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Pure Storage and Foschini Group

The Foschini Group Gains Real-Time Access to Critical Data and Provides High-Quality Customer Shopping Experiences


The Foschini Group (TFG), one of South Africa’s leading retailers, needed a robust storage infrastructure to guarantee high-performance and 24/7 availability of applications for forecasting and customer management. By partnering with Pure Storage®, TFG now has a modern storage infrastructure that is reliable and offers sub-millisecond latencies. In addition, with the Pure Evergreen™ Storage business model and the Pure1® storage management console, TFG can proactively manage any performance issues and easily scale storage in line with business needs, without any forklift upgrades or disruption to the business.


  • Retail


  • South Africa

Use Cases

  • Database – Microsoft® SQL Server, SAP®, Oracle®, SAS
  • VSI – VMware® vSphere®



  • Legacy infrastructure included a number of disparate storage subsystems with unacceptable latency and response times.


Business Transformation

TFG employees now have real-time access to critical data for forecasting and understanding customer buying habits, allowing them to better control inventory and provide high-quality customer shopping experiences.

IT Transformation

  • Performance and availability of business-critical applications improved significantly.
  • Pure1 enables IT team to have a holistic view of the Pure Storage infrastructure and gain granular, minute-by-minute control over performance issues.
  • The Pure Evergreen Storage business model allows easy scalability without any downtime or disruption in service to business.

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