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Largest Czech Bank Supports Growing Data with Pure

Česká spořitelna simplifies storage with Pure Storage, supporting new customer services and critical applications.


Česká spořitelna, the largest bank in the Czech Republic, chose Pure Storage FlashArray to support next-generation services and applications. Pure Storage brings flexibility, speed, agility, and efficiency to the storage environment while also simplifying management with Pure1.


  • Banking and Financial Services


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Application
  • Modernize Data Protection



The existing legacy storage was complex with demanding maintenance and administrative requirements. IT staff struggled with difficult upgrades and integration with the VMware virtualization platform. Slow restoration times also affected availability for customers.


Business Transformation

  • Increases productivity to launch new customer services faster
  • Improves customer experience by minimizing downtime of digital services
  • Attracts talented IT staff with innovative projects

IT Transformation

  • Saves the infrastructure team thousands of admin hours per year
  • New storage halves data center space and reduces power consumption by 20%
  • Simplifies manageability through close integration with VMware
  • Recovers operations in minutes benefits customers who do not even notice outages

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