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Pure Storage and Waitrose

Hospital del Mar Adapts to New Technologies to Stay Innovative

Hospital del Mar modernizes its infrastructure to prepare for the implementation of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) or neurolinguistic programming (NLP).


Hospital del Mar is one of the oldest hospital centers in Barcelona and a key reference in the biomedical research sector. To modernize its Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and prepare it for the implementation of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) or neurolinguistic programming (NLP), they have installed a cluster of four Pure Storage® arrays in a business continuity configuration. The implementation has met their growing storage needs, improved the performance and availability of the systems and simplified the management of the IT department, as well as offering a platform ready for the future.


  • Healthcare


  • EMEA / Spain


Use Cases

  • Virtual Server Infrastructure – VMware®



  • Updating the existing storage platform.
  • Planning capacity for 4-5 years.
  • Implementing emerging technologies such as IA and NLP.
  • Small IT department (4 professionals).


Business Transformation

With the Pure Storage flash storage solution, Hospital del Mar modernized its storage infrastructure to adapt it to the new technologies that break into the medical sector.

IT Transformation

  • Exponential improvement of performance in critical processes.
  • Great response speed for new technological projects.
  • Ability to meet the high number of users.
  • Storage management as a service with minimum dedication.

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