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Fighting Crime with a Modern IT Backbone

When legacy spinning disk storage slowed investigations and put efficient data analysis at risk, this government department switched to the Pure Storage data platform.


With a presence across the United States and around the world, this government department upholds the rule of law and administers justice, protecting citizens’ rights, and keeping the country safe. Using Pure Storage solutions, its law and justice agencies increase operational efficiency and improve storage management productivity. The department cut its data center footprint significantly, and keeps storage current without extensive planning, disruptions, or costly forklift upgrades.


  • Government


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Achieve Sustainability
  • Activate Real Time Analytics
  • Enable Multi-cloud


Aging spinning disk storage and increasingly data-intensive and unpredictable workloads slowed the progress of investigations and prosecutions. Upgrades were expensive, lengthy, and highly disruptive. The department needed a way to escape long hardware procurement cycles that made capacity planning difficult and time-consuming.


Business Transformation

  • Empowers agencies to innovate with more modern, efficient operations
  • Strengthens protection for citizens, making the most of taxpayer dollars
  • 15% improvement in storage management productivity across 200+ sites

IT Transformation

  • Achieves sub-millisecond response times and restores data in minutes 
  • Benefits from the latest storage capabilities with non-disruptive upgrades 
  • Cuts purchasing times by months and gains scalability with subscription storage

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Llámenos: 800-976-6494

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Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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