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Pederzoli Delivers Innovation in Patient Services

Private healthcare organization Pederzoli Group speeds physician access to diagnostic images for faster examinations and less patient wait time by modernizing with Pure Storage.


A leader in accredited private healthcare, Pederzoli Group aims to better serve its growing user base by modernizing its IT infrastructure. The Group selected high-performance Pure Storage® FlashArray™ to improve patient care with faster examinations that allow more appointments each day. FlashArray also adds disaster recovery and security features that help Pederzoli Group protect patient privacy and defend against cybercriminal activities.


  • Healthcare


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications



The traditional storage environment at Pederzoli Group was underperforming, causing operational slowdowns that increased patient wait times. With more than 120,000 medical imaging files created daily by patient diagnostic imaging services, systems struggled to keep up. And while additional storage was required, hospital space was at a premium and related energy consumption was not sustainable.


Business Transformation

  • Delivers faster patient diagnosis with more tests performed daily
  • Enhances sustainability by reducing footprint and power consumption
  • Supports ever-changing medical technology and software

IT Transformation

  • Increases storage read/write speed, reducing wait times
  • Increases storage efficiency with 1.5:1 deduplication and compression ratio
  • Reduces data center footprint by 75% and also cuts energy consumption

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