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Pure Storage Allows Cloudhelix to Focus on Innovation and Customer Experience

Business Transformation

  • Pure Storage provides all of Cloudhelix storage for its highperformance cloud platform, delivering simplicity and enabling the business to scale seamlessly and confidently. The Pure Evergreen™ Storage business model helps ensure its relevance well beyond the typical lifecycle of IT infrastructure.

IT Transformation

  • 100% confidence in Pure Storage allows Cloudhelix to focus on innovation and customer experience. 
  • Cloudhelix’ clients encounter a seamless transfer and report faster batch processing; day-long data calculations down to 20 minutes. 
  • Storage management now requires virtually no time, freeing staff to develop new offerings and better serve customers.
“If Pure Storage says that a new feature is generally available, we can switch it on, in production, with absolute confidence.”
David Blesovsky, CEO
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