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41:14 Webinar

How Can Storage Drive for Better Patient Outcomes?

The right clinical-IT solutions will actually drive for faster access to that data, which directly results in faster time to diagnosis. We look forward to having you join Pure Storage for this exciting webinar!
This webinar first aired on 28 April 2022
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Let's go ahead and get started. So good morning everyone and thank you for joining us today on our weekly peer storage tech talks webinar. This morning session is called, how can storage drive for better patient outcomes. I have a couple of quick notes before I hand it over to our speakers as an attendee. You are in listen only mode. If you have any questions,
please put those in the Q and a module at the bottom of your zoom screen questions and comments are always welcome. So our presenters will try to get to those throughout the webinar. Also today's webinar is being recorded and we will provide you with a follow up link in just a few days and then follow up email and at the end we will also have a short six question survey that we ask you to fill out so that we
can make sure to have the most valuable topics for you in the future. And one lucky attendee will win the raffle Prize of a home labs air purifier announced at the end of today's webinar. So stay tuned throughout the presentation. Now let me introduce our great speakers this morning from pure storage. We have Mark Dobbs Global Alliance enterprise imaging manager joining us from Raleigh and we
have chris bacchus Healthcare Principal Engineer joining us this morning from boston. Now let's get started now we'll turn the presentation over to Mark. Thank you, Good morning, good afternoon to some of you maybe if your fellow east coasters. So chris and chris and I have the pleasure to hopefully talk with you a little bit about you know the the title here, the topic, you know what can we do maybe from a healthcare
perspective but overall from an I. T. Perspective to drive better outcomes and in our case chris and I come from the health care world and so I have a background in medical imaging, so I have got a little over a decade in consulting sales and marketing and actual firsthand experience implementing packed solutions and I'm usually joined by my teammate eric Nystrom but I'm actually pleasure to have chris bocas join us.
Chris, tell us a little bit about yourself though Before we get going. Thanks mark. Um just to let you guys know, I've been in the healthcare market for about 24 years now prior to coming to pure I spent uh the whole 24 years at meditate, take 10 years of it on the software side, last 14 of it as on the hardware side where I was the Director of infrastructure.
Uh this is a topic that's very near and dear to me coming from the E. H. R. World because it really mattered how our software performed and in all the steps that it took to to make sure that the users on the other side, we're treating those patients as fluently as possible. So thanks for letting me join you today.
Absolutely actually we're gonna start things off right off the bat here, we won't kill you with poll questions but we're gonna go ahead and figure out kind of the audience and see if this is gonna be something that's directly relevant to you, or perhaps it's something that, you know, we can have a little fun with and maybe give you a little light shed some light on the back end of what goes on within healthcare.
Um So I appreciate you guys taking the time if you can answer our whole question and we'll give it a little bit of time to come in here. You know, the good news is all of us at some point our our patients, so I think this will be applicable to anybody and everybody on the call um but indeed we will get into a little bit more behind the scenes for again,
what does it kind of take to keep pace with healthcare, you know, as you do see this aging population as we all have access to better, better health healthcare opportunities. Um so we're gonna kind of dive into that now. Well, thank you guys. So it looks like we have a good spread here, appreciate the insight, we're gonna start unpacking things a little bit here together
around a use case, which is under the umbrella term enterprise imaging. So what is enterprise imaging? It's a busy, very large use case in healthcare, you know, when you come into a hospital and you want to get to see a physician, let's say you have a sore throat or you've got a bad cough, obviously we're coming out of a pandemic. So there are a lot of these things being done
called x rays as it relates to the covid pandemic. But there are a lot of what we call exams when you go back to the x ray device or room or you go take an M. R. I. Those are called an exam and there are billions of them done per year. And the volume and size of that data, it really pushes people in the healthcare space to find gobs of storage.
