um there's a link for that if you want
to dive into even some of the kind of thinking and methodology there and, and then of course, what, what pure offers in that space too. But this the other piece there is that sometimes it feels like cloud, it's a technical conversation. Sometimes it might be the CFO coming down the hallway and saying I want to shift spending
from Capex to Opex and you're like, do I have to like change all the other technology things too? Because that's not what he's asking me to do. And they're, they don't Capex and OPIC don't have to be married to individual technology options depending on who you're working with some companies. They have to be some vendors but not pure well. And uh and that ties really nice,
I think to Ned's question, what are the cost benefits for pure storage on ETS uh and you know, for multi cloud environments. So, you know, one of the things that uh all of uh the cloud consumption models offer is the ability to be super flexible um scaling up and only paying for the data you have not the storage you need, right? I think that's one of the major differences
that pure does here is you're only paying for the data that you are actually storing on the environments and the platforms that pure is providing under our models, not how much provision storage you have, even the public clouds have provision storage models. So you're really, if you think about it, you're a lot less efficient in those models, you're actually having to guess how much storage am I gonna need?
And I'm gonna go procure or maybe I need a couple of terabytes of data. Um And uh and ultimately you, you start off with 100 gig and you pay for the couple 100 terabytes, you know, you, you end up with this kind of model where you're not kind of ramping appropriately. And so one of the huge benefits, the way pure is designed, our ability to consume is you only pay for the data that you
have, right? The data is the asset that matters. The storage is not storage is a means to an end. So I think that's an important part of that question. Hopefully then that that gave you a a good answer. Also, there's a question from someone who was like, hey,
can we get that recording series that will be in the follow up email? And also we actually keep it as a public slide that anyone can find because it's all public stuff, you can find it at pure storage dot com slash webinar as you look at previous recordings. And actually, I just put this link in the chat for um I think Andrew, what a great name who was asking for that as well.
Uh Next question, uh So this is actually kind of cool. There's a little bit of a history here. I feel like we could kind of geek out on mergers and acquisitions and technical stuff and all this. But um from Andre the question, uh Jack about how long have we been doing this? I'm gonna assume that means Equinox Metal and then you can take it wherever you want to.
Yeah. So first of all this whole space of bare metal uh you know, has existed in some form or fashion in a bit. But what's been really unique and frankly, some of the things that I think the analysts are saying is the approach to enterprise. I being consumed in a bare metal fashion is relatively when I say relatively new peer partnership with Equinox uh was,
was announced last March. Um We've been now doing this for a year. We've got lots of customers who have uh who have been now who are running on the platform up and running their full business ranging from uh really, you know, small smb mid market companies to uh large enterprises. Um And so we are seeing great success, but uh the Equinox really started into this space by
acquiring packet. And I think that was answered in the question in the chat here. Um is that packet was a bare metal automation environment but based on cloud native uh principles. So the big member of the CNCF and for those, that track, ultimately how cloud native environments need to be run.
Um And so we've partnered with them uh is, is one of our key career partners in environmental solutions. And so they've been uh they've been in business for, for a number of years now. So a lot of history in this, this isn't new, there's nothing experimental here. This is actually traditional, it being delivered in a completely different fashion.
Um But you get all those same benefits we've got come up before. I'm, I'm gonna just do a left uh a one out of left field here because it's just a fun question actually. And then we'll go back to from Robert is pure giving you custom backgrounds based on job title or per person or just use a random pool of backgrounds. So uh that you've actually got,
I mean that that's your actual office there, right? This is my real office. That, that's a, that's a real bat and a real, a real Jersey, a real or already embezzle. Uh So yeah, we did. Yeah, just depends like, uh I, I can throw a virtual background and put my name up there. That be neat.
You know, that you have, I've got, in my case, I've got a uh I got a home office with a little bit of an interesting roof line so often for this kind of stuff. I pull the green screen up and you know, use AAA tip for you is a can, is a good online tool. Sometimes you can find this stuff and put your name and title in to look a little bit more official or just so people know who you are,
you know, that kind of thing. So I just thought it was a, just thought it was a fun question to toss in there. Absolutely. Um Great other question. I'm just gonna keep going, Jack and feel free to cherry pick too. But um so this from Jeff, um who do I speak to at pure about going from on Prem to Azure?
I, I want to kind of lean into that because there can be a piece there where some of that could be an equinox metal conversation where some things might move into metal and then you could be accessing what's in Metal in Azure. We talked about express route direct. Uh That could be a cloud block store conversation where we're running pure capabilities fully in the cloud, right kind of thing.
We partner with Microsoft a bit, you can find that in marketplace, it's deployed as a managed application. So I think my, my best answer there is to reach out to your uh you don't know who to reach out, to feel free to just pick me or Jack. You know, our, our, we're, we're public folks, you can find us um probably to start with your local
pure a ense our partner and kind of help understand more of that question just because there's multiple paths. They aren't going to Azure. What are you, Jack? Hopefully, I didn't beat that one to death. No, I I think, and you know, one of the great scenarios here is pure has solutions in Azure like cloud locks store, they have solutions in other public clouds,
they have solutions in the hybrid edge like we're talking about here. Uh And so they're, you know, the best way to do this. I agree is to, to, to work with the teams that can actually provide you the solutions like we, our sellers are more consultative um in that regard. So they're not really selling, they're really trying to come in and achieve what business
outcome you're trying to get to. And so I would say that uh that ability to, to, to land you where your business goals are is how pure becomes aligned. And quite frankly, one of the reasons why we have such a highly rated net promoter score. We actually try and solve business challenges, not just provide fast speeds and speeds.
Uh We train delight customers in all ways there. Think I'll make this the last one from Tiffany. I see Rob is typing away there. Don't stop Rob, but you know, I want to change a different slide here and talk about it. So with the cloud, can you create a network that spans to both your local and cloud
environments? I'm going to embrace that with a yes. Although with a little bit of playing with maybe the definition of the terms because I'm gonna take a local to mean what I want it to mean, possibly, which in this case is for most of us, there's a move from on Prem to Colo, right, that kind of thing. But even with on Prem,
we can talk about and this is actually literally we have customers that are doing some mix and combination of this, some mix of on Prem or Colo. Once it's Colo, let's say you're an X Colo, you got very high speed interconnects into say running stuff and some stuff in metal, you've got high speed interconnects into running stuff in the cloud. If it's Azure, you can do express route direct.
So I don't want to pretend that you can't go crazy with networking in overly complex ways, right? I've got some friends at startups that help with some of that stuff Um But fundamentally yes, you can create networks that span both local and cloud environments. That's Rob. Rob or Jack actually, because I know Rob you're
talking for us. So I want to include you. Well, I see, I know, I know Rob's worked with customers in this. So Rob, you wanna give a couple of examples. I was gonna say they uh everybody can do a direct connect or an express route, right? Those are the the connections to the cloud, you know, but the difference then becomes the speed of light.
So if you can get closer right to those data centers and that's what Equinox is doing, you know, now you're gonna be operating like a single data center instead of a stretched or two different data center locations. Love it. I think with that unless uh we're at the one minute before the hour mark. So for folks that stay around for the Q and A
which is actually like 90% of you, you know. So thank you. Uh II I think it's the background. It's, it's gotta be the backgrounds, you know, but, and as well the music, Rob Jack. Rob, thanks for coming with the questions, Emily Linda Jack as always. Thanks for being such a great guest. Please, everyone make sure to join us next month.
For what's your store got to do with the real world value of rapid recover with pure, I'm Andrew Miller, your coffee break host, signing off for this month. Thanks so much for joining us.
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Coffee Break
  • Evergreen//Forever
  • Cloud Block Store
  • FlashArray//X
  • Multicloud

