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Pure Storage and eMoney Advisor IT transformation

eMoney Advisor Takes Client Experience to New Heights

SaaS platform accelerates delivery of new features and services to clients, while sharply reducing resources devoted to storage management.


eMoney Advisor is a cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that combines financial planning software, data aggregation, business analytics and other functions to help financial professionals build stronger client relationships, streamline business operations and drive revenue growth. Currently, more than 50,000 financial professionals representing firms and enterprises of all sizes use eMoney’s solutions to serve 2.1 million end-clients across the country. Pure Storage is now the storage standard for eMoney’s infrastructure.


  • Financial


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Database – Microsoft® SQL Server®



eMoney Advisor, with the help of Pure Storage, has accelerated the delivery of new features and services to clients, while sharply reducing resources devoted to storage management. In addition to improving the customer experience, adding Pure Storage has radically changed the work life of eMoney’s IT staff for the better.

  • Growing volumes of data led to slowdown in database backups.
  • Speed of application development was limited by ability to spin up database copies.
  • Legacy storage systems burdened IT staff with complex management demands.


Business Transformation

The FlashBlade™ system enables eMoney Advisor to bring new features to market faster, as well as deliver services with ultra-high availability to its clients.

IT Transformation

  • Faster access to data and applications improves the client experience.
  • Snapshots mean application developers can test more ideas faster.
  • Non-disruptive upgrades and capacity additions mean no downtime.
  • Simplified management frees IT staff to work on higher-value projects.



Pure Storage結合SAP S/4HANA 助力宏亞食品成功轉型智慧製造 掌握市場先機


Pure Storage AIRI解決方案助長庚紀念醫院AI核心實驗室面對資料及系統整合挑戰


台灣前三大的積體電路設計公司-瑞昱半導體採用 Pure Storage 後,提升營運效益


Pure Storage 為宏遠證券打造高效率及高效能的作業環境,資料壓縮比高達10倍以上、資料搬遷速度快6倍


Pure Storage協助神腦國際提升系統效能 助智慧零售整合一臂之力