This is an old figure 450 petabytes generated. That's new data per year. It's probably well over that in this use case because um you know again resolution of images are getting larger. Everybody wants more and we have higher numbers of images that are physicians have to look at for each new exam type as technology gets better. Unfortunately it means that our physicians have
more data to sift through. Um and we have to keep, there's a lot of legal repercussions here on health care, whether it is your EMR where chris lives or whether it is in your imaging world where I live You want to keep your data active and in this case a lot of times it's 10 years, most honest. Uh most often healthcare institutions just
quite frankly don't delete the data because it is the new gold as we've heard that coin many, many years ago. There's no point in deleting it if we can use it. But if you take a note on the last point here on the top it's really interesting if you're a patient or again if you're directly in healthcare you you'll understand this but there's a lot of a lot of data out there and we
are as humans looking at for example or inbox every day. Right? So imagine if you had an email come into your inbox every second just a couple of lines of text not a full paragraph of email like chris writes me all the time. Just a couple of lines of text and you had to go through one of those every single second of your day when you're on on staff on duty that's
what our physicians are faced with. But it's not just one image for one patient know there are sometimes thousands of images in one exam. And so these are some of the challenges that we're going to get into that. We have to take into account as we think about clinical I. T. Supporting well the physicians because we're
patients their patients and at the end of the day we want to make sure we have a good solution so some of the complexities that we've seen out there. It's very fragmented. There's a lot of effort concerted effort to go to a consolidated approach where we want to get away from specific silos and technology that works only for one application because that's complex.
It requires a lot of overhead and can also prevents what's called data interoperability from happening a lot of times. If we have data fragmented across the enterprise, I can't get to it if it's in a proprietary format and another storage silo somewhere else else. You know, and there's a lot of change coming here. We're going to touch base on this later.
But cloud is back this this use case in particular of enterprise imaging. I saw a boom in cloud about 67 years ago, maybe a little bit too early. But that's coming back now front and center because there's new ways to leverage it to still keep demand here. But Ai is here as well. This is an actual real tangible thing. It's not just syria on your iphone ai is here
in this space and it's coming with a fury. There are thousands of vendors that are just dying to aid the physicians in their diagnosis. And it's it's rather interesting kind of seeing that come to market. But we still have to face the same pressures and we have a lot of constituents like physicians, nurses, general physicians, referring physicians, you name it.
We still have the same pressure of dealing with patient health care and providing a good solid diagnosis for our patients. And all of that kind of adds to the pressure of the physicians. So many of you are probably familiar with this. We got zoom fatigue even though we are talking to you on a zoom. So I appreciate you all being here,
but we have zoom fatigue. We have fatigue in our daily lives for a number of things. But as it relates to health care, I think this is really important to take note of. This is not a new thing, it's being documented and detailed for also close to a decade. But the birth of all of this, you know, electronic medical records where you know,
chris comes from and is near and dear to his heart. Enterprise imaging, growing in the volume of a number of images. All of this data adds a lot of stress. You have to aggregate and sift through what you think is important as a physician and you're diagnosing patients, you're not just responding to emails. And so it's interesting um that we see that
there are physicians radiologists in this case that diagnose images. That's what their title is. Are not even necessarily in the U. S. Recommending that their own Children follow suit in their same path for their same careers. In fact, this is a global issue. They are actually shortages of these people
that diagnose medical images called radiologists in other areas in europe and in the US we've actually kind of hit a bit of a plateau a stagnant period where we don't have newcomers. Radiologists come into the market and so we've got to read more data. See more patients Longer lives in a longer lifespan out there for the average patient nowadays versus even say 10 years ago.
Um, so it's a lot for them to take, take into account its leading to burnout. Right? And I think we can all appreciate that. But it's, it is a serious thing that we need to figure out. How can we help address that and prevent burnout? Which kind of leads us actually to our second poll question.
So if we can, we'd like to take another moment of your time. Everybody too entertain us with some of your answers here. So you burned out nowadays on zoom's or how you doing? I do miss my in person conversations. That's for sure. It's a matter of, um, it's ironic because the same causes that you
just talked about are the reason why people get zoom fatigue. It's because of the complexity sometimes in, in the E. H. R. Where we used to call it clicks and it's a big metric. The easier it is to do, the task at hand, the better, the less clicks, The better and, and, and that's what it's all about.
