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Euronet Services India Supports Digital Economy

Financial solutions provider scales infrastructure to process 15 million digital transactions per day after transactions spike during pandemic lockdowns.


As the digital economy grows in India, Euronet Services India needs to scale its IT platform to meet the increasing demand from customers who need to transfer funds and process digital payments. With Pure Storage® FlashArray™ and the Evergreen//Forever™ Subscription model, the company can support faster, larger-scale operations.


  • Financial Services


  • India

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications



Euronet Services India Supports Exponential Digital Economy Growth with Pure
Euronet Services India processes 7.5 billion digital payment transactions annually. With Pure Storage FlashArray and the Evergreen//Forever Subscription model, the company can scale quickly while maintaining performance.


The pandemic lockdowns dramatically accelerated the number of digital payment transactions, including electronic fund transfers, epay, and fast payments. Euronet Services India needed greater scalability and speed to grow business without slowing down existing transactions.


Business Transformation

  • Exceeds customer expectations with faster transactions
  • Supports growing business with new customers
  • Meets carbon goals with reduced power consumption

IT Transformation

  • Processes twice the number of transactions with the same performance
  • Reduced the data center footprint
  • Migrated customer to Pure environment in just 5 days

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Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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