Andrew Miller

Lead Principal Technologist, Pure Storage

Jack Hogan

Vice President, Technology Strategy, Global Alliances, Pure Storage

Who knew that the best coffee break conversations would end up happening online? Each month, Pure’s Coffee Break series invites experts in technology and business to chat about the themes driving today’s IT agenda - much more ‘podcast’ than ‘webinar’. This is no webinar or training session—it’s a freewheeling conversation that’s as fun as it is informative and the perfect way to break up your day. While we’ll wander into Pure technology, our goal is to educate and entertain rather than sell.

If you are trying to figure out your cloud journey, you are not alone — and we’re here to help.

Based on survey results from recent Coffee Breaks with “Cloud - Anything & Everything” as the top requested topic, host Andrew Miller has invited Jack Hogan to join the Coffee Break for the 2nd time. We’ll discuss what we’ve both been seeing over the last year in talking with customers about their cloud journey. 

Topics we will discuss: 

  • Cloud Journey - Perception vs. Reality with customer stories
  • FOMO is Real - even at the Board and CIO-level
  • Is the public cloud too hot? On-prem too cold? Do you want something just right that fits in-between public cloud & on-prem?

We’ll end with a quick walkthrough of the Pure cloud portfolio and an update on Bare Metal as-a-Service, Powered by Pure - a potential Goldilocks “just right” solution between on-prem and public cloud that offers bare metal levels of control and flexibility with public cloud levels of on-demand provisioning and consumption models.

This will be a continuation of the discussion from the April 7 TechTalks - we’ll continue that conversation and add in some new items too!

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