And it used to advertise a lot. We've gone from 100 klicks to 25 clicks to be able to do the same thing. And it all relates back to this critique that you just, you know, highlighted, right? Actually. It kind of leads us right on in. Thank you everybody for the answers. So, um,
we'll address that here as we get into it. And in the next slide, let's talk about what we need to address as we think about this space. What goes on in this world. The key word here is workflow and as you just mentioned, chris the number of clicks is interestingly enough. The most important thing in some cases when
you're considering a new piece of software for this world called pax stands for picture archival communication system. First word gives it away pictures and again, the doctors that are generally looking at these pictures to diagnose you are the radiologists and they have to go through and use highly specialized tools and they're reading thousands of images,
hundreds of thousands of images over there over a week or two. Um, and it's and it's all about speed for them. So there's a dramatic importance and emphasis on the turnaround time. None of us like waiting in the waiting room, especially in an emergency situation. And so for the positions, there's a lot of uh, you know,
pressure on them to get that diagnosis turned around pretty quickly chris and before they even get to the radiologist eyes, there's an army of staff that takes care of you as the patient moves you from the waiting room into the prep room into the some cases the modality waiting room and prep room, you may get injected with some radioactive iodine material. And at that point you're going to get on the table, there's a lot of things that happened
before the images even arrived. The data is even generated and it's important for us to never lose focus on that. If anything healthcare is moving forwards not backwards and so if we do make changes as it relates to I. T. Even we need to make sure we're at minimum starting from our current step stepping stone and moving forward ideally in the future.
But in this world in particular there's two languages that are out there. Health level seven. HL seven and Dycom. I won't go through the full acronym of Dycom. But but what that actually tells us is think about H L seven like your email and think about dot com like your pictures. So if I can text message you chris and then I
have to send you a video of my child doing something cool outside right building a treehouse, which one will get to you faster? It's the text message right? The video is a larger file. It takes time to get there. Well in health care we need to keep that data married and happy and clean. We need to keep it in sync.
And so sometimes there's issues that can pop up if the patient patient messaging data arrives before or after the imaging data arrives. And that's gonna throw challenges into your workflow that you need to address and adopt, which kind of leads me actually chris too if you do have slower and faster things and we're talking about large files here. I mean what does that mean?
You know as well from just a connectivity perspective. Yeah. The number one thing you have to think about is this is a topic that should be on every single person's mind right now as they work from home. Alright. Let's just yes we're talking about health care,
we're talking about very important information that is being compiled and you know basically presented to a patient that's waiting in a waiting room, waiting for this stuff to be collected. Sometimes they're sent home and brought back the next day, sometimes they brought back a week later uh the added stress that is added to a patient because the image takes time to compile and to get all the notes together.
That's pretty much the reason why they have to come back to have them to be able to give them a better faster connections, better improved performance allows them beating the providers, the nurses, the caretakers. It allows them to get that information to the patient faster. Alright. And that you know, relieves time on both sides.
The the whole data security piece that's extremely important. We have P. H. I. That is flying everywhere right now where regardless of what department you're in, it is attached to some patient healthcare information that needs to be protected in its entire length of its travels right from the time that it's compiled to the time that it's shared. And those,
you know, presented its own challenges, especially I can imagine in the enterprise imaging world where people look at it as images sometimes and they forget that there's very important information behind those images. All right. The size of the images makes it difficult for for people to push those along the waiting game. The that you know, we we talked about it earlier with that that's spinning disc as its
waiting. You know, And I think what has happened is healthcare providers out there have accepted the poor performance and have worked around it for so long that they kind of forget that it's there or that it can be improved. And and I think that it's really important that we get out there and tell them, you know, there's new technology out there are flash race expedite this process.
And if you expedite it on one side, you're going to see a pretty impressive results on the other side. Yeah, I mean, you know, chris going back to what we talked about a second ago, the whole burnout factor, you know, since it is kind of a pandemic issue if you will in the radiology space, um at least, you know, if you just hop on google and type in radiology burnout,
you know, we we have we have to find new ways to to basically aid the physicians to get through their day because as patients, we want that, we want them to have better tools to be able to spend more time doing the thing that they're highly trained to do, which is diagnosed the images. I don't want them to look at my image for any second. Less than they than they have to just to get to
the next patient. And so what we're seeing as well is a new demand for aI interestingly enough chris like there's an example where a big large institution in the southeast, big organization, multiple hospitals, They read on average about 20,000 exams per day or at least they sift through about 20,000 exams per day.
We're talking hundreds of thousands of images and there's an army of radiologists behind that, right? They're the ones that are in the field diagnosing these on their monitors and and we're producing the radiology report. But that's a whole day's work of about 20,000 exams. Give you just to give you a little perspective, one ai algorithm,
one single algorithm in just one hour Is going through 21,000 exams out there Chris so imagine when we've got five of these things running, you know, one for chest screening, one for brain one for, you know, different segmentation and it's helping the physicians go through their day to day activity. What's that gonna do to your storage, right? The systems serving that model.
