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20:26 Webinar

Pure//Accelerate® 2023: Introducing the New FlashArray

Bring All-Flash Benefits to Every Corner of the Data Centre
This webinar first aired on 14 June 2023
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All right. Hello everybody. Well, thanks for joining us at Accelerate. And if you didn't get a chance to join us at axel rate, uh We've got you covered. Uh We wanted you to introduce the latest generation of the flash A ray family. And today we have uh myself, my aunt who uh leads the product management for flash array and flash plate on the platform
side. And joining me is Matt Halbert, Matt. Hey, everybody. All right. Uh So we wanted to kind of first start with our vision. Um We have this goal for ourselves. We want to enable our customers to be able to build the most efficient all flash data centers
and all the releases that you're gonna hear from us will have a massive focus around. How do we make our products, help you build the most efficient data centers? Now, what does an efficient data center even mean let's start there first. Now helping our customers achieve a greater success with a lot fewer resources is what it means to me. And that can come in various forms just to name
a few examples, you know, reducing your footprints. That is G G capacities on a rack unit basis, helping you consolidate a lot more workloads, saving you space on the workloads that you run and hence reducing costs on those same workloads, right, less T C OS uh better efficiencies of the number of personnel operating that infrastructure.
And goes without saying also to focus on the scalability and improvements the software or purity offers. That's what data center efficiency means to us. And with all our launches, that's gonna be a key focus for us, do more with less. And of course all while offering an ever
increasing set of data services with purity, we have three exciting announcements with um with this the first off which is gonna be the key focus of this session is around the introduction of our next generation flashing Flasher X R four as well as Flasher ray C R four series. And what you'll witness as we go through more details through these slides is the efficiency not only around performance power efficiencies
and reduced watts per terabytes, we'll cover more in detail. But that's the first thing that we want to talk about in terms of the big next evolution on Flasher X as well as see with the R four generation. The second thing that you'll hear is obviously announcing an extension of what was already announced as the as the pure E family.
We announced the Flasher Ray E as an extension into the E portfolio with Flasher now being introduced to cover the range of one pea bytes to four pea bytes within the E portfolio. Yet. And again, a massive efficiency improvement when it gives pure an opportunity to work with our customers and partners to replace some of that uh legacy environment pinned by new line a deployments,
massive improvements in space savings, power performance and the whole experience being extending to more parts of the data center. And the third one um is something that underpins a lot of these uh innovations and improvements that we're about to share, which is our next generation direct flash modules. We'll be introducing two new things. One being the largest industry's largest 75
terabyte Q L C drives and industry's largest 36 terabytes Q L C drives. Now to start diving deeper specifically into the first topic I covered, which was our generation on flash AY uh R fours. Uh I wanna invite Matt the product manager for the product to come and take us on a deeper journey on what's new with the Flasher R four and actually walk the talk of some of the
claims we are making. So hope you enjoy. Thanks. So yeah. Um we, we kind of covered this uh at acceler and again, um thank you to those who attend and I'm hoping those who are viewing this video now are going to get as excited as everyone in the audience was. Um for us we're really excited about uh this next generation of flash flash array X R four
and C R four as we see it as the biggest performance boost in flash ray history. Um This is unprecedented for us up to 40 percent increase performance and these are just some of the highlight uh highlights of what changed in the architecture and what that means to the end user. So again, a large generational performance boost um the architecture is able to scale, it's built up for three petabytes plus.
Um We moved around the flash array C models to more closely match the X models. Um We are featuring the latest generation Intel processors, the the Xenon processors, there's PC I U gen four D D R five. Um The direct compressed technology that we introduced in the flash array XL is gonna be here as well. And as my mentions, uh the best in class 36 terabyte T L C and 75 terabyte Q
L CD F MS. And you know, for, for those customers that take advantage of our evergreen subscription model, there are non disruptive upgrades from day one. So how we position the products, right? This is the flash array X for more power from mission critical workloads from O T P databases to real time analytics.
We've listed a couple of different applications here such as large O L T P virtual desktops, workload real time analytics, all those kinds of applications and workloads that can run on the X series, uh X 20 all the way through X 90. So no changes in the model numbers. Uh Just, you know, we now we go from R three to R four for Flasher AC, this is position more towards business critical workloads.
Um There's some price sensitivity for those business critical workloads and consolidation around databases, uh backup and restore data analysis. And as you might notice the model numbers have changed, uh whereas we used to have the C 60 and the C 40. Now we have the C 50 C 70 and the new kid on the block C 90.
