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56:36 Webinar

How Sick Is Your Data Platform? How Pure Helps Healthcare Organisations

This month, host Andrew Miller will welcome Josh to the Coffee Break. We’ll explore Josh’s background (and stories!) as a healthcare CIO and Technology Director and then wander into all the ways that Pure helps both healthcare and financial organisations.
This webinar first aired on 19 October 2022
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Hello and welcome to your October 19th Coffee Break. I'm your host, Andrew Miller, joined by Josh Gluck today. I really appreciate Josh making the time especially he's had a little bit of a crazy travel schedule and other stuff going on. So we, we made it work more about Josh in a minute.
As you know, this is a series today, we're gonna focus on, you know, we had some fun with the title. Actually, Josh, you know how sick is your data platform? We were thinking about how pure helps health care organizations and more. So I think we embrace the the eighties or nineties use of the word sick, like is it sick or is it really cool?
So hopefully everybody got that out of it. Um I don't, I don't think we're going to veer into telling dad jokes today, but I have a feeling we might just each have a couple of those. As I mentioned, this is a series. Thank you much so much for joining us for what I want to say off. The top of my head is number 22.
If you would like to listen to any of the previous ones, please feel free. Uh They're both here. You can see the URL there. You'll get in a follow up email. These have actually aged a little better, I think than most webinars. Not, not diminishing all the other good content
that here has out there, but it's more of a solution focus. That had interesting folks. Um even want to highlight last month, we actually had record attendance last month as we went over sequel, man. That's even where Pierce started in some ways. And last, but not least for housekeeping.
Um, you prob some of y'all are probably here for the coffee card and hopefully for the interesting conversation and discussion as well. But, you know, that's part of how this works. So we did want to make sure and note that there are some folks who have been very enthusiastic and we appreciate this where you may have registered a time or 10.
I don't know. So we appreciate that. But hopefully, you know, we can't send that many coffee cards to the individual person. So, but if anything, I, I love the ingenuity and the creativity, it's like, hey, it's this cool stuff, people are paying attention and listening that last one. Actually, I did say last one at least next
month, we'll be joined by my peer Sean Kennedy. Um I'll rely on Emily in a minute here to put the sign up URL into the chat. Um You can actually use the QR code there. We're going to be embracing a little bit of a a very solutions topic about looking beyond protocols, even specifically file and object protocols. What Pu's vision is here as it relates to file
as it relates to object, the underlying architectures that serve those. The reason I'm going to be joined by my peer Sean is he's got a crazy enterprise background as well as has actually driven some development of use case tools and products inside pure. As always, I am your host, Andrew Miller for this topic today, I'm not gonna as always give you a long introduction, but I think the uh the side from
we're all human. So there's all health care and, and the thing about, you know, even health care and financials as verticals. Uh my father was actually an investment analyst for a Wall Street Bank. So I heard a lot about oil and gas and investment stuff and some of the terms that Josh knows better than I do because I was just a kid,
right? Uh But then also at the same time, I was at a partner where it was in the what in the early 20 tens and manned health care spending was surging. So I think like 50% of our revenue was from hospitals. So a good number of hospitals I've worked with over the years, I want to go ahead and actually Josh, um in some ways,
a lot of what we're doing is gonna be your background as we get to the, uh as we get to the actual agenda. But if you don't mind just briefly, um, that's a, that's a very cool fancy sounding title. Do you mind kind of introducing yourself briefly and then we'll do the longer introduction later. Yeah, sure, no problem.
Uh So my name is Josh Gluck. I'm the Vice President of Global Vertical Alliances and Solutions here at Pure. Uh I've been a pure about five years now. Prior to that, I was Deputy Cio uh for Wild Cornell Medicine in New York City, worked at New York Presbyterian Hospital for quite some time.
Uh And uh I'm also an adjunct professor of health care Policy and Management at New York University's Wagner School of Public Service. So if, if you're wondering if Josh has stories around some of those? Well, yes, he does. You know that's some of what we're gonna, we're gonna talk through. So as always, it's a relatively lightweight
agenda. Uh For those who are familiar with the format, often I'll try and put a, a joke in here. I, I was searching on health care jokes and I was like, if I'm not careful, it gets offensive or problematic. So I was like, and if you want to, if anyone want to put it in their chat, their best um business appropriate health care joke, you know,
please feel free to put it in the chat. Um Do, do you have one you wanna toss in Josh. I know I'm just putting you on the spot now, but you know that one that fits you, not instead business appropriate. So I think you've taken all of my jokes off the table. Apologies for that upfront.
What a gracious way to handle how to handle the blind task from agenda standpoint we're gonna start off with as always. Not exactly a hey, here's the stuff that peer does, but actually it's either technology or landscape or career. So we actually want to explore some of Josh's history because if you look him up on linkedin, you'll see, you know, we are even talking about networking and other pieces kind of admin to
manager to director professor to exec professor is kind of, you know, on the side. But along with those in parallel, right then going into a little bit of uh if anyone knows what this quote is from, you can put it in the chat, you know, what would you say you do here at Pier as, as being focused on verticals, then digging into how we think about verticals and verticals
isn't hopefully meant to be AAA derogatory term in any way, folks. It's just like, you know, different industry categories and what's a vertical. And then last, but not least we're gonna pick two to focus on this is where it actually started, you know, actually go into how we help health care organizations,
finance organizations tell a couple of stories about the impact that we've been able to have and, and really help our customers with. And of course, please, I appreciate Brittany and Margaret and Emily, as always helping with the chat and with the Q and A, we will be done by about 45 minutes after the hour, but there'll be Q and A throughout.
