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What Is Oracle Cloning and How Does It Work?

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In the world of database management, the ability to clone a database is a powerful tool. Cloning allows users to duplicate the contents of a database and create an identical copy that can be used for various purposes. Whether it's for testing, development, backup, or disaster recovery, cloning provides flexibility and convenience. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of database cloning, specifically focusing on Oracle databases, and delve into the process of cloning, its requirements, and best practices.

What Is Database Cloning?

Database cloning involves creating a copy of an existing database, including its structure, schema, tables, and data. It essentially duplicates the entire database, making an exact replica of the original. This process allows users to work with the cloned database without affecting the production environment, ensuring data integrity and minimizing risks.

Types of Database Cloning

There are different types of database cloning techniques, depending on the level of granularity and the purpose of the clone. There are two broad cloning categories—hot and cold—and different types of cloning categories within hot and cold, including full database cloning, schema-level cloning, and table-level cloning. Each type has its own advantages and use cases, allowing users to choose the appropriate method based on their requirements. Let’s quickly review the different types. 

Hot Cloning vs. Cold Cloning

It's important to note that the categorization of hot and cold cloning may vary depending on specific implementations and tools used. The distinction between hot and cold cloning depends on whether the cloning process occurs while the source database is actively running or offline.

Hot Cloning

Hot cloning is a database cloning technique that involves creating a replica while the source database is still running and operational. This method ensures minimal disruption to the production environment during the cloning process. Hot cloning typically requires specialized tools or database features that allow for consistent data capture while the source database continues to handle user requests. It’s ideal for scenarios where real-time data availability is critical.

Cold Cloning

Cold cloning, on the other hand, involves cloning a database while it is offline or not actively processing user requests. In this method, the source database is stopped or taken offline before the cloning process begins. Cold cloning ensures a consistent state of the database during the cloning operation since no changes are made to the source database while the cloning occurs. This method is commonly used for non-time-sensitive tasks, such as backups or creating development environments.

Virtual Cloning

Virtual cloning, also known as virtual database cloning, utilizes virtualisation technologies to create copies of databases. It involves capturing the state of a database at a specific point in time and creating a virtual machine or container with that captured state. Virtual cloning allows for quick provisioning of new database instances without requiring additional hardware resources. It’s widely used in cloud computing environments where scalability and resource optimisation are crucial.

Virtual cloning can be performed as a hot cloning method because it leverages virtualisation technologies to create copies of databases while the source database is still running and operational. 

Full Database Cloning

Full database cloning involves duplicating an entire database, including its objects, schema, tables, indexes, and data. This method creates an exact replica of the original database, ensuring that all data and structures are preserved. Full database cloning is commonly used for creating backups, facilitating development and testing environments, and supporting reporting and analytics. 

Full database cloning can be performed as a cold cloning method because the cloning process typically occurs when the source database is offline or not actively processing user requests.

Snapshot-based Cloning

Snapshot-based cloning uses the capabilities of data storage systems to create clones of databases. This technique relies on taking a snapshot, which is a point-in-time representation of the database. The snapshot captures the data and metadata of the database at the time of creation. Any changes made to the original database after the snapshot do not affect the clone. Snapshot-based cloning is fast and efficient since it only stores the differences between the original and cloned databases.

Snapshot-based cloning can be performed as either a hot or cold cloning method. If the snapshot is taken while the source database is actively running, it can be considered a hot cloning method. However, if the snapshot is taken when the source database is offline, it becomes a cold cloning method.

Logical Cloning

Logical cloning involves extracting the logical structure and data from the source database and replicating it in the target environment. This method is typically used when there’s a need to transfer data to a different database platform or version. Logical cloning tools convert the data from the source database into a neutral format (such as SQL or XML) and then load it into the target database. Logical cloning allows for flexibility in terms of data transformation and migration across different platforms.

Logical cloning is typically performed as a cold cloning method. The extraction of the logical structure and data from the source database occurs when the database is offline or not actively processing user requests.

Physical Cloning

Physical cloning is also typically performed as a cold cloning method. The replication of the database at the physical level involves duplicating all the files and configurations associated with the original database, which is more convenient when the source database is offline.

