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Data Fuels a New Approach
to Cancer Care

When PAIGE needed an infrastructure to fuel AI model training and specimen matching against petabytes of data representing millions of pathology slides, it chose Pure Storage®.


Through AI, world-class data, and clinical expertise, PAIGE aims to revolutionize cancer care. Pathology is the cornerstone of most cancer diagnoses. Yet most pathologic diagnoses rely on manual, subjective processes developed more than a century ago. By leveraging the potential of AI, with the support of Pure FlashBlade® and NVIDIA, PAIGE aims to transform the pathology and diagnostics industry from highly qualitative to a more rigorous, quantitative discipline.


  • Technology


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Activate Real-Time Analytics
  • Power Artificial Intelligence


Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Combat Cancer
See how PAIGE.AI is leveraging artificial intelligence ready infrastructure (AIRI) solutions from Pure Storage and NVIDIA to combat cancer and aide pathology research to help patients get the right medicines to save or at least extend their lives.


To teach its AI models to recognize cancer cells, PAIGE feeds them thousands upon thousands of images of tissue samples, requiring extremely high-performance storage. The process involves petabytes of clinical data that must be handled at speed and scale.


Business Transformation

  • Helps pathologists speed diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients
  • Fuels transformation of pathology into a more rigorous, quantitative discipline
  • Combats cancer by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI)

IT Transformation

  • Processes petabytes of clinical data for use in training AI models
  • Searches millions of histological slides to help identify rare samples
  • Enables computational pathology that dramatically accelerates diagnosis

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