Please feel free to put it in. They'll be typing responses and we'll actually have some dedicated time for Q and A. At the very end as we're getting going, we've been trying to use poles here just to kind of make it a little bit interesting. Um, well, if you don't mind launching the first one there. So this is where it's, uh, maybe just call it a little bit of a,
a palette cleanser. So, um, or you wouldn't just go to the first one. So, so what industry are you in if it's, uh, you know, other, put it in the chat if you're comfortable because sometimes it's interesting to see. I think we're hearing that a good number of the folks who signed up for this are in health care that what the goal was not to limit this to
that, right. We're gonna talk about principles that apply across the board. And, um, Josh, this was, I, I don't think I even previewed this one with you. I was just being fun with what pack is because, um, it, it, there was a point in my career where I learned what pack actually is, I'm not gonna give it away unless you want to add any other,
you know, fun but wrong answers here. You might have heard over the years or packs commentary. No, actually, I think it's a great question and it's interesting to see, um, how the, uh, how the answers are coming in. Uh, definitely the right answer. There is a question of, uh, poll responses. But, uh I,
I think some of the ones that you guys came up with as the incorrect uh definition of what pack stands for is, is pretty funny. Um If you haven't heard of Packs, it may, you may have also heard of Enterprise Imaging. Uh and maybe that is a, a way to help those figure out what the right answer is. I feel like we're, we're giving away clues but there's no prize for the poll.
So, hey, we should, you know, so I will leave this up and running as we get starting because whenever we end it too fast, people are. Um, actually, yeah, so a bartender, uh walks into a, actually I'll go here. So I appreciate uh from Glen, you know, that, that COVID HIV and the flu walk into the bar and a bartender says, you know, what is this, some kind of sick joke?
So that actually feels more appropriate, you know. Thank you, Glen. I, I think I could say that here wanted to start out though. Josh was really just understanding, kind of a little bit of your background. It was, it was fun to hear that because there was some level of like you,
you knew you always wanted to do tech from the beginning. Uh, you figured out some things that you thought you were gonna do and it didn't quite play out. So, do you mind, mind kind of even narrating where you, you started with computers and maybe the 1st, 1st career shift or two? Yeah. II, I think I was very lucky in that my,
um, my mother had her own business, uh, from a very early, you know, when I was very young and it required technology to run the business. And so I was exposed to technology at a very young age and, you know, if, if I remember throughout my, you know, school days, um, you know, friends of mine were completely unsure of what they wanted to do in life and
you asked me and I was like technology and, you know, from, from a very early age, um, my parents often tell stories of me, um, taking apart the toys that I got. Uh, never, never really wanted to put them back together, but at least taking them apart to understand what they, what they look like. So, um,
you know, on the one side, I, I feel like while all my friends were, you know, applying to colleges and kind of unsure of what they wanted to do or, you know, their major was undecided at the time. You know, I was, I was evaluating computer science and computer engineering programs. Um, ultimately decided to, uh, go into a dual degree program at NYU and Steven's Tech.
Um, I'm from New Jersey and New York. Uh, for those of you who don't know but you don't totally sound like it, by the way. Yeah, I know. that's a complimentary insult, whichever way you want to take it. So, you know, um, so, uh, you know, I, I knew I wanted to, to work in technology. I thought I wanted to be a computer programmer.
And so I launched into taking every course possible um at uh at NYU, at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences. I spent a lot of time there. Um, and sort of along the way, I realized that I didn't want to be in school for five years um in the dual degree program. And I realized that I was kind of hiding from taking a foreign language requirement by being in the dual degree program.
And so at some point I decided that I was just gonna stick to computer science, um, and wound up, um, you know, kind of flipping my way through uh uh French. Um, but taking almost every single computer science course that was offered at NYU and also taking a bunch of graduate courses as an undergraduate and that kind of uh plays into the story about how I ended up teaching back at NYU.
Um, but, you know, for me, there was, there was never a question about what I wanted to do until I got almost all the way through, uh, my degree. And then I realized that although I love technology, I didn't really enjoy programming all that much. I was, I was good at it. Don't get me wrong. But, um, it felt to me like a very um uh
individual sport as opposed to a team sport, which is what I really liked back then, back then, you know, we were, we were not using agile development, uh you know, toolkits at the time. Um And it was more of, uh here's your piece of this project, go write your code, check it and check it out, do the testing and, and kind of see where it ends up.
Um So I pivoted and I went into infrastructure so I still had all of the benefits of being, you know, connected to technology. Um and decided that instead of doing year 2000 compliance testing, um for in-house developed applications, I would much be, uh you know, I was much more interested in understanding, you know,
how do all of the high end workstations on a trading floor work and what's going on with the network in the background. And, um you know, I was very lucky to um uh get a job at a financial services firm, uh, known as Herzog. He duel back in the day, starting in finance. Right, right out of college. Even kind of thing for a while. Yeah, straight into financial services.
Um, I had, uh, like you, I had family, uh, I had a, uh, an analyst who worked at, uh, Herzog and, uh, introduced me to their cio had a great conversation. Um, and, uh, you know, it turned into me taking a tour of what it looked like to work in it in a, in a large financial institution. Herzog was a NASDAQ market maker, uh cleared all the trades for Etrade before they had their
own seat. Uh And so, you know, it's a very, very exciting time for me to be in financial services, but it opened up my eyes to trading floor support, all of the, you know, sun microsystems, uh you know, servers and desktops that we had at, at the firm. Um all the optical FDD I Token ring, you know, kind of early networking technologies and I
just got sucked into infrastructure and it felt to me like much more of a team sport. And so I, I started as AAA Sun Os administrator and a three com network engineer and kind of moved into some of the um you know, more interesting places in a, in a firm like supporting the trade for uh and did that for, for a little while. And then sort of realized that I wanted to get
into, um, more consulting type of work. Let me toss a quick pause in here. I'm gonna go ahead and close the poll and we'll share it back and we'll see how folks did. So I'm gonna do end and share results. So everybody can see. Um, so if you are in, actually in technology, although that may be a,
from an industry standpoint. So cool health care, financial government, I mean, for any given category, you're, you're definitely not alone here kind of thing or other, I've seen some folks putting in the chat and then uh Josh, do you want to do the big reveal on what packs actually means?
Yeah, for sure. So I was surprised to see the results top out with premium advisory and consulting services, which is not the right definition of packs. Uh picture archiving communication system is the right one. So for the 29% of response uh uh nice job. So this was the the other piece here and we'll get on this later.
