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Pure and North York General Hospital

University of Melbourne Builds Best of Breed Infrastructure

Simplicity and scalability make Pure Storage a perfect match for Australian university.


The University of Melbourne’s top tier of storage reached capacity, sparking an investigation into the best options to expand its environment to allow for continued growth of virtual machine provisioning. The organization implemented two Pure Storage FlashArray™//M50s to provide a simple path for ongoing capacity expansion, consistent maintenance costs and simplify storage monitoring and management.


  • Education


  • Australia

Use Cases



To maintain its position as Australia’s leading university, the University of Melbourne required new storage technology which would provide ongoing support for high workload requirements.

  • Existing tier one SAN infrastructure was at full capacity.
  • Costly expansion was required to enable growth of virtual machine usage over the next couple of years.
  • Simply expanding would not provide space saving technologies such as deduplication and compression.
  • The university required centralized storage with the capability to support spikes in virtualization workloads during peak periods such as student enrollment and the release of student results.


Business Transformation

Pure Storage increased performance and improved customer satisfaction by providing a highly reliable system allowing them to deploy new services and applications faster.

IT Transformation

  • Significantly increased capacity while providing faster access and lower latency for end users; some SQL queries running up to three times faster.
  • Pure1 Cloud has simplified the physical monitoring of storage with zero management overhead; internal systems are easily maintained at an extremely high standard.
  • Speed of implementation: it took only one morning to configure each FlashArray//m50.

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