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Meet Our People

Mollie Golden

Mollie Golden has been with Pure from its earliest days, rising from inside sales manager to chief of staff to President David “Hat” Hatfield and now chief of staff to Chief Operating Officer Paul Mountford. She describes the evolution of her thriving career—and how the culture at Pure supports her newest role as a parent.

"Three Careers, One Company: My Many Roles at Pure"

How has Pure enabled your career growth?

Pure wants people to be challenged and do what they’re passionate about, even if that means learning on the job or moving to an entirely new department. The company makes an enormous effort to invest in people and to make sure they have a clear career-development path. That’s certainly been the case with me.

Before becoming Hat’s chief of staff, I was considering a few different avenues, including a partner training track. But there was a sense that we needed a go-to-market (GTM) chief of staff, even though the role was still largely undefined. I knew my skills could help fill the gap, and I jumped at the opportunity. And I’m not an anomaly. Because we’re growing so quickly, there are new roles opening up all the time, including some we couldn’t have imagined needing 6 or 12 months ago.

Tell us how you first came to Pure and the roles you’ve taken on since.

My former company had been acquired by HP and I was looking for a new startup opportunity. I wanted to be part of building something and Pure had a vision for flash storage that was smaller, cheaper, faster, and better.

While Pure was still in stealth mode and beta testing with customers, I was hired to run inside sales. I managed that team for the first few years, building Inside Sales across the US and EMEA. At that point, Hat, who then lead GTM, offered me the chance to expand the training and onboarding for  Inside Sales to include everyone involved in sales across the organization. That was hugely appealing because the best part of my job has always been helping to make people better. So, from Inside Sales I moved to managing Sales Training and Enablement.

Three years later, I’m Paul’s chief of staff. My role combines working directly for Paul and supporting the full GTM leadership team. I manage an ongoing view of the priorities, projects, decisions, and actions for GTM as well as making sure the group is aligned and that we’re thoughtful about our communications and annual planning. I also run our GTM internal meetings and help with internal messaging and budgets. I wear a lot of hats.


What has changed at Pure—and what has stayed the same?

Pure has grown to more than 3,000 employees. We’re still fast and flexible, but processes can take longer than they used to. We have to be more patient, which gives us the opportunity to build a stronger operational business and to make better decisions. The culture we’ve created is one of our greatest consistencies. Everyone here takes ownership over their work, and they have a sense of pride in our company, in the quality of the team we’ve built and how we’ve been able to constantly innovate. I’m really proud that we’ve been able to maintain that consistency during a period of rapid growth. 

At Pure, culture isn’t just about scooters in the office, abundant snacks, or a meditation room. Culture means taking ownership and working with people who reach across the cross-functional aisle. It’s about being part of a team, being persistent, and meeting challenges with creative solutions.


You recently became a parent. How do parents and families fit within Pure’s culture?

Until I had my son, I didn’t fully realize how much Pure is a true family company with understanding and supportive leadership. Managers have the flexibility to allow employees to figure out what’s best for them within their functions, whether that’s working from home or at odd hours. We also have a generous parental leave policy for a company of our size. 

In the last few years, we’ve really improved the way we communicate our benefits for parents. When I came back from maternity leave, I worked with others to start the “Parents of Pure” affinity group. We partner with HR to make sure Pure’s resources for parents are constantly evolving. HR recently signed an agreement with Cleo to offer additional parental benefits, including postpartum support and video coaching. We want employees to know that they have a community of peers around them who understand what they’re experiencing and are here to support them.

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