You know, I first learned the acronym packs. It's been a while. It was like, oh pack is a it's pack. It's like no, no, actually pack is 10 2030. I mean, there's a lot of different vendors and they all have different things to it's this whole industry category within healthcare imaging kind of thing. So now just going back to a little bit bit of
your story. So the what I found really interesting is as you frankly. And I mean, we're, we're, we've been capable of stuff we've done in the past. We're not here to, you know, heavily advertise that, but just, you know, there's sometimes when you're good at what you do and I even found this when I was a customer on the admin as an admin almost price
on is called kind of this upward gravitational pull you like to see. OK, here's how things are here. And if I could influence things at an arc engineering level or an architect level or an executive level, and you're kind of like I want to see good stuff happen. That means I kind of get sucked up the org chart a little bit.
I, I think I'm paraphrasing a little bit of what happened to you and your mind kind of continuing that. Yeah, exactly. Right. I, I think in, in sort of my career path in the, in the early beginnings, I was very much um kind of focused on the engineering or the the administrator side of the house. And you know, as you got good, you went from,
you know, administrator to senior administrator to lead administrator. And there was always this kind of push towards if you want to move up the, you know, in the organization, you had to figure out what percentage of management you wanted to do versus staying true to technology, selling your technical soul in small pieces of how is how I thought of it over the years. Yeah. And I,
I think when, when we were kind of getting ready for this, I was telling you that the thing that I love the most about being in technology, whether it was in financial services or, uh, dot com or, you know, even in, in health care. Um, and now working up here is the people I've worked with have always been great people but they've always been characters.
You know, there was always somebody that, you know, you had a great story about or there was somebody who, you know, you couldn't believe they said what in the last meeting. Um But, you know, everybody was quirky but everybody was honestly on the team to, you know, get, get the right thing done for the organization or for our customers or for, you know, whomever the organization was serving uh patients,
et cetera. And um but that, that kind of pull up the, um you know, up the um the structure, you know, really. Um at the time I, I think as a young engineer or young administrator, I, I didn't realize what I was signing up for, you know, it wasn't just to, to give the bad news to the front line workers,
you know. Um And I think I didn't appreciate until probably halfway through my career that management was, was a science and that there was a, there was a lot of practice behind it And so, um you know, when I, uh when I was trying to figure out if I was going to go straight to work or if I was gonna go to college in the first place,
um, you know, it was kind of a reminder to me that, you know, not only is it good to go to school and learn, you know, this technology protocol, uh application stack, whatever, but, but you, you do need to dedicate yourself to the science and, and kind of of management.
And I think oftentimes in tech technology organizations, um people are placed into management positions because it's the only way for them to get above the individual contributor level. And, you know, for me, I think um coming to that realization really made me say, OK, I gotta go back to school and it's originally how I went and got my masters um and
kind of focused on, you know, what are the, you know, what are the processes and you know, what are the metrics and you know, how do you lead teams and how do you lead organizations? Um because it's more than just saying like, OK, I'm the guy who knows how to do the technology part of it. And I'll also make sure that people get their reviews done at the end of the year.
And you know, the classic, yeah, there's a great book in this space and, you know, free ads. But what got you here won't get you there by Marshall Goldsmith. We didn't even talk about that one, but just even like the most classic example, someone who's so insanely detail oriented as an administrator and that's a strength and then when they become a manager,
it becomes a weakness because we've probably all had managers that were overly micromanage detail or you've heard about them, at least, you know, kind of thing. It's that same characteristic. So back to you. Yeah. No, II, I think that's right. And I think, you know, it, it was interesting to me to go through,
I think an evolution of what it meant to be uh a manager and a subordinate, right? Like, like, um you know, we were talking about having stories and things like that. Like you can't manage people today the way that I was managed in the beginning of my career and uh you know, having the experience of wanting to lead bigger teams, I think on,
on one side, it was a desire of mine to be a good leader and um you know, at, at New York Presbyterian, at Cornell having led teams over to or, you know, between two and 300 people. Um Yeah, you can't do that on a hope and a prayer, you know what I mean? Like you actually have to um you know, I think, yeah, do some learning,
do some studying, you know, I read a lot of dr also things like, like um the Phoenix project, you know, and taking a look at that book and figuring out like, what are the lessons that you can learn, um, about the way that you get work in your organization and, you know, how can you improve process, how can you learn from other industries or verticals?
Um And, you know, I think I've been pretty surprised over my career, the number of people who have gone from financial services into health care, um, and have moved from one industry to the other. And I think it's really been helpful not only to them as individuals or the teams that they join, but, but to the industry at large, I think there's a lot that,
that we can learn from one place, you know, to the other about how to get worked on how to lead teams. I think I'll make this, uh, we do need to jump to the next section. I knew this would happen. There'd be more than enough here is just like. But, um, so financial services and then do you mind kind of just giving a little bit before we go to the
next section of it? So financial services, there were some startup stuff in there. A little bit of craziness and then wandering to health care, which maybe means you're a glutton for punishment from a regulated industry standpoint. I, I don't know, but let me just give a little bit of lessons learned there and what you saw.
Yeah. No, it was, it was very interesting. I like the fast paced nature of financial services and I think that there's definitely some corollary to, um, working in health and life sciences. And, um, you know, I kind of found health care by accident. I had been working um for two separate uh financial services dot com,
uh, companies that were working on building um, uh, fixed income, mortgage, mortgage back trading platforms. And so, um, you know, there were two kind of events that really put those companies out of business. One of them was the mortgage crisis and the other one was September 11th.
