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5G Networks

Consolidating Data Centers for Top Performance

When consolidating data centers into a single new built-for-purpose facility, telecommunications-provider 5G Networks needed to minimize customer disruptions while ensuring data integrity and security—and did so with Pure Storage.


5G Networks serves corporate and government clients across Australia with telecommunications services, co-location, data center and outsourced infrastructure provision, MSP, and Managed IT services. With storage as the heart of its business, the company prioritizes data integrity, security, and availability. As part of a data center consolidation, 5G Networks adopted Pure Storage, gaining very stable and very fast performance while reducing its storage footprint, power consumption, and management burden.


  • Telecommunications


  • Asia Pacific, Japan

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications



  • Set up a new data center while minimizing customer impact
  • Reduce environmental impact of data centers
  • Spend less time manually managing storage environment


Business Transformation

  • Consolidate two leased data centers into a single, built-for-purpose data center
  • Deliver fast, reliable services for corporate and government clients
  • Migrated thousands of live customer services with little to no service interruptions

IT Transformation

  • Migrated 1.5 petabytes of data in half the expected time
  • Decreased rack footprint by 65%, reducing power and cooling
  • Focused resources on customer service by streamlining storage management

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Llámenos: 800-976-6494

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Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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