Each type of database cloning method mentioned above offers distinct advantages and is suitable for specific use cases. Full database cloning ensures an exact replica, while snapshot-based cloning focuses on capturing changes efficiently. Logical cloning enables data migration across different platforms, and physical cloning maintains the original hardware configuration. Lastly, virtual cloning leverages virtualisation technologies for rapid provisioning in cloud environments. By understanding the different types of database cloning, businesses can choose the appropriate method that aligns with their specific requirements and objectives.

Understanding Oracle Database Cloning

Oracle, a leading provider of database management systems, offers robust capabilities for database cloning. With Oracle, you can clone databases across different environments, enabling seamless transitions from development to production or from one server to another. Oracle database cloning ensures data consistency, saves time and resources, and supports efficient testing and development processes.

Different Oracle Database Versions

Oracle databases come in various versions, each with its own features and functionalities. It’s important to consider the compatibility between the source database and the target database when cloning. While cloning databases between the same Oracle versions is typically straightforward, the process becomes more complex when cloning to different versions.

With each new version, Oracle introduces enhanced features, improved performance, and expanded capabilities to meet the evolving needs of organisations. Here’s a quick recap of the different Oracle database versions. 

Oracle Database 7

Released in 1992, Oracle Database 7 laid the foundation for Oracle's success in the relational database market. It introduced numerous innovative features, including the Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO) for query optimisation, stored procedures, and support for distributed databases. Oracle 7 marked a significant leap forward in terms of scalability, reliability, and performance.

Oracle Database 8

In 1997, Oracle Database 8 brought several notable advancements. It introduced the concept of object-oriented programming within the database with the introduction of object-relational capabilities. Additionally, it introduced features such as native support for Java, enhanced scalability, and improved data warehousing capabilities.

Oracle Database 9i

Oracle Database 9i, released in 2001, focused on internet computing and improved management capabilities. It introduced the concept of the Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) for high availability and scalability. This version also brought forth the Oracle Enterprise Manager, providing a comprehensive graphical interface for database administration.

Oracle Database 10g

Oracle Database 10g, launched in 2003, placed a strong emphasis on grid computing. The "g" in 10g stands for "grid," signifying the integration of multiple servers into a single, scalable infrastructure. This version introduced Automatic Storage Management (ASM) for simplified storage management and improved self-management capabilities.

Oracle Database 11g

Oracle Database 11g, released in 2007, focused on enhancing performance, scalability, and manageability. Key features included the introduction of Oracle Real Application Testing for workload capture and replay, advanced compression techniques, and automatic SQL tuning. This version also introduced Oracle Exadata, a highly optimised database machine for improved performance.

Oracle Database 12c

Oracle Database 12c, unveiled in 2013, brought a paradigm shift with the introduction of the "c" in its name, which stands for "cloud." It emphasized cloud computing capabilities, including pluggable databases (PDBs) for easy database consolidation and management, as well as enhanced security features such as Oracle Data Redaction and Unified Auditing. It also introduced multi-tenant architecture. 

Oracle Database 18c and 19c

Oracle Database 18c and 19c, released in 2018 and 2019 respectively, focused on stability, security, and automation. These versions introduced improvements in areas such as in-memory performance, Automatic Indexing, and the introduction of the Oracle Autonomous Database, which leverages machine learning and automation for self-driving, self-securing, and self-repairing capabilities.

Oracle Database 21c

Oracle Database 21c, the latest major release as of 2021, offers several groundbreaking features, combining the benefits of a multi-tenant container database (CDB) and pluggable database (PDB) approach. Other notable features include native blockchain tables, in-memory processing enhancements, and persistent memory support.

The evolution of Oracle Database over the years has showcased Oracle Corporation's commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of enterprise data management. From the early versions of Oracle Database 7 to the latest release of Oracle Database 21c, each iteration has brought significant advancements in scalability, performance, cloud integration, and automation. Understanding the different versions of Oracle Database empowers organisations to leverage the right features and capabilities for their specific requirements, ensuring efficient and robust management of their data assets.