So what is fueling the increase in performance? Um as mentioned before the latest generation Intel Z M processors. That's really one of the major underpinnings uh along with the architecture that we have internally being able to run everything internal of the box at PC I E GEN four with D D R five and D D R five's memory band would upgrade up to what uh 4400 mega transfers per second that with some of the efficiencies on
those uh noted Intel Xenon processors really gives us some incredible metrics around performance as well as energy efficiency. And, and we'll talk about that in a few slides to come, not only with that uh with certain SKU S, we are including the direct Compress accelerator which offers about 30% improved in line compression.
Um We have featured and announced and launched M V E over fabric transports, TCP fiber channel and Rocky. And those really bring out the best in this platform. And lastly uh 64 gig and 100 gig Ethernet and fiber channel connectivity at full line rates. So no longer are you gonna buy a expensive nick inside of one of our systems or anyone else's systems and have to run at less than what you
purchased it for. You're able to run at full load line rates. So full two port 100 gig, full two port 64 gig fiber channel. So what impact will this have on our customers? Well, this allows our customers to keep pace with business growth in a time of limited budgets. There's performance for that ever grown mission critical workloads with X.
There's a high value option for business critical workload with C there's more strength to stream online operations by consolidating those workloads. There's more efficient data reduction that stretch of storage capacity. Again. A lot of this is, is um as, as mine said, you know, we're basically giving the keys to the car to all of our customers to go off and
build those highly efficient scalable data centers. So let's walk the talk on performance. Uh Looking at X 90 R four, we saw 40% improved performance overall. That includes 30% right? I ops increase, 65% read IOP S increase and all of that while consuming the same nominal power consumption as X 90 R three, which gives us 40% better performance per watt.
And that's compared generation over generation and we already lead the market in this category. It become so important matt, right? Like I think we're seeing parts of the world where power is such a constraint and being able to perform like 40% better with the same power envelope I think is is such a massive improvement. So yeah, really amazing.
Thank you for that, Mike. Yeah, that's um we all know the cost of data of operating Aden is increasing and it's getting harder and harder to find floor space. Um At least we've heard that from our customers directly. Um So that's, that's a great point. Thanks for bringing that up. Um In terms uh what we mentioned around the D F MS with moving to the higher density D F MS
for the X series X and XL, we introduced that 36 terabyte D F M. Well, with that 36 terabyte D F M, we see about 100 and 3% increase capacity per rack unit. Uh And in a single three R U box from us, it's you're gonna get 730 terabytes of raw capacity. When you look at how many watts are needed to drive a terabyte. Uh The improvement between generations is about 97%.
So what that means is you're gonna spend about 97% less energy to host a terabyte. Uh in your data center. And, and again, a as my mentions, you know, a as space cooling and energy is really being looked at for these data centers any time that you can build out a data center that has um you know, a high number of, of petabytes exabytes or whatever and
effectively address those uh that capacity with the lower power footprints. It really sings that tune of the energy efficient data center. So let's walk to talking performance uh on C So I'll be talking about the C 90 R four, which is a brand new model that came about with the R four lineup. We're seeing about 60% improved performance there compared to the previous generation C 60.
And that includes improvements on uh the right eye ups of 60% and the red eye apps of 60% giving us about 48% better performance for Y and the tie in with what we mentioned around the, the X again, getting more performance out of your boxes inside of your data center. Uh really ties to that efficient data center um vision that we have so 48% better performance per watt.
And not only that, it's compared to the C 60. Uh So you're getting much better performance overall and you're still improving your performance by watt by 48% on the density side, those 75 terabyte D F MS. Uh It's a, it's an engineering marvel, it's, you know, my background has been in the storage industry on E S sds and I got to introduce the 30 terabyte drives a long time ago.
Uh when we were talking about 75 terabyte drives, I laughed and said, you know, why, why, why 75 but coming to pure and seeing what we're doing with the C lineup, um seeing the 75 terabyte drive come about. It's really amazing when you look at the numbers and you realize, you know, you're able to really drive uh capacity per rack units with that spit,
particularly, you know, one C chassis now can host 1.5 petabytes in three rack units. Um Again, let me just repeat that 1.5 petabytes in three rack units. And we're doing that at 42% better watts per terabyte than the previous generation drive. Mike. Did you have anything you wanted to add to that?
