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Driving Down the Operational Costs of Storage

Forrester Consulting Webinar: The Total Economic Impact™ Of Pure Storage FlashArray Storage Solutions.

When considering a major storage infrastructure change, companies need to consider the return on investment they're likely to see, taking into account infrastructure and management costs, among other factors. 

Forrester Consulting has conducted a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examines the potential ROI enterprises may realize by deploying Pure Storage's FlashArray storage solutions. Joe Branca, a consultant at Forrester, will join us for this webinar to discuss Forrester's methodology and findings from customer case studies along with Casey McKnew, from Hodges University, a current Pure FlashArray customer, who will provide insights based on several years of experience with FlashArray. 

At the end of the webinar, you will have a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact FlashArray storage solutions may have on your organization as well as a better understanding of how FlashArray makes storage infrastructure management effortless and efficient.

Kevin Rickson

Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Pure Storage

Joe Branca

Consultant, Forrester Consulting

Casey McKnew

Lead Network Engineer and Assistant Director of IT Infrastructure, Hodges University
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