And yes, you're not modeling, you're not training that that that ai algorithm right. But it really means that that algorithm has to lift up data At a rate that's probably you know, anywhere from 10 to 100 times faster than your average position will ever do that. So these are factors of of of changes that are coming if you haven't already seen it, you know, today in healthcare and it's and it's needed, it's an embrace change that is that is
coming here so nice segue over to kind of where we are, you know, current state, right? Ignoring ai if a I wasn't even in the in the room with us which it is in this use case. What we can do is we try to deliver better than just being a storage box. Again, it's more about can we drive better patient success.
So the army of work and all the many, many multitude of steps that go into generating the image and getting you as a patient in and out of the actual radiology department, we will help make that that stopped from the machine to the system exponentially faster in our case it's usually four times faster. So that means that your data is going to be ready to be looked at potentially by a
physician up to four times faster than what hospitals currently have just by swapping in our platform or one of our solutions. But really the key though chris is what we talked about the physicians if now the physician is going to get access to images faster. I mean 37% faster means that I either can look at roughly 37% more patients that day which is benefiting patient care because there's less
backlog. Right less the er waiting times go down right chris or maybe I do need to spend a little bit more time diagnosing that case because I've got a little bit more time back. So again it's all about us trying to figure out ways to give back to the physicians today ignoring even some of the other scary changes like what is Ai gonna do when when is our
current state not going to be good enough like you said earlier chris yeah it's it's it's spot on with the patient care. Obviously you can adjust the way the provider adjust their schedules, meaning that they can share the information more accurately and faster with the patient so that the next steps, whether that could be surgery, whether that could be physical therapy, whether that could be whatever it could be,
it's going to happen faster. It's going to be able to be scheduled. The patient is going to get better sooner. Okay. Uh That obviously plays a huge part in anything when it comes to the Ai in E I workloads, you gotta think about this you know there used to be days that back in the day we used to have to start reports and come back in the afternoon, Start them in the morning when there are very few users on the system,
run them and then run them in the background Just so they would complete within the 1st 12-18 hours. Okay then they'd have to be presented once that is presented. Now the doctor has already moved on, they've moved on to multiple different patients. They've moved on, they have to now go back and re review everything because the reports now
are catching up to the images. This is one of those things that, you know, it all adds up to time and and and this is how we speed things up here at pure storage is we allow people to be able to get access to those images faster, get access to the data faster. Um A a I I mean you're doing queries in minutes now instead of days and
hours. Okay. It's it just makes a lot of sense. Never mind the fact that once we start going down this road, we also get into how do people get into the where they are today in regards to the data center management? Um each time they go out and re evaluate a solution out,
there doesn't mean a new array doesn't mean another migration. Another conversion. I know in the E H R world it typically has in the past we create data silos from these legacy systems. Now it might not happen that often in the ai world, as my my understanding is as it happens in the E H R world, but the reality is every time you make that move it is
painful. There's downtime. There's impact on the users, this impact on the, on the providers uh and eventually impacts the patients as well. So whenever, you know, we're talking to folks about how many times they've had to actually review in or renew their storage and oh well they want the latest and the greatest right?
They want the, the latest technology, the latest functionality. But in order to do that, you have to go and buy the latest and greatest. The great thing about Evergreen and pure storage is you don't have to worry about that. You're always going to have the latest and greatest functionality. You're gonna get your hardware renewed based off of your Evergreen subscription and
oh by the way we're gonna be monitoring it with pure one and making sure that it's optimal. Uh it's the maintenance goes down significantly. We talked about, you know, less clicks. It's so easy and simple to use that the storage provider of the storage administrators, what used to be a full time job now becomes a simple task.