Can Oracle Databases Be Cloned to Different Oracle Versions?

Yes, it’s possible to clone Oracle databases to different versions. However, it requires careful planning and consideration. The Oracle Database Upgrade Guide provides detailed instructions on how to clone a database to a different version while ensuring data integrity and minimizing potential issues.

Preparing Your Oracle Database for Cloning

Before initiating the cloning process, there are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled. Here’s a quick rundown of the process of preparing your Oracle database for cloning. 

1. Determine the cloning method

Before proceeding with the preparation, it's crucial to determine the cloning method that best suits your requirements. Decide whether you’ll be performing a full database clone, a logical clone, a snapshot-based clone, or any other specific method based on your needs. Each method has its own prerequisites and steps for preparation.

2. Identify database dependencies

Identify any dependencies or components that are closely tied to the source database. This includes external files, directories, or configuration files that are essential for the proper functioning of the database. Make a comprehensive list of these dependencies to ensure they are replicated or recreated correctly during the cloning process.

3. Review database configuration

Review and document the configuration settings of the source database. This includes parameters such as initialization parameters, database options, security settings, and any customizations or optimisations that have been applied. These settings need to be replicated in the cloned database to maintain consistency and functionality.

4. Prepare for storage considerations

Consider the storage requirements for the cloned database. Ensure that you have sufficient disk space available for the clone, as it may require a similar amount of storage as the source database. If you’re using snapshot-based cloning, ensure that the storage system supports snapshot creation and cloning capabilities.

5. Clean up and optimise the source database

Perform necessary clean-up tasks on the source database before cloning. This includes removing unnecessary or temporary data, optimizing performance, and ensuring data integrity. Cleaning up the source database will result in a more streamlined and efficient clone.

6. Create a backup

Creating a backup database before cloning is highly recommended. While cloning itself does not alter the source database, having a backup ensures that you have a point-in-time recovery option in case anything goes wrong during the cloning process. It provides an added layer of protection and peace of mind. This backup serves as a safety net and allows you to revert to a known good state in case any issues arise during or after the cloning process. Follow established backup procedures and ensure that the backup is validated and securely stored.

7. Plan for security considerations

Consider security aspects while preparing for database cloning. Review user accounts, roles, and privileges in the source database and ensure that they’re appropriately replicated in the cloned database. Assess any security policies, access controls, or encryption settings that are in place and ensure they’re replicated in the clone as well.

8. Test the cloning process

Before performing the actual cloning, it’s recommended to conduct a test run in a non-production environment. This allows you to validate the cloning process, identify any potential issues or dependencies, and fine-tune the steps involved. Testing the cloning process minimizes the risk of errors and disruptions during the actual cloning of the production database.

Preparing your Oracle database for cloning is a critical step in ensuring a successful and efficient replication of your database environment. By following the above steps, you can identify dependencies, review configurations, optimise the source database, plan for storage considerations, and address security aspects. A well-prepared source database sets the stage for a seamless cloning process, enabling you to leverage the benefits of cloned databases for testing, development, and backup purposes while ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Tips and Tricks for Oracle Database Cloning

When cloning an Oracle database, there are several tips and tricks that can simplify the process and optimise the results. These include:

  • Performing a thorough analysis of the source database to identify dependencies and potential issues.
  • Utilizing Oracle's Data Pump utility for exporting and importing data during the cloning process.
  • Implementing proper security measures to protect sensitive data in the cloned database.
  • Monitoring and optimizing the performance of the cloned database to ensure smooth operations.
  • Regularly updating documentation to keep track of database versions and clones for future reference.

Documenting the Oracle Cloning Process

Documentation plays a crucial role in maintaining a clear record of the cloning process. It’s essential to document the steps involved, configurations, dependencies, and any modifications made during the cloning process. This documentation not only aids in troubleshooting and future reference but also assists in ensuring consistency and reproducibility.

How to Monitor and Secure New Databases

Once the cloning process is complete, it’s important to monitor and secure the newly created database. This involves implementing appropriate security measures, such as user access controls, encryption, and auditing, to protect sensitive data. Regular monitoring and performance tuning help identify any issues and optimise the database's performance for efficient operations.