And so, you know, kind of living through all that, um, a very, very different place, you know, post September 11th, uh, in New York City, you know, kind of job market. And I was lucky enough to, to find a home at Wild Cornell. And, you know, I, I worked in, um, the Wild Cornell, New York Presbyterian Academic Medical
Center on 68th in New York for 15 years. Uh, first at Wild Cornell, then you Presbyterian then back to Wild Cornell. And it was an amazing place, you know, talk about, uh, you know, a mission, you can really align to, um, an amazing group of people both on the technology side, but also on the medical education side,
on the research side, on the care delivery side. Um, and, you know, it was, it felt a huge sense of pride working for a health care organization, um, that I didn't necessarily feel working in financial services, uh helping people contributing that maybe one step away. But still, yeah. Yeah. And don't get me wrong,
like, um, but, you know, I, I really enjoyed my time working in financial services. I'm very excited to be doing more, uh, in that space up here. Um, but, you know, I, I could say that it was, it was a great feeling to go to work at, at New York Presbyterian or, or Wild Cornell every day and know that, you know, there was a direct correlation between the work that we did every day and a
patient walking out of the hospital or walking out of their physician's office um with an improved outcome, I think um the, the only other piece I know I want to put in because we had so much we were potentially going to talk about here is that I found when you describe the balance between embracing innovation in an academic environment in health care that that balancing act between patient care and safety and advancement of medicine and technology,
because both of those are absolutely good things, but they have some tension between them. So I think II I may save that theme to explore later if we have time, but I just want to kind of comment on it because I found it so, so fascinating, that kind of dynamic tension there has to be between those things and you had to navigate it. Yeah. Yeah. Look, I think there's um there's inherent
risk and change, right? And innovation is changed and um in health care environments, it's often difficult to push an innovation program um without any friction or pushback from patient safety. Right? Like no one wants Sentinel events, no one wants to have a patient uh adversely affected because they decided to innovate in the way that they
delivered care. Um or in the way that they use technology to support the delivery of care. Um But it's a challenge that, you know, leadership has to be um aware of and, and wanting to embrace and push because, um you know, it's funny when I first started working at, I, I remember having a conversation with the
person I reported to and, you know, they asked me about, um, you know, uh innovation and health care and technology. And I said, you know, it's, it's interesting to me that a lot of health care organizations have a tendency to lag behind other industries in the adoption of new technology, the 5 to 10 years.
And um they looked at me and they said, well, you're the guy who's supposed to be your rep health care technology strategist to be 10 years behind everybody else. And I said, yeah, I get it. But, but there's a real thing about technical debt in health care. There's a real thing about the pushback about patient safety in trying, trying to innovate and make changes.
I think we're in a much better place in 2022 than we have ever been before in terms of the acknowledgment that we can't keep up with the status quo. And that technical debt is often in uh an inhibitor towards um designing a patient experience that we all want and love. And I think the funniest part about it is that we're all consumers in this conversation, right? Like we're all patients at some point in our
life. If you're not, you might want to see a doctor about that. Um but you, you know, like, like it's, it's one of the um the patient journeys or, or patient, you know, like we're all patients at the end of the day, we know what the journey looks like. We know how much we hate it and we know how much we want to change it.
And then some of us are lucky enough to go to the institutions that are responsible for that patient experience and and try to change it, make it better. So I feel like you gave me the perfect segue. So we're gonna move into kind of section number two. And for those listening along, it's like who on through section number one, we knew we'd let this one get longer,
two and three will be a little shorter and then we'll park on four, but you actually gave me this perfect segue. I think it's because you're that good into what would you say you do here, Peter. Uh This is, I'm not gonna hide it anymore. This is an office space reference. Please don't go watch that scene on youtube right now,
but you know, you can go back and watch it later. But I think you, you already started to give some of that answer. A little bit of you were coming over thinking about innovation and health care, seeing pure, I think even being a pure customer if I'm not mistaken here. So I'll let you keep you on there with the answer.
Yeah, sure. Um You know, I, I think the easiest way to sum up what, what I do at Pure is um I work with an amazing team of people to help us be more um relevant in vertical markets. And so, you know, using health care as an example, um We have a team of people who have all come from the health care space.
Um I know, yes, I was a pure customer um for about five years before I came on board and I can tell you from, from being in a customer's position. Um The number of vendors or partners that came in technology partners that came in and said, I know your business better than you and then proceeded to not understand my business at all. Um So I think, yeah, I, I think the, the greatest thing about here is that we don't try
to do that, right. We try to um have a bunch of people who have worked in health care for a long time. Deputy cio, you know, ex deputy cio cio VP of, of uh it transformation. Um Some are storage engineers, you know, we have them on the business side and on the technical side and, and what we really do is um work to understand what market opportunities
exist um for us to deliver business value and help organizations um you know, create it capabilities that help them achieve business outcomes that they're looking to achieve. And in none of that, would we ever tell someone that we know more than they do about their own business? You need to know about the industry and the vertical to be able to participate in those
conversations to understand so that we don't waste a whole bunch of time. Um having them train us about what their day to day looks like and then engage in a solution. It's easier for us to kind of say like, hey, we, we know what you mean if we know what you mean when you're worried about, you know, how much uh time physicians are spending in terms of pajama time or what a physician burnout looks like or how impactful it could be.
If you could accelerate the number of images that a radiologist can read and, you know, starting at that baseline, I think makes it really easy for us to engage in conversations, understand what's unique about this organization. Because I, I like to say, you know, look, I worked in one academic medical center for 15 years and I know one academic medical center.
Um you know, an individual, there, there's some themes that are uh you know, consistent across the board. But I think what um we try to do here is, is enable a partnership between our sales teams, our partners um on the alliances side, our partners in the routes to market and uh and really support them in supporting health care and life sciences organizations,
financial services organizations, public sector organizations, uh you know, and sort of places where we've decided to make an investment um in supporting an industry. Uh go to market motion, quick pause, Emily, if you don't mind launching the second poll while we're putting this up. II I can't let the comment about pajama time go by. Um Do, do, do you mind defining pajama time for
the audience? I, I'm assuming it's in a professional context here. So, yeah. Oh, you want me to do that? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, I, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm like, I'm curious, what's pajama time from a medical term standpoint? Like I never, I was impressed.
I thought you knew the answer. No, I don't. Yeah. So uh so pajama time is, is generally considered to be the amount of time that physicians or clinical staff have to spend outside of, um you know, uh time in front of a patient, you know, after hours kind of at home in pajamas, uh is where it kind of came from,
you know, updating notes or doing other clinical workflows because, um you know, they, they didn't have enough time during the patient interaction or the system didn't work in such a way for them to be able to do that work at the right time in the moment. Um And it's, it's sort of um you know, I, I would say sort of the, the, the nonsexist kind of clean up work that, that has to be done after the day is over.
