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15:46 Webinar

Pure Storage at Reuters IMPACT

Join Pure’s CTO, Patrick Smith for a virtual session to learn how Pure can help you move forward with a data storage system that saves money—and the planet.
This webinar first aired on 4 October 2022
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We have our final presentation for the for the for the show, and I'd like to introduce to you Patrick Smith, who's the CTO of Amir from pure storage. Put your hands together, please. Oh, thank you very much. I realise a zoo we heard were into the last hour on day. I am the penultimate presentation of two,
I think fantastic days. I've been sitting here in the audience listening, and I have to say that in equal measure, it's been incredibly educational, incredibly daunting, actually, in terms of the scale of the climate challenge that we're facing but also very humbling in terms of the part that all of us can play in.
Doing something about the challenge that way are facing on one of the things that I found really interesting over the two days is the theme of data coming into pretty much every single one of the conversations that we've heard. Whether it's understanding the scale of the challenge we're facing from a climate perspective through date, her through measurement through data coming from satellites
through data coming from drones, whether it's looking at the risk that people are facing. We heard yesterday from Zurich insurance talking about their data and how they understand the risk from floods from weather events and extreme weather events. All of it is feeding in to how we understand the challenge that we're facing, how we react to it.
But one of the things that were incredibly focused on pure storage is how people store that data and get insight from it. So I'm Patrick Smith. I'm a CTO covering Amira. Pure storage on our challenge is to help our customers understand their day to get value from their data, gain insight from the data on often
that is about performance. It's about reliability. On one of the things that's clearly important from the last two days is that it can't just be. How do you store data with a view to performance and reliability? It also needs to be How do you store data efficiently and most importantly, how do you store data with a focus on sustainability to make sure that as we
analyse data as we consume data, we aren't burning through power as if we have unlimited amounts of power? Because clearly we don't have unlimited about lone limited amounts of power on this is a group where we almost don't need to talk about the World Economic Forum and the increased focus on sustainability because everyone here already understands that it's a known. It's a given.
It's why we're all here. It's why we've assembled here. So if we look at the world of data, it it really is a big challenge for us. It's become an absolutely absolute imperative for all of our businesses. Everyone in this room and everyone online is both the consumer and producer of data. If we think about the number of photos we take every day,
if we think about the amount of data sources that we produce and consume their growing at an incredible rate we at as they grow, they also consume energy. We need to do something. We need to correct the balance that we currently have. We're not going to stop data growing.
It's not going to happen. Data is going to continue to grow. The problem is that as data continues to grow, the infrastructure should support that data Growth also continues to grow, and in growing it consumes more energy, more resources that despite the rise in producing renewable energy, it outstrips that capability to grow.
And so we're seeing that organisations are looking at their data centres. Most organisations technology either in their own data centres in the data centres of cloud providers, hyper scale er's or in coal owes. And what we're seeing now is the growth of data centres is causing real problems across the world, whether it's in the U. S. In the Data Centre Valley of Virginia,
whether it's in the west of London, where we're seeing the competition for power between data centres on residential consumers or whether it's in Ireland, where actually the Irish government now starting to challenge data centre providers and data centre constructions and deny them access to electricity. It's a really challenge on a real fight for the limited resources that we can produce
on. So we need to act on that regardless of the environment. We need to make sure that we produced technology and infrastructure that is as efficient as we can possibly make it. We need to do that not only to increase the sustainability benefits of those platforms to reduce the energy consumption, but also because organisations that we
talk to aren't just looking at sustainability, they're also looking at the energy uncertainty that they're facing today. That plays an equal part in terms of rising costs on the threat to their business. We've seen technology companies go out of business because of the rising costs of energy and so that focus on reducing energy consumption is incredibly high.
One of the things that we don't pure is as a company that's now in our 13th year is focus on the efficiency of our underlying technology's. We've always focused on making the most efficient platforms we possibly can building them from the ground up in terms of fitness for purpose, not taking legacy technologies and updating them to support modern data requirements.
What we're seeing is that organisations now need to move from just evaluating their data technologies based on performance and reliability, and also include that efficiency dimension we need to make to allow organisations to make smart data decisions on business outcomes and now they're now starting to look at efficiency as a consideration.
It's really interesting as we look at purchasing organisations now that have always historically looked price and performance on reliability, now looking at efficiency as they're choosing their technology partner Ondas they're choosing the technology that they deploy in their own data centres. If we look at how organisations have met their data challenge over the last several years,
they've deployed technology in silence. Particular purposes. That means duplication, waste and infrastructure. Sprawl on all of those are bad things from an efficiency perspective. We've got to have a focus of pure on not just leveraging fantastic software but ensuring that we build our own hardware so that we have hardware and software working to provide the