Keeping Track of Database Versions and Clones

As your organisation grows and evolves, keeping track of database versions and clones becomes crucial. Maintaining an inventory of databases, their versions, and their respective clones helps in managing resources, planning upgrades, and ensuring compliance with licencing requirements. It also aids in tracking the development, testing, and production environments, ensuring proper segregation and control.

Oracle Database Cloning with Pure Snapshots on Pure Storage FlashArray

Pure Storage FlashArray offers a powerful feature called Pure Snapshots that simplifies and accelerates the process of cloning Oracle databases. Here are the steps involved in Oracle database cloning using Pure Snapshots.

Understanding Pure Snapshots

Pure Snapshots is a feature provided by Pure Storage FlashArray that enables efficient and instantaneous snapshots of Oracle databases. These snapshots capture the exact state of the database at a particular point in time, allowing for rapid creation of clones without consuming additional storage space. Pure Snapshots use Pure's industry-leading data reduction capabilities, ensuring minimal impact on storage capacity.

Benefits of Pure Snapshots for Oracle Database Cloning

1. Speed

Pure Snapshots enables near-instantaneous cloning of Oracle databases, eliminating the need for time-consuming traditional methods. This results in significant time savings and increased productivity.

2. Space Efficiency

Pure Snapshots leverages space-efficient snapshots, significantly reducing storage requirements compared to full database copies. This efficiency allows organisations to create multiple clones without concerns about excessive storage consumption.

3. Simplified Workflow

Pure Snapshots simplifies the cloning process with its user-friendly interface and automation capabilities. It eliminates complex manual steps, minimizing the potential for errors and reducing administrative overhead.

4. Data Integrity

Pure Snapshots ensures data consistency and integrity during the cloning process. The snapshots capture the database as a point-in-time copy, ensuring the cloned database is an exact replica of the source.

Steps for Oracle Database Cloning with Pure Snapshots

Step 1: Prepare the Source Database

Ensure the Oracle database is in a consistent state before initiating the cloning process.

Close all active connections to the database and perform any necessary data backups.

Step 2: Initiate Pure Snapshots Snapshot

Access the Pure Storage FlashArray management interface. Then, locate the source database volume and initiate a Pure Snapshots snapshot using the provided tools or commands. Be sure to specify a meaningful name for the snapshot to identify it later.

Step 3: Create the Clone Database

Provision a new volume on the FlashArray to host the cloned database. Then, present the new volume to the Oracle server hosting the cloned database. Finally, mount the Pure Snapshots snapshot to the new volume.

Step 4: Configure the Clone Database

Modify necessary database parameters, such as instance name and file locations, to avoid conflicts with the source database. Start the cloned Oracle database instance. Finally, perform any additional post-clone configurations specific to your environment.

Step 5: Verify the Clone

You will need to validate the functionality and integrity of the cloned Oracle database by executing tests or queries. This will ensure the clone database is operating correctly and meets the intended requirements.

Cloning Oracle databases using Pure Snapshots on Pure Storage FlashArray offers significant advantages in terms of speed, efficiency, simplicity, and data integrity. By following the steps above, organisations can effortlessly create accurate and reliable clones of their Oracle databases for various purposes. Using the power of Pure Snapshots, Oracle database administrators can streamline their workflows and enhance their overall productivity.


Oracle database cloning is a powerful technique that provides flexibility, efficiency, and data integrity in various scenarios. Whether it's for testing, development, backup, or disaster recovery, cloning databases allows organisations to leverage the benefits of a production environment without compromising data integrity or risking potential disruptions. 

By understanding the cloning process, adhering to best practices, and staying updated with Oracle's features and upgrades, users can harness the power of cloning to drive productivity and innovation in their database management practices. 

Physically copying data for each clone can be time-consuming and expensive. FlashArray™ snapshots can accelerate application development by providing on-demand, highly performant, space-efficient Oracle database clones with zero impact to production. Check out our suite of Oracle database solutions to learn more.

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