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White Paper

Maximize Operational Resilience in Financial Services

Do you know the new global operational and cyber resilience regulations? Are you ready for DORA? Learn best practices and empower your operational resilience.

Changing Scope and Cost of Risk Management

Find out how today’s risk management has expanded beyond traditional measures to encompass new and innovative approaches.

Cyber Security Front and Center

Modern resilience requires awareness and preparedness across the enterprise. Learn how to enhance cyber security in the age of ransomware.

Focus on Critical Infrastructure and Services

Learn how to build an effective tiered resiliency architecture, including multilayered recovery, to achieve the lowest possible recovery times.

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Techniques and Technologies for Achieving Operational Resilience

True resilience encompasses the entire ecosystem, with a focus on the data and technology that underpins modern business.

Learn the key components of operational and cyber resilience regulations and the best practices for addressing them.    

“Operational disruptions can cause wide-reaching harm to consumers and pose a risk to market integrity, threaten the viability of firms, and cause instability in the financial system.”

UK Regulator
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