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Pure and Sportradar

Sportradar Delivers a Winning Platform on FlashArray

A leader in global sports data intelligence, Sportradar grows its global business and keeps up with clients’ innovative technology demands.


Sportradar aims to be the best one-stop solution for online and retail gambling and betting operations worldwide. The company needs strong infrastructure to support its growing platform. Pure Storage® FlashArray™ helps Sportradar keep up with technological demands for all customers.


  • Technology


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications



Sportradar wanted a solution that could scale easily to keep up with its growing customer base. At the same time, the IT infrastructure needed to be very easy to manage so that the IT team could spent more time innovating, adding new services, and providing value for customers.


Business Transformation

  • Company growth supported by streamlined storage management
  • IT time freed-up for other projects and tasks
  • Scalability without service interruptions

IT Transformation

  • Ten times more storage capacity managed by existing IT team
  • Speed access to databases and services
  • Simplify platform management through Pure 1® self-managed support

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