No, absolutely. Matt really exciting time for Pr I think we are just starting on the journey of this differential between us and what other storage vendors have to offer. And that differential is just gonna keep growing over time as you probably heard on our earnings call about like the vision of having not just 75 that being the first step in in the long term plans,
but also seeing 1 50 terabyte drives and 300 terabyte drives come in in the next three years. So this is our first step in that direction. Um And then, you know, to just tie off what you mentioned on the improvements with the Flasher C family, like both you and I know Flasher AC does get used a lot in the uh data protection space. Um You know, a lot of our customers and
partners uh use the Flasher CS uh for um, data protection and backup applications in some instances. And, you know, the ingest rate improvements are gonna be certain on on this re refresh when you look at terabytes ingested on a daily basis and, and uh and those sort of metrics that are more important for those applications. Um So really exciting release as well on the Flasher E C side,
just as it is on the Flasher ra X side. And with that, I'm gonna turn it over to Maya to talk about the hardware and software code design. Thanks Matt. I love the deep dive that you took us through on on the platform. And now if we just step up and just look at the whole value offering to our customers with this
release, uh the R four generation goes out on the 64 A release and it's not just the platform and performance and power efficiencies that we're improving. Um One thing I wanted to get a little more deeper into was the direct Compress accelerator which is the 30% better in line compression. This offers us to provide better storage efficiencies better data reduction rates for
the same applications on the models that receive the direct compress accelerator. Again, no extra charge comes pre configured with the arrays. And hence, we just pass over the value on better storage efficiencies with the ability of having the T C A uh being prebuilt into the system. Uh Secondly, scale with purity 64, we should be looking at about four X D increase in
snapshots on the flash array as well as double on the file object counts. So it's not just the uh platform improvements that combined with the software improvements on on our road map. This is gonna be a pretty phenomenal opta in the array offering. We have. You've probably also been tuned in to the recent truly unified file and block offering.
I'd highly recommend doing a deep dive into what we are bringing about in that space on the natively integrated block and file stack, uh NFS data stores and the V M ware uh capabilities that the recent release and the unified file and block offering on FA is offering. Um We did mention evergreen upgrades on day one. Uh like always, you know, whatever we design comes with those mindset of non disruptive
upgrades and the ability to continue the journey of our customers and their arrays in a non disruptive manner. To the latest, we spoke a lot in detail about the energy efficiencies that are getting added. In addition, what you also witness is on the data resiliency side, we have features in the pure one uh road map that focus more around the data and the
ransomware protection detection and response capabilities. So a lot of excitement in this particular release, just not only from a platform perspective, but overall from a hardware software codes design perspective uh that's being delivered with this to kind of just paint the view on how long of a journey we've come through in terms of the various releases that
we've now had over the time, right? And this is again yet another, the testimony of the data center efficiencies that we've been delivering over time um where it took over, you know, 42 racks to host, let's say a terabyte. Uh Now we are at a point where it doesn't even take um you know, if it, it, it takes only three rack units or less to host 1.5 terabytes um in it's
in a just a three ray units, not even talking about a whole rack. So we've come a long way in that journey with X R four S and the C R fours being the latest edition. Yes, you can upgrade on day one going from a flash ray X R three to an X R four or whether it's an M uh to an X R four. And similarly from a previous generation flash array C R three to a flash A ray C R four.
Hey Mike, what what vision are we delivering on? Yeah, absolutely, man. I think as we opened the slides, I think our vision was to build the most efficient data centers for our customers and every release and every product launch we have in this journey takes a even better and bigger step in accomplishing that vision.
Um Thanks for the question, but yes, you know, ties back to what I opened up with. I did want to remind everyone about the goals and, and product that we take. And just let's look at a pace of innovation that uh Pura has had uh across the whole portfolio. Um And this again ties back to our, our uh rigor and our commitment to making the best data centers for our customers,
specifically all flash data centers. Uh in just under two years, we've had massive improvements. Whether you take a look at the top end of the portfolio with flash array Excel or you take a look at revamping our scale out architecture with flash blade or you take a look at the E series that is formulating to yet take another silo out uh from data centers that were pinned
by near lines solutions out there. So even under two years, you're seeing this pace of innovation from pr and we're committed to continuing this pace of innovation to wrap it up. I just want to leave with final thoughts um you know, a few years ago or almost over a decade ago pure started on this journey of bringing all flash mainstream to all parts of your data
center. And we were able to do that primarily for the most mission critical applications initially. But over time, you've seen us introduce products that touch more and more parts of your data center. So going from Flasher Excel on the scale up side all the way down from Excel all the way up rather from Excel to all the way down in
performance to Flasher E we now have a portfolio that touches every part of your data center. There's no reason to leave any of those hybrid SAS uh solutions out there. Uh with the all flash offerings from PR and the same story goes on the flash blade side of the house with scale out two with variety range of scale out architecture on both performance and
price sensitivity across the portfolio. You now have a portfolio that can cover all flash with the simplicity that pure offers from all parts of your data center. Thanks again everybody for joining. It was a pleasure hosting this session and looking forward to questions uh from everybody.
Thanks everyone.
  • Video
  • Pure//Accelerate
  • FlashArray//X
  • FlashArray//C
  • FlashArray//E
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