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Mutua Madrileña Addresses Strong Growth with FlashArray

Mutua Madrileña selects Pure Storage® FlashArray™ to deliver high performance across two data centers and support growing storage needs.


Mutua Madrileña is a growing business group providing insurance, asset management, and real estate services to more than 13 million customers. Pure Storage FlashArray is the company’s storage platform of choice for its ability to deliver strong performance and availability.


  • Insurance


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Data Protection



With strong growth, including diversification into new markets, Mutua Madrileña was outgrowing its existing storage platform. It needed an environment that would improve performance while also supporting better availability with no downtime.


Business Transformation

  • Improved access to databases and virtual desktops
  • Achieved high availability and fast recovery times
  • Reduced storage management time

IT Transformation

  • Improved performance and ease of storage management
  • Eliminated bottlenecks and delivered high availability
  • Reduced recovery times from days to hours

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