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Building Innovation for Smart, Healthy Workplaces

On a mission to make building environments smarter, healthier, and more sustainable, Johnson Controls turned to Portworx® by Pure Storage® for help in driving continuous innovation.


A world leader in smart buildings, Johnson Controls needed a better way to drive continuous innovation. To be nimbler, the company required greater transparency and resiliency in its development environment. Johnson Controls adopted a multi-cloud approach and standardized on Portworx, bringing consistency to the way it deploys and maintains cloud applications. Portworx protects all customer data and core data workloads with backup and replication.


  • Technology


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Enable Multicloud
  • Modernize Data Protection


Johnson Controls
Johnson Controls, our Cloud Champion winner, uses Pure Storage to help power the world’s smartest buildings.


The company’s large footprint of technology stacks built up over time made it difficult to monitor the entire operation or track performance of different services. Cyberthreats and data protection concerns were on the rise and the company needed a rapid recovery solution.  To accelerate innovation, Johnson Controls needed a nimbler development environment.


Business Transformation

  • Increases speed, innovation, reliability, and security for faster time to market
  • Protects data from loss and cyberthreat, and reduces recovery time
  • Enables measurement of success of each product and service using consistent metrics

IT Transformation

  • Centralizes management of data storage, backup and disaster recovery
  • Allows all stateful workloads to be moved to Kubernetes-based deployments
  • Supports synchronous data replication across nodes in Kubernetes clusters for rapid recovery

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