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Swiss Red Cross ICT infrastructure

Swiss Red Cross Remains Able to Act, Even in an Emergency

Humanitarian organization improves performance of its critical ICT systems while staying within budget for operating expenses.


The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) is a humanitarian organization belonging to the global Red Cross network. The ICT Services department provides information and communication technologies (ICT) services not only for its own customers, such as the Red Cross Cantonal Associations, but also for partner organizations such as the Swiss Refugee Council. To ensure it can offer help wherever needed, the SRC requires a flexible and reliable ICT infrastructure. Thanks to its improved ICT environment, the SRC can concentrate fully on its main task: providing rapid and unconditional help in all crises.


  • Humanitarian Organization


  • Switzerland

Use Cases

  • VSI – Citrix® XenServer®
  • VDI – Citrix XenDesktop, Citrix XenApp
  • Database – Microsoft® SQL Server
  • ERP



Increasing volumes of data and a growing number of users resulted in ever-higher latency times on virtual machines. This was particularly critical for the operation of the Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop environments. With a workload of 5,000 to 6,000 IOPS, the legacy disk-based SAN solution was no longer able to supply the required performance and was extremely complicated to manage. Special adaptations were not only very complex, but could only be implemented by an external specialist.


Business Transformation

The ICT Services department of the Swiss Red Cross has significantly reduced the total operating costs of its storage infrastructure with Pure Storage. This positions the organization to continue to offer customers its services at an attractive price without having to cut corners in terms of quality and performance.

IT Transformation

  • The organization has achieved high availability.
  • Management has been simplified.
  • Latencies are low.
  • Data processing is now 5-7 times faster.

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