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What is VMware?

What is VMware?

VMware is a software company that specializes in virtualization and cloud computing. Virtualization is about creating a software representation of something, like a server, so that it can be accessed and used independently from the constraints of its physical hardware. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at VMware’s virtualization services and how you can use them to bring agility to your storage infrastructure.

Benefits of VMware

As a leader in virtualization, VMware provides a number of products and services that are uniquely suited to virtualizing a data center. Benefits of leveraging VMware for virtualization include:

  • Cost savings of partitioning a single physical server into multiple virtual machines
  • Greater IT agility and flexibility to distribute your workload across your infrastructure as you see fit
  • Streamlined deployment, management, and maintenance of virtual machines
  • Granular virtualization of storage area networks (SAN) and network attached storage (NAS) arrays with virtual volumes (vVols)

Pruebe FlashArray

Trabaje en un entorno de autoservicio para experimentar la gestión de una FlashArray de Pure. Explore las características avanzadas, incluidas las copias instantáneas, la replicación, ActiveCluster ™ e incluso la integración con VMware.

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Pure Storage Integrations with VMware

Pure Storage® supports VMware vSphere Storage APIs Array Integration (VAAI) to provide:

  • Block zero feature to accelerate virtual disk initialization
  • Full copy to offload virtual machine copying and deployment
  • Space reclamation to ensure efficient use of capacity
  • Hardware-assisted locking to enable large-capacity datastores with enhanced scale of simultaneous operations

In addition to general integration with VMware virtual machines, Pure Storage also has several packaged solutions available on the VMware marketplace, including:

As a VMware Advanced Technology Alliance Partner, Pure Storage works closely with VMware to help customers maximize the synergy between their virtual and physical infrastructure.

Pure Storage Managed Services
Managed services from Pure Storage® are focused on providing solutions and outcomes that meet your business and technology needs.
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