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AGRF Accelerates Genomic Pipelines by up to 86%

A leading provider of genomic services to medical and research communities, AGRF chose Pure Storage® FlashBlade® to drive faster genomic projects.


The Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF) provides critical genomics data to global researchers and clinicians in the biomedical, clinical, agricultural, and environmental fields. To accelerate the end-to-end genomics pipeline, AGRF replaced its legacy disk storage with Pure Storage FlashBlade, cutting project time by more than half. AGRF can now undertake groundbreaking genomics projects rapidly, including the emerging practice of personalized medicine.


  • Life Sciences


  • Asia-Pacific

Use Cases

  • Activate Real-time Analytics



AGRF’s genomic analyses underpin time-sensitive research projects, making fast and accurate data paramount. To accelerate sequencing pipeline analytics, AGRF needed to replace legacy technologies that could not meet the need for real-time genomics data and limited adoption of new projects due to high storage latency and low bandwidth.


Business Transformation

  • Brings the power of genomics to life-saving healthcare testing and research by slashing analysis time
  • Empowers researchers to develop innovative treatments more quickly
  • Achieves larger economies of scale to support more international projects

IT Transformation

  • Speeds pre-analysis data workflows 6x, accelerating project delivery
  • Increases workload capacity by cutting 10-hour checksum process to 23 minutes
  • Reduces turnaround time for clinical sequencing from 28 days to just 10 days, and as little as four days in urgent cases

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