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Artificial Intelligence: Practical Steps for Government

With the power to transform the business of government, artificial intelligence offers agencies unprecedented opportunities to discover deeper insights and identify correlations critical to mission success faster than ever. However, faced with legacy infrastructure, an evolving workforce, and limited budgets, how can government actually harness this new wave of technology? During this digital viewcast, hear from government practitioners and industry experts about the practical path to implementing artificial intelligence for agencies of all sizes.

Watch now to learn about:

  • Top questions to consider when evaluating AI at your agency
  • How to overcome roadblocks to AI adoption
  • The perfect collision of game-changing technology in network, storage, and infrastructure enabling seamless AI integration
  • How to sustainably finance your agency’s AI investment over the long term

Brian Drake

Director of Artifical Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency

Anthony Robbins

Vice President, North America Public Sector, NVIDIA

Nick Psaki

Federal Chief Technology Officer, Pure Storage

Rob Davies

Executive Vice President of Operations, ViON
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