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M1 Communications Company Digital Transformation

Delivering Next-gen Connectivity with FlashArray

Flash storage has allowed Singapore-based communications company, M1, to improve its operational efficiency and reliability, as well as meet its long-term sustainability targets through a reduced data center footprint.


Flash storage has allowed Singapore-based communications company, M1, to improve its operational efficiency and reliability, as well as meet its long-term sustainability targets through a reduced data center footprint.


  • Telecommunications


  • Asia Pacific & Japan

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications



Business Transformation

With Pure Storage’s FlashArray, the improvements freed M1 to refocus its time into new digital transformation initiatives and identify opportunities for business value with 5G and Internet of Things.

IT Transformation

With Pure Storage’s FlashArray, M1 was able to achieve:

  • Faster issue response time with 50% improvement in database performance
  • Operating cost efficiencies of 30%
  • Minimized operational downtime with non-disruptive upgrades

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