What do we need to do? We need to do this. We need to move the data over here. We need to create our, you know, a new dataset. We need to create something new. Not a problem. It's a point click. Our interfaces are intuitive, they they're very easy to follow and it's just like the HR
software in the Ei software, right? If I get more functionality on the screen, I don't have to go looking for it. It's just it's adopted very, very easily. And obviously this is a, it's so much easier for people to be able to manage through their days so that they can concentrate on what their real job is. I think chris one of the other things too,
before we move on is um 100% full performance, right? A bit of a generic point out there. But behind that is is an important thing to kind of share with you all, you know, we we all are feeling the pain of rising gas prices. So what if I told you, you know, instead of you putting in 15 gallons, you're, we're gonna charge you every time you fill your car up with 15 gallons but you can
only actually use 13 of that Chris or or I'm only gonna give you 13 gallons, you're gonna be charged for 15. Unfortunately in this c I use case a lot of the storage solutions, a lot of are a lot of the technology you see out there, um it actually has watermarks or limits whereby performance will start getting dropped chris if you fill the box too high so it's kind of in my mind,
like you can't really use the box, you can't use every bit of bit and block of storage that you wanted, that you paid for because it's gonna lower performance and we just talked about it. Physicians can, they can't handle that, right? I'm going to get chris you're frustrated. I know, and I am when, when I open up something in my computer and I'm used to it opening up in
a second and then it takes five seconds. I'm like something's wrong. What's going on? I need a new computer, right? I'm frustrated if we're diagnosing patients then and all of a sudden it's it's a spiky wave where some patients pull up fast an ex patients x ray pulls up slow. Why is that that that wreaks havoc on a physician and it it does start,
you know, becoming an impact on how you diagnose patients. And, you know, the number one thing they do is they try to avoid doing that process again, right? They ignore it. And it could be a very important process, but they just think it takes too long, it just doesn't work, right? So, they will not use it.
We see that in the HR world with workflows all the time. If it doesn't come up immediately, let's move on. And so that full time and you're you Your world deals with a ton more storage and data than our world. But they're both very, very important and that's why I think that you're going to start to see a change where
that 100% full performance is going to become very, very important because people shouldn't have to worry about capacity anymore. We should be able to take care of that. And if you use pure as a service, those types of headaches go away alright. We don't, we'll take care of the management of the storage, the capacity I ops and everything and
let them concentrate on what they need to do which is taking care of patients. Just to kind of underscore that there is a type of business out there called tele radiology. It's been around for a number of years and if any of you have ever been out there that's on the zoom with us and the attendees and had an X ray or had some sort of imaging done. There's a good chance that your exams were read by a tell radiology group,
which means the data was captured in the hospital, maybe at an outpatient imaging centers where you went and it's sent to this, this group, this team In this case, our customer a. RS 160 radiologists. They're just radiologists sitting there. They're highly specialized. There are people that will read x rays, there's muscular skeletal people,
there's neurology. There are specific specialties that we we we farm here to make sure that you get your exam done as fast as possible, but also with the best possible education and experienced and for them it's the product of turnaround time. And so the second that the exam is completed in the hospital or the imaging center and it lands on that doctor's desk.
Their entire business is about turnaround time and equality diagnosed. Their product is the report the diagnosis of you the patient. And so to kind of really put it into production here you know proof in the pudding as we say um A. R. S. Has standardized chris on everything that we have to offer for healthcare solutions for their HR.
Which we call risk in this space for their packs and they've just done an amazing job being able to scale now because of this and give their physicians really what they're after which is stability. Not to have to think about what's going on behind the scenes with my I. T. The I. T. Team doesn't have to worry about the next onslaught or large hospital.
They sign a contract with that's gonna send another 100,000 exams that year. All of that goes away. It allows them to focus on delivering that better service that better production. So you know it's kind of like the F one team if you will chris or for those of you that may be nascar fans it's the high performing team here of radiologist. Now they need speed they need reliability
consistency. What they don't need is to worry about things like I. T. Under the covers. And so we we do we were pleased to have them as a customer and they do an amazing job out there and and they've they've really proven that these better clinical I. T. Solutions will really empower business and
change the way that they conduct business. All right. So our last last pull everybody if you're still with us, hopefully you're hopefully you're enjoying your lunch out there and chris and I are going to grab some lunch after this. Bit of a multi choice too. So we'll get a little bit more thinking out
there. A lot of a lot of race 21 choice here so far. We have a clear winner on on the data points here chris. Yeah I appreciate everybody on the zoom with us taking the moment these polls do help us and give us insight perspective whether you're from the industry or not.
So we do enjoy the results coming in here. Mhm. Just give it a few more seconds. All right. What do you say chris I think the answer is kind of give us a lot of reveal here. So that's a perfect transition over to you. Let me go ahead and get you to this next slide.
Sweet. Alright let's see here. Yeah this is this is an interesting poll. Um And it's it's one of those things that I don't believe that we're in the position to tell people what they should and should not move to the cloud and how they should use the cloud. What we're here to do is advise on some of the things that we have seen,
where it could be. Um One of those it is it the right move for that particular workload? Alright. If we look at the value of the cloud, you know, we see immediately, it's a reduction of the on site I. T. Footprint. Okay. We we can understand that.