best efficiency we possibly can. We don't believe that there's a compromise to be had between delivering efficient products and great products. We think you could do exactly combine those two things. The other thing that we're acutely focused on is extending the service lifetime of our products, and you've heard people talk today
about the waist on our view is that by extending the service lifetime of products, we can reduce the waste that's associated with running traditional technology environments. Many of you be thinking so inefficient from an efficiency perspective. How much more efficient can an innovative technology company be with their data platforms? If you look at our platforms compared to our competition we can be as much as 80% mawr
efficient in terms of electricity consumption Heat output on In terms of density we could be up to 10 x the density of our competitors products It means more efficient data centre usage and lower power consumption by our technology in the data centres, organisations have historically looked at their data centres They've looked at the data centre Efficiency calculations such as Pee Wee How efficient for consumed power are the
operations of the data centre Now organisations are looking at the technology within those data centres So we're going down any Escher SG journey ourselves on I wanted to look at three of the key aspect that we've taken into account as we've started on that journey Firstly we've undertaken a materiality assessment So we found this to be a fantastic way to pull together stakeholders within
our organisation and within our supplier organisations the wider ecosystem To understand what are the top priorities within the organisation? How weakened drive the R e s G messaging forward and strive to set goals on DS steps to achieve those goals in the coming years. It's allowed us to really mobilised the organisation fed in to our SG report and as we
heard earlier today, yes, G report isn't just important for our outward facing customer engagements. It's also important in terms of engaging our employees within pure people feel proud that we have a strong not just a strong message from an SG perspective, but underpinned by products that deliver riel benefits to the environment.
The other thing that we've looked at way had Cem a bit of a theme on this yesterday is we didn't just look at our products. We also looked at how our products are consumed by our customers and changing the dynamic there. One of the things that were incredibly focused on is delivering our capabilities as a service so people don't buy capital assets they consume as a service,
our assets sitting in their own data centres. This has some really strong sustainability benefits. Many of our customers in a traditional model will buy 34 or five years worth of data capacity storage capacity with the view to growing into it. That means consuming energy in the data centre actually serves no purpose.
It's not delivering value in terms of hosting data or delivering data insight. They plan to grow into that space over that time period. With the storage is a service model, customers air able to I actually only have within their data centre the amount of storage they need to support their current demand, plus headroom to ensure the service never gets in the way of business growth.
That way, the infrastructure congrats. Oh, is their business grows rather than building out significantly in front with the associate ID energy wasted? The other thing about that service is it needs to be able to support changing demand. If a customer increases their demand reduces their demand, we need to be able to adjust the infrastructure within their data centre.
Accordingly, through this were able to significantly change the way customers feel about their infrastructure. It's actually not their infrastructure. It's our infrastructure that supports their business services on their business based on data. Third thing we looked at was supply chain. We heard a bit about supply chain today on, we had a huge focus on both optimizing the supply
chain, making sure that it could meet changing demand on also ensuring ethical treatment of workers on environmentally sound environmental practises and it's helped us get through the supply chain today but also contribute to our efficiency overall on. Then finally, if we look at reporting, one of the things we talked about yesterday was how important it is for each of us to
understand exactly how we using energy so we can change our behaviour to reduce our energy consumption. We've made available technologies that allow people to understand exactly how much energy their systems in their data centres using and provide recommendations on how they can improve the operation of those systems to reduce their power consumption and increase their efficiency.
It allows people debate riel time decisions on a day to day basis, increasing utilisation of a system to increase the efficiency, maybe Modernising a system to um or efficient model, and it's had a huge benefit. The other thing is that tie in to any SG perspective on providing reporting into an SG model. Customers now want to be able to measure their
own emissions in their own data centres on the focus is rapidly switching to Scope three, which includes upstream and downstream impacts on an organisation and so being able to reduce Thean missions on increase, the efficiency of technology and the data centre is key. So in closing, we're on a journey. I think we're all on a journey. It's easy to get caught up in the magnitude of the challenge that faces a soul.
But one of the key things, I think, is absolutely to take every tangible step we can to achieve our own sustainability goals. That's what we're doing a pure as a company. And it's what we're attempting to do for our customers to help them on their sustainability journey. Thanks very much for your attention.
It's great to see you all on D. I hope you enjoy the last presentation today. Thank you.
  • ESG
  • Education/Awareness
  • Webinar
  • EMEA

Patrick Smith

Field CTO for EMEA, Pure Storage

Achieve Sustainability Goals and Data Success

Mitigating the environmental impact of data infrastructure has become critical as data workloads continue to grow exponentially. Building a sustainable model for the future now demands data storage that is engineered to require lower power, lower cooling, and far less waste.

Join Pure’s CTO, Patrick Smith for a virtual session to learn how Pure can help you move forward with a data storage system that saves money—and the planet.


Data. At your service.

Welcome to a new era of storage. Use up to 85% less energy.
The Future of Storage: New Principles for the AI Age
Explore the future of data infrastructure with key principles for the AI era. Understand modern storage challenges and solutions for IT leaders.
14 pages
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