And um good organizations um have lower pajama time uh because they've enabled workflows or automation or things like that to help support clinical care delivery. Well, the, I didn't know the term now I do but it clicks because uh actually the, the, the, the um one of my rooms from my wedding friend for 20 years, his wife's a nurse. And so just you're over at their house and
you're hearing about, yeah, I finished my shift but, you know, another 2030 minutes an hour or whatever it is to finish up notes and other stuff that's beyond the shift time. And I'm not sure if she's paid for it or not. Actually, this is my ignorance saying, but like you get that sense of like there's all the stuff and then there's all the stuff related to the stuff,
but I gotta do it before I can actually go, even though someone else has already come on shift, you know, for her the poll. Um So vertical level initiatives, thanks for walking through that Josh and make a focus, make a difference. When you look at a vendor, I think we've got, I'm not gonna close the poll yet, but it's running 80 20 right now for a free yes folks that like,
you know, you want someone who can speak your language, understand your challenges. Sometimes. Actually, I'm gonna go, go back to this slide for a minute. I, there were times there have been times in my life where I've actually gotten a little bit cynical about vertical level initiative because you boil it down far enough down the stack. It's all the same tech in various ways.
But if it's complex enough with enough different applications, you could say like, OK, you know, I do want stuff that is either tuned for or someone already knows is a better fit for my environment. Second question, how do you choose a strategic technology vendor? Um I'll just, we'll go ahead and let this po run for a little while and I think I don't want
to cut things off, but I'm just watching time. Josh, I think if it's all right, we're gonna move into the final section. Is there any, any stories you want to tell that? I, that I cut you off on and left out or should we keep going? No, no, I, I think we're good. I think maybe we have to do a coffee break part two.
Maybe I, I have had second guest. So I think um there's been two people, JD and, and Jason Walker. So thinking about, we want to make sure to give some level of kind of how we think about this at a general level, here's approach, but actually getting a little bit more specific. So want to dive into health care and finance. So we're gonna tell a couple of stories there
as well, but before we get to the story, so let's think about health care and how we define health care up here. And for those of you that are on, on joining us that are already in health care, you'll look at it and be like, I know all this stuff, this is kind of high level, but for those that aren't, it's not just health care.
I think Josh, I mean, we even see payers providers, health tech, life sciences. Do you mind walking through that a little bit how we see it as pure? Yeah, sure. Um You know, I think, I think one of the things you were saying is most people define health care as the provider space,
people who would deliver care. Uh whether that's a, a large uh hospital network or, you know, a small physician group. Um But um what you find throughout the industry is that different organizations define health care differently. So we've chosen uh and it's changed over time to be completely honest with you. Um When we first started a peer,
our health care business was mostly provider based. Um We chose to uh develop solutions to support the electronic medical record first. Uh And so you do a, a significant amount of work with organizations that run Epic uh MEDITECH CERN or other uh E HR S or parts across the uh the world as well. But, but over time, we, we um kind of acknowledged that there was a lot of adjacent
business that um all the goodness that we developed in the provider space could really take advantage of. And so we expanded the definition of health care to health care and life science as a pure. So we pulled in not just the providers but also the payer space uh Life Sciences, which is a huge industry unto itself and also health care tech. So, um you know, we were talking about packs
and Enterprise imaging before um you know, supporting companies, companies like uh Fuji or etcetera or, you know, some of the other g some of the other leaders in the enterprise Imaging space as not only alliance partners where we have uh a validated design or, or, you know, uh a good number of deployments running on top of them. Um But, you know, also other health care technology companies that have uh developed as
a service uh service frames uh that could be on the software IV side, they could also be manufacturing medical devices or coming up with diagnostic testing equipment as well. And so, you know, we feel that these sort of four buckets um are a good way for us to um not only um kind of view the market but also be able to get a little more
granular in the value. Yeah, that we provide in each one of them because they're a little bit different. Yes, there's similarities between payers and providers. You know, there was uh the vertical integration that kind of created the pay fighter space for, for a while, but you know, payers are things like benefits,
uh you know, pharmacy benefits management companies as well. Um And you know, I was talking about the adjacency between those two sub verticals before we've seen um payers start using electronic medical record systems as a way to help with um you know, medication adherence or care coordination or, or trying to drive a healthier population before they end up in an emergency room.
And so you can imagine that some of the solutions we've had for epic as an example would be relevant in the payer space as well, but, but probably a different use of it specifically and a different um business outcome that they're trying to drive towards. And so being able to tailor that message and support tools and, and kind of understanding of what it means to run a EMR for a payer versus an EMR for a
provider. Uh I think has been very helpful to our, our customers prospects. I think in the last week I've been on either customer calls or discussions with hospitals uh with some uh pharmaceutical as well as with some insurance companies. So it just, it all kind of starts to blend together a little bit.
Look, I'm glad you mentioned Epic. So to make this a little bit real, let's let's uh let's actually tell a story or two. So if for anyone who has joined us previously, I'm actually, no, I won't go back to the slide. But if you remember Sam Marini Enterprise Storage for all break the shackles, we talk about the 15 decisions.
We've talked about Evergreen over time. It's not just a kind of a technology story and a business model and marketing collateral, et cetera. It's real to customers. So this is, you know, anonymized overall. But II I think actually one of one of your, one of the folks you work with Josh actually came
from, came from this organization if I'm not mistaken. Um Yeah, it's, we have someone on our team from this organization. He was a, a part of this um story. Uh What's very interesting to me is that, you know, it being anonymized, you could put one of the organizations that I worked on exactly on time as well.
Yeah, and, and it, it, it is amazing, right? Like when I became a peer customer in about 2014, purchasing fa 4 20 this slide is very representative of the, of the kind of journey that we went through. Right. And, um, you know, it's a uh if anybody has ever heard my customer story before, I think it's a very interesting one because, um, you know,
at a high level, what sounded like a technology decision really came down to an emotional decision for my team. They were worried. Look, when I, when I became a peer customer back in 2014, pure was $100 million in revenue and had about 100 customers. And um they were looking for health care customers.
Um And, and I did what I didn't know at the time was that most companies like pure, don't start the vertical business in health care because it's so highly regulated and so difficult to execute in. But we were one of the first health care customers, if not the first health care customer in New York City, um investing in fa four twenties and because of Evergreen and
because of all the cool technology stuff that we can do behind the scenes, those arrays are actually still running in production as X 90 R threes. The same name, the same data for like in this case, I mean, Epic is as critical as it gets in a hospital. I mean, this is, this is the top tier, top tier stuff.
I'm gonna play out a little bit of slide, 100% up time. Not with and not with the cheat card of, you know, N Ds and data migration, financial pieces in multiple ways. Um Like just so I, I used to get paid time and a half to do data migrations overnight. I wasn't crazy about it but time and a half took away some of the sting as did a lot of
Mountain Dew. But I don't think anybody really wants to do that, right? As well as your space and power savings and the data migration like we were talking about before, introduces to an organization because it's a change to the environment, right? I'm gonna go ahead and we have uh closed this poll and we actually have one more left.
So I was watching along here, but we've got, you know, about 527 people that just submitted it. So if you didn't get it in biology, but we left it open for us. Let me share the results back out. So do vertical level initiatives make a difference when you look at a vendor 78%.
So that, that's an overwhelming. Yes, I feel like that's a, I feel like that means you keep getting a paycheck, Josh and you can grow your team and do all the things you wanna do here, right? So maybe maybe this, maybe this question was just for you even though you didn't really ask me for it. But you know, um how do you choose a strategic technology vendor?
I think what I, what I find interesting there is innovation is number one, I find fascinating and I'm not gonna pick on the 527 folks who are kind enough to respond to the poll. But I find do find fascinating that price is actually listed as number two for a strategic technology partner. So yeah, uh generally, you see pricing um
look, pricing is always important, right? I think most organizations are not saying here's 20% more to your operating budget from the previous year. Um But generally we see um pricing in commoditized areas. And you know, I think what pure is is doing in the disruption in the storage market that it's it's well known for is sort of proving that storage is no longer a commoditized
infrastructure component, high technology investment theme, right. Right. And especially in, you know, in the Americas secondary use of data, uh you know, a real world uh data driven decision making and, and using that data to influence the way that that health care is delivered. Um You don't want to modify storage platform to do that,
right? You want something that's gonna be a a truly strategic data platform that's gonna allow you to take advantage of all the insights that that data generally had been left in the dark in the past because it was just being held for, you know, compliance or, or other reasons. It's cool. Emily, if you don't mind launching, poll number three, we'll leave this up here for a moment as
we tell a second story and a little bit on financial services. We're coming down the home stretch in case folks are wondering. Um, so I think, ok, poll three, this was where uh to just being real, Josh. When you and I were chatting, we're like, you know, almost, we're just curious about some general trends here.
So how do you see container and virtualization? You're an organization. Be honest, I was, I was stress stretching a little bit for what the good answers are here. So feel free to put stuff in your chat. If you're like, you didn't write good answers to that one. That's fine. And then what technologies do you see disrupting your industry in the next 2 to 3
years? That was a, I chose not to make that question super long because there could be like you could look at like Gartner spending priorities and come up with this, this stupid long list, one more story and one more comment. So the other story is actually one a little bit. Uh I don't wanna say it's near and dear to my heart, but it's geographically close to me. It's about an hour and a half drive and I've,
I've I've worked with some of the folks there over, over the years and actually, um, there, there, when I, when I was looking this up, I actually found this blog post, Josh, when, when I scroll down to the very bottom of it, uh, that it was listed as being written by, um, by this guy Josh Glock. So I was betting you'd have some perspective on it aside from what I was gonna say.
Yeah, you know, what's, what's interesting to me about the um the case study of Nova is that it is, is very, very similar like the other slide to an experience that I had uh while at New York Presbyterian. Um but, you know, look, I think we're getting to a point in health care where analytics and clinical analytics are extremely important and what's similar in,
in terms of themes with the Nova case study and um what we were able to achieve at NYP um which is also publicly available as a case study. Excuse me, it's just in the S one filing for peer IP O was that we were as Nova was struggling with being able to deliver uh real time or near real time clinical analytics. And you can imagine that, you know, providing um uh data analytics for
things like sepsis or, or, or kind of other um uh areas that you would want to be able to um uh you know, uh have data about or insights into, in terms of being able to do something for a person who's in the hospital or in the emergency room. Yeah. Right. Like being able to give them uh an analytical uh result 27 hours, 30 hours, 40 hours after they showed up in a hospital,
it's like you can't do that. Right. It needs to be closer to real time. And so, you know what's very similar about these two use cases? We had an etl job that was being used for clinical analytics. It took way too long for us to get the data transform correctly, load it back into the system and the algorithms applied to it.
Um We were shooting for something under 24 hours and it was taking something like over 27 or 28 hours. Um being able to move that um you know, that workload over to pure um and an all flash array, we were able to take it from 27 or 28 hours down to two hours. And so just imagine, you know, 25 hours shorter cycle time for you to be able to,
you know, drop in some data and spit out some results that could be used to change the way that you take care of a patient. We were able to experience that at, at NYP and Columbia Doctors and you know, no, was able to do a very similar thing. And so, you know, for me, it's, it was an interesting case study when it was just one customer,
but it's two customers. It's three customers. It's hundreds of customers. Now. Um, you know, you, anybody who's a pure customer is always a happy reference. They love to tell their peers what they were able to do, how they were able to not only kind of reduce the overhead or um,
commitment to their data platform. But, you know, I think in the previous slide you were showing, you know, $400,000 in savings, FDE savings, et cetera, et cetera. What what we were always big on doing was returning those dollars back to the program and taking on projects that generally fell below the line.
So, you know, there's, there's cost savings for cost savings, but there's also cost savings that enable you to do more. And I know one of the positions that we were always in was feeling like we were being the preventer of it services. I know all the, the it preventer. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Right.
But, but honestly implementing storage technology from pure, all the engineers love the technology. I love the business model. I loved Evergreen. I loved what it did in terms of the relationship to the resourcing, we had to support, keep the lights on and being able to pivot those dollars back towards programs and projects that the business wanted us to be able
to do. And we had always had to say no to because we were just spending so much money on keeping storage up for folks listening. We're gonna go a minute or two past the 45 minute mark here. All right. Um No, no, that's not that I'm not calling. It was just like this is awesome, but I am gonna add one here and then we'll go to
financial services. That's right. So the only other one I wanted to highlight was just this comment about storage on demand where and when it's needed. I actually, I've worked with Jay Rogers in the past, which is cool to see his name here, but that, that then specifically enabled um what needed to be done as the COVID-19 pandemic hit. So it was almost building this foundation for,
for, for generally good reasons, but then it became uniquely beneficial and impactful with the insanity of the last couple of years. So with that, actually, I, I don't wanna, I don't wanna keep you from giving good commentary, please, but I will um I'll let you have the last word on that one and we'll move over to the, the final slide here. So please, what are you gonna do?
I was just gonna say that the exciting thing, the exciting thing to me about the no and, and the previous slide was that it, it represents all of our health care customers and what you've seen personally too, which is, it's part of why you're here. And that, that's some of that answer to like, why are you here? What do you do here? You transfer the same stuff,
benefits that you got financial services is a huge sector and it's similar in that it's highly regulated. We knew that in this kind of a format, we weren't gonna be able to go deep all over the place. So we just want to put up a sense of if you're in financial services, you're probably seeing a lot of terms here.
That may be like, oh, I actually kind of know those ones and maybe it looks a little bit credible like they have a clue what they're talking about. Um, if you don't mind, Josh, can you give kind of, you know, 60 seconds if that's possible for not being too much of a jerk on, um, what we see from financial services between sell side by side,
you know, the various fin and red and, you know, of course, all the rest. Yeah, look, I, I think the, the financial services story is very similar to the health care and life sciences. One large volumes of data, highly regulated environment, real time matters. And, um, what we're seeing is a, uh, um, an adoption of the core values that
pure provides right increasingly, uh, you know, simple to, to run and operate, um, highly performant and very cost, uh, competitive. Um, but, you know, I think what we seeing is the same way we, um, executed in the healthcare and life sciences, space is attaching to very specific use cases and, and business outcomes um that the
different sub sectors or sub vertical of financial services is is the plan and the approach that we have. Um And so, you know, leveraging um algorithmic uh you know, uh training platforms, being able to go out and figure out what insights live in the data for fraud be uh creating.
Um you know, there, there's just a, there's a whole host of areas within the financial services market where all the good that particular industries and verticals like health care is we can do the same there for them just in a slightly different way with that. Thank you so much for being a great guest. We, we went through a good bit here. There's some personal pieces,
some technology pieces, some career pieces, some pure pieces. That's the mix we usually go for for those of you who are kind enough to stay with us the whole time, which is just about everybody because I try and keep a watch on attendees like, you know, we all vote with their feet. It's like it's interesting. Yeah, I'll stay on if not, not so much, but you know, everyone's still with us here.
Please make sure to join us next month. Uh It Sean Kennedy, actually, I actually mentioned this one next month is Sean Kennedy. I'll be walking through beyond the protocols, pure file and object vision. We do have a drawing and I'm very happy to say, let me make sure I look at the right spot here, Amanda N from North Carolina. You are the winner of an ember mug retail value
of around 100 and $30. It's the kind you can control with your phone, which maybe just sounds cool, but it's actually pretty neat. You know, if you actually like to slowly sip on your beverage of choice over a long period of time, all it say is it just the right temperature? You know, that's the point, Josh, thank you again so much.
I think we're gonna shift here into, into a little bit less formal. So we are done officially. So everybody knows, we try and kind of honor that, you know, you, it's not the full hour. You've got some time back. I'm actually gonna pull the music up here and we'll go ahead and shift into a little bit of A Q and A uh maybe just to prime the pump there.
I was actually doing some. Oh, actually, I meant to share the results. Thank you, Emily. You're wonderful. So, for the final poll since a lot of you, you know, 500 or so were kind enough to respond. We actually pull the music down here while we're doing that just a little bit. So how do you see containerization and virtualization in your organization?
Uh Josh, I think this was a, this was one that was, you were thinking about so virtualized and expanding, you know, very interested in understanding um you know, given some of the recent announcement news in the industry, um what the perspective was um in terms of virtualization and continuing down, you know, hypervisors uh as a route um versus containerization.
I think health care has been, you know, obviously health care is a a broad stroke, right? And I think if you start looking at the different subverts, you know, the provider space, I think has been uh a little less uh on the leading edge in terms of adopting containerization that scale. Um But I think personally, there's a huge opportunity for uh containers to be leveraged
in areas like personalized medicine, precision medicine, genomics, um sort of the pipe lining use cases um for high performance computing, et cetera. Um So I'm really interested in, in helping organizations push the containerization that uh you know, adoption of containers and containerization of their workloads.
Um I think virtualization has been long around for a while. It's taken health care a long time to get to the levels at which uh virtualization has been deployed in their environment. So very happy that that that trend has kind of continued. I just think we're sort of at an inflection point in the industry at this point. And I'm hoping that there's a a big move to
containerization. I think it's interesting to see how that poll result matches with the cloud continuing impact you know, containerization and security in the other top three because you can't do one without the other two, right? Like ma making it can world makes it easier to move workload to the cloud. And at the same time,
if you're not caring about, you have to care about security to be because that you're gonna be in trouble. So from this, uh thanks for coming up and share Paul. Yeah, but we've got a question or two. But um so just it always, it's fascinating to see that containerization virtualization don't have to be mutually exclusive.
But even though we have 16% there that uh started with containers and no virtualization, that's always an interesting trend to watch as well as uh I was being a little snark snarky, you know, serverless, what's a container you have that it's been a serverless one and technology is pretty um cloud containerization Cotti the cloud repatriation is one that I've been tracking as well.
I actually know some folks from startups who are looking at this is not a comment for against any of our part, our our value, alliance partners, you know, kind of thing. These are trends we see in the industry, even the um I wanna say it was a great in and Horowitz article about, you know, you're crazy to start in the cloud. You're crazy not to start in the cloud,
but you're crazy to stay there forever. Just, you know, you think about the utility economics kind of stuff. Yeah, with that, I will stop sharing here and there was a question or two, I was gonna pose Josh as well as for anyone who is still here, which is still almost 1000 of y'all.
Um Please feel free to put questions in the Q and A or a chat. We'll keep watching those. The one I knew I wanted to highlight and we, we were, we were actually kind of curious to see, you know, the questions are gonna get because this is a little more focused. Um One around uh what kind of solution do you have for AQ O packs as they're using
SMB and SI, that's kind of a what we're going down the rabbit hole and do some very precise things. I, I think you had an answer there. Yeah, we uh we do really well with A O we actually do really well with most of the enterprise. I think um one of the um one of the things that we've realized about enterprise imaging impacts deployments is that it's not just about
technology better X and technology better Y and having a good story together. Um What's really impactful in enterprise imaging is the workflow. And so, you know, my recommendation is let's have our, you know, the local account team covering um whoever was asking that question specifically about a get in touch, we have resources on my team that can fully support uh you know,
uh uh uh kind of session and understand what your workflow looks like, what it is you're looking to achieve. And 100% I know we have a great solution that would work for your organization. This wasn't a comment but Scott, if you're still on, you know, who you are, um I'm actually, this is, this is a Magic powerpoint presenter view.
Uh We go back here and, and Scott's comment, which I which I loved was actually, oh, I gotta uh you can see a little bit of behind the scenes. So this epic and pure slide is pretty much what we went through. Exactly. Love it. So, you know, I, I think a little bit of threes of crowds.
We've got this one here. We've got some of what you were saying from your own background. We've got Scott chiming in like this is, this is real stuff. And what, what's fascinating to me is how we can talk about this benefit because this is some core pure benefits, but it plays out into every organization that consumes data,
which I think is just about all of them, right? So I have to find an organization that doesn't use data. Anything else you wanted to add here? Oh, actually, no, no, I remember now. There, there was one story. So I if anyone has questions, please make sure to put them in. I'm gonna put, I think uh since we've got a second there was one story we left out Josh,
which is a fun one. You're a, as being an adjunct professor uh for health care policy. I think I've got it right. And there was something about uh, well, I'll just say it was an explosive story. You, you might, you might tell him that one if you don't mind.
Yeah. So I've been teaching for a few years now. Um and uh it was the, it was the first year we were, I think it was last year, first year we were back in the classroom, post COVID. I had done a semester virtually which, um, I don't think anybody really enjoyed, you know, it was like all day zoom and then all night zoom for class too.
But this is the 1st, 1st semester we were back in and I remember I was given, you know, I was up in front of the class, we were talking and giving a lecture. And, um next thing I know slowly, one by one students stopped paying attention, started looking at their phones and, uh, you know, we're talking about graduate students. So, you know, people who are in their career.
Um, you know, uh and finally I had to say like, is there something more interesting on Instagram right now than me? And they said actually we think um, we're in lockdown and there's a bomb threat for the school. So we need to uh shelter in place. And so I had never experienced uh you know, kind of supporting 20 or so students through a
bomb scare. Um, but it was very interesting. So the class was sort of disrupted by the bomb scare. We had to figure out what, what was going on. We got the all clear and the minute the all clear went out, there were protesters in Washington Square Park that were banging a bass drum. So we basically lost almost the full class to
just disruptions. And it was a very interesting process to go through. You even just kind of feel like the I'm trying to put myself in your shoes a little bit like you're watching your students, you're the annoyance level is kind of like come on like what's going on more and more checking out and then you hear, ok, there's a bomb threat and like the emotion to go like who I'm
not annoyed anymore. It's like, yeah, no, it was, it was, it was quite, it was quite a 1 80. I was uh I, I sort of felt like I needed to be better prepared to support a class through uh a lockdown like that. And I will uh be in a much better definition of experience. I think with that we are at three minutes
before I'm gonna do the final mention. Please make sure to join us next month. We'll be wandering back into technology as we always do in ways beyond the protocols. Pure file and object vision with Sean Kennedy. I think I saw someone earlier saying Sean Na or the dream team. You're too kind. At least Sean is and you know, I'm just here every month and you know,
serve the coffee, Josh. Thank you so much for your time. Um Any final words to bring us home. No, listen. Thank you and thanks everybody for, for kind of tuning in and joining us. Um I can't thank Emily and Margaret and Brittany enough for their support as well too.
And I would love to do this again and through if your listeners would, uh or viewers would think it would be beneficial. Love to have you back everybody. Thanks so much for joining us on behalf of pure storage and Josh Gluck. Thanks. Have a great day. Thanks everybody.
  • Healthcare
  • Coffee Break

Andrew Miller

Lead Principal Technologist, Pure Storage

Josh Gluck

Vice President, Global Vertical Alliances & Solutions, Pure Storage

Who knew that the best coffee break conversations would end up happening online? Each month, Pure’s Coffee Break series invites experts in technology and business to chat about the themes driving today’s IT agenda - much more ‘podcast’ than ‘webinar’. This is no webinar or training session—it’s a freewheeling conversation that’s as fun as it is informative and the perfect way to break up your day. While we’ll wander into Pure technology, our goal is to educate and entertain rather than sell.

We’re all human…meaning we all care about healthcare. Pure does too - it’s one of our most developed solution areas with many customers. That’s why Josh Gluck joined Pure 4+ years ago - he’s both Pure’s VP of Global Healthcare Technology Strategy and a previous Pure customer both as a CIO and Technology Director for years. As well, he’s spent some of his career living in the Financials space (something else we all care about).

This month, host Andrew Miller will welcome Josh to the Coffee Break. We’ll explore Josh’s background (and stories!) as a healthcare CIO and Technology Director and then wander into all the ways that Pure helps both healthcare and financial organisations.

As always, we’ll make sure to make broader applications - some trends are more prevalent in healthcare and finance but they apply to the industry at large as well.

Pure Storage FlashArray//X | Data Sheet
FlashArray//X provides unified block and file storage with enterprise performance, reliability, and availability to power your critical business services.
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