We can see that it could become a more simple way to manage that infrastructure in that storage you add um basically the ability to do an agile can function where you can bring stuff up, you can drop things down, you can pay for what you use etcetera etcetera. But at the same time it's also very important to understand that no, nobody's ever said I'm going to go to the cloud to save money.
Okay. That's not really what the incentive is. There should be a reason. I'm going to go to the cloud for a way to archive data. I'm going to go to to the cloud to be able to create a disaster cover solution that I wasn't able to afford on trend uh you know, and if you look specifically at the ei work clothes that you listed here,
I mean some of these numbers are very expensive. All right. Again, there are some considerations that we need to take into consideration when what we need to be advised of and that is one are the workloads built to be efficient in the cloud, meaning that it's not gonna cost more money but the storage and the infrastructure is different from what it's going to be on.
Prem do those i SVS that you use support a cloud native solution. A lot of them are putting storage in the cloud but they might not be running their environments in the cloud. So that's more of an archiving solution. We talked about i SVS where um they want to get into the cloud, they put their legacy solutions in the cloud and then they find out that they're really not
efficient and some of the reasons why that is the state list versus the non stateless servers that have to stay up all the time so you can't take advantage of that suspend and resume functionality that agile management in the cloud if your applications can't support that. So it's an advertisement of the cloud that you have to be concerned about and then what have we been talking about the entire time performance, Right.
If we talk about performance, we have to make sure that whatever decision we make or whatever workflow we put in the cloud, we do our due diligence to test and make sure that we're going to get the performance that we need out of these applications fast forward for years and years. People have been in the practice of replacing their infrastructure and their storage every
3-5 years in health care, sometimes it's stretched out 5-7 years if they do not make any major changes. But in today's world we're introducing new changes all the time to technology and to stay the course for that long in that technology and it's a little tough. Well that's a positive and a negative about the cloud with the cloud. You're going to be running their latest and
greatest stuff all the time, which is great, pure can offer the exact same thing with evergreen. However, one of the things you have to consider is as a solution gets long in the tooth or legacy. There's changes that come out. You need to be able to have an isolation from the production system. You need to have that development for that test
solution where you can feel comfortable about taking on changes, testing them and moving them forward to a production system. This is a great use of the cloud being able to test things outside of the environment and knowing that they're gonna work when you put them into production. Public clouds also have a privacy concern.
P H I is everywhere. I talked about it earlier. If you're going to move it into the cloud, you have to understand how that particular cloud deals with ph I where are the protections, where's the high availability, where's the disaster recovery? Where is that data being stored and where is it being replicated to? Can it be replicated or is it a one stop shop,
you know? All right. Once you get there, you're there? It's not like you they're going to be buying another array in 3-5 years. You're stuck in a contract in there and it better work for you all the way through or it's just gonna be a nightmare from day one. So make sure that any solution that you're
going to move to the cloud, make sure that that's being tested all the way through from the absolute ingestion of the data to the viewing of that data. I'll give you an example of something that we ran into a few years ago. Is we, I had a troubleshooting problem where this individual, this particular individual was trying to see a report and they could not see its report.
It would not show up on any of their devices. So they put a remote session on a PC in a lab and all of a sudden there it is, it worked. It worked every single time that report was running. So we were pretty much late into the night trying to troubleshoot this thing. And we found out, I said to the individual. I said,
so is this a type of PC that everybody views these reports on? And he says, oh no, they'll never use these. They use tablets for that report. We went out, we couldn't find one tablet to work because the report wasn't geared toward running on a tablet. All right. It never would have worked.
We asked, well wait a second, how about, you know, there was this tested, it was tested in a test environment that only had pcs, it didn't have tablets associated to for networking purposes and there was a, you know, a limit, understanding the workflow from the beginning all the way to the end is so important prior to moving into the cloud, can you go to the next side?
Yeah, so is the cloud right for you for your E I I think you know experts like Mark and ERIC, you guys are the ones that are going to be able to walk them through these workloads. We know from a technical perspective, latency is an absolute key. If you have a terrible internet connection, you're not going to see the performance that you are used to if you move it off prompt, understanding the networking as long along
with the storage along with the compute and the devices that are going to be used to view these things are all very, very important. The cloud allows you to simplify in a lot of different means but it does add a little bit of complexity if things do not work correctly. Those experts that used to run the I. T. Department that had the finger,
they were their arms length away from all the infrastructure, the VMS, the storage, they all need to change their expertise to be able to troubleshoot in the cloud if there is a problem and that is a whole, another type of troubleshooting expertise that is going to be or skill level that is going to be required uh and probably a little bit more expensive.
So these are all little things that we want to take, you know, into consideration. Perhaps yuri HR can live happily in the cloud, but yuri, I know it's not gonna work if you don't have the right connectivity in the right testing suite, it could, you know, post some problems down the road. That's right. It's a balancing act, I think it's probably the
easiest way to say it and there's many different ways and each institution is going to have its own unique advantages to approach the cloud as well as disadvantages that have to be factored in the whole pros cons analysis will need to be done in terms of what is our latency to the, to this public cloud versus that public cloud. More importantly though, again, it comes back to the thing we keep talking about which is the
workflow, the workflow of how data flows through how patients data flows through your health care system really needs to be understood not just at a clinical level, but even at an I. T level and you need to marry that together in terms of trying to figure out how you make a decision on what kind of changes you, you know, you may implement and so cloud can take many forms,
Yeah, chris I agree with you. Hybrid is probably a great way. I mean it's it's here. It's just like the ai space, in fact, it's obviously much more mature. All of us are users of cloud today, arguably in some way, shape or form from a personal level and it's and it's going to change healthcare for the better.
But let's make sure we don't stub our toes too early and do the wrong thing. Just by racing into the cloud, it's definitely not a destination. It's more of that journey right that we need to take their so yeah, it's, I appreciate everybody except that not everything is cloud oriented yet, but we are much better than we were even three years, four years ago.
Right. Just massive changes have been made. Some of the concerns have gone away. Some of the companies that have moved into the cloud have discovered goods and bads and and in the cloud we have to give them credit. They've adapted to it and we aren't. We recognize that. But if the, if the only reason why you're going to the cloud is to save I.
T. Or space on the D. C. I think pure as a service can address both of those very, you know, economy basically they can address those beans and maybe save you some money down the road. Yeah, exactly. I mean the takeaway here is we're not trying to necessarily convince anybody just to buy pure,
but at the end of the day, if better technology exists that allows you to start your journey faster to the cloud or maybe you're not a cloud fan at all and you don't need to go there, but you are looking to take advantage of what the cloud has to offer. You know, the point here is that there are better technology solutions that have been born right to, to directly address those challenges.
And, and, and that's what pure did. That's what we do. And that's why we're here in health care in particular. And, you know, it's performance where it matters. It's simplicity, right chris of course, where it matters, It is, it's pretty much very much a cloud like conversation, but it's,
it's, it's there, it's physical, it's tangible for you. Um, or you can consume it just like the cloud. And at the end of the day, we don't want to just be a partner of yours, which is just looking at the next handout, looking to just sell your capacity. We fully want to understand your workflow, we wanna understand your challenges, what you're trying to do and where you're trying to
go. And we're trying to then determine if we can give you a better outcome. And so, you know, with that we do really appreciate everybody. Again, if you're not from the industry, I hope you stayed with us and it was hopefully, um, some interesting takeaways, um, I appreciate everybody's chats and hellos.
We've got, we've got people from almost all over the place here, All all the States. But with that I'd like to pass it over to Emily. Wonderful. Thank you guys so much. Thanks Mark and chris for great webinar today. Um, I have randomly drawn a raffle winner for the air purifier this morning. Um, William m from texas.
I will email you with some more information and we thank you all for joining us today. We hope you check out pure storage dot com to view all of our upcoming webinars and remember a new window should pop up with a very short six question survey. We'd appreciate your feedback and you will receive a follow up email with a recording And another shout out. We do have our pure accelerate tech fest coming
up on June 8th. Um, it is digital. So we hope that you will use the QR code to register for our accelerator program. Great! Thank you guys so much. I'll talk to you later. Bye.
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Mark Dobbs

Senior Healthcare Strategic Alliances Manager, Pure Storage

Erik Nystrom

Enterprise Imaging Solution Architect, Global Alliances, Pure Storage

Chris Bokis

Principal Healthcare Engineer, Pure Storage

Breakthroughs in enterprise imaging are driving innovations that enable organisations to see more patients and ultimately improve both patient and business outcomes. Central to these innovations are strategies to consolidate, connect and protect the data that facilitates clinical decision making. 

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  • Remaining future-ready as the medical arena adopts more use cases around AI/ML
  • The negative implications of cloud deployment as it pertains to use cases such as PACS/VNA and patient workflow

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