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CNAF Accelerates Services for Beneficiaries

CNAF turned to Pure Storage® to improve business continuity while dramatically improving performance for families across France.


CNAF is the public institution responsible for paying family benefits in France. The organization needs to minimize interruptions to better serve families. With Pure Storage, CNAF boosts performance and business continuity, delivering better experiences for beneficiaries.


  • Public Sector


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Application



The legacy storage equipment could not keep up with growing volumes of website visitors and processes involving more data, leading to disruptions. The organization needed to improve availability with equipment that would be easy to manage by the small IT team.


Business Transformation

  • Significant improvement in service to beneficiaries
  • Minimized business disruption with stronger business continuity strategy
  • Simplified storage and delivered self-service capabilities for developers

IT Transformation

  • Accelerated website response time to less than one millisecond for beneficiaries
  • Saved IT team 10% to 15% on daily storage administration
  • 7x reduction in the rack space, resulting in significant reduction in energy costs

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