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Building Next-Gen Log Analytics for Scale and Performance

Modern log analytics have enabled businesses to leverage machine data to proactively monitor infrastructure, track cybersecurity threats, and even build industrial automation. But current approaches to analyzing data across hot, warm, and slow tiers using distributed DAS aren’t enough. They don’t adequately address ever-changing business needs due to growing operational complexity and IT infrastructure cost.

An Elastic Stack solution powered by Pure FlashBlade captures the best of Elasticsearch while addressing the limitations of traditional distributed DAS models. Learn how to scale Elasticsearch on Flashblade and optimize performance, operational scalability and improved agility for diverse workloads.

On This Webinar Event You’ll Discover:

  • What a modern log analytics architecture should look like
  • How to prevent scalability issues with log analytics, before they happen
  • How Elastic Stack with FlashBlade provides near infinite scalability and performance

Charles Solomon

Software Architect, Pure Storage

Adam Quan

Solutions